Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Rice Krispy House

I have always wanted to do a gingerbread house with the kids, but they have always been to young until now! The gingerbread house seemed kind of hard to put together so I found this rice krispy house kit and thought this was perfect. The kit even came with a pan to make the house out of. We were going to decorate the house last night, but Jason didn't get home from church until 9pm. Ya, that was just a little to late for the kids. So, since we had to come into town tonight, Jason thought it was a good idea to make it with his parents.

Jason had to check up on the football game every once in a while!
I just love this picture! Both of them working so hard to make their house pretty!

The end result! Brady is all about putting things in a line. I love the gum drops lined up across the house! They did a great job, don't you think!

The catcher

This picture tells a lot about brady. He is our sports lover and is constantly playing some kind of sport at home with his dad, me or grandpa's. This picture was taken one Sunday evening playing baseball and he had to make sure that he had his catcher attire on. His gloves are pajamas still in the package and his helmit is a fire fighter hat! Oh the imagination! I sure do love this little boy!
He had told me one day that when he grows up he wants to play baseball, basketball, golf, soccer, tennis and be a cowboy and bull ride. Boy are we going to have our hands full when he grows up!

My Little Helpers

I sure do enjoy my little helpers. Sometimes they make it easy for me and other times, I have to come back and redo what they did. I am forever grateful for their eagerness to learn and help me every chance they can. Emma is delayed in her speech and so we are constantly talking to her so that one day she can pick up on the sounds. Thankfully her hearing aides have started helping her hear better and she is now up to about 6 words. :) Brady is such a great big brother. Emma will pull out the silverware from the dishwasher, hand it to him, and he will tell her what she has given him and then he puts it away. (Our speech therapist believes that Emma will learn more from him, then us)
Boy do I really not care to clean the toilets, but I sure do love that my daughter does! Emma is getting alot better about mimmicking (sp?) the things that we do. With my pregnant belly it does get hard sometimes to get the smaller things and Emma will be right there to clean up the rest! She is going to make a great mom one day! I had to take this picture because I actually didn't clean the toilets that day. Her favorite new toy is to get the toilet brush and clean the toilet!

Pretty in Pink

This is my pretty in pink little girl Emma! She is now 20 months old and such a doll! We enjoy her very much!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


About a month, I would write down some of the things that Brady would say that just crack us up. Here are a few:
*Brady-"I want to watch the deer movie. Mom, where is my gun?"
Brady-"So I can shoot the deer!"

*Mom-"Brady I have had enough..."
Brady-"What are you talking about?"

*Brady-"Are the coyotes out right now?"
Mom-"No, it's still light out."
Brady-"The coyotes come out at night. "
Mom-"Ya, they come out to eat naughty boys like you."
Brady-"And mommy, daddy and Emma"

*Brady gives me a kiss and then says, "we're married"

*"Mommy is having a baby and Emma will when she is married."

*10-18-10-(Had another ultrasound)-Nahnie-"What's your baby brothers name?"
Brady-"Um.... Comet"
(Everything that is ready for the baby, Brady believes it is for baby comet.)

*Dad-"Brady, when is Santa coming?"
Brady-"Santa is coming to town!" (While singing the song)

*Dad-"Brady do you know when we celebrate Christmas?"
Brady-"On Thursday!" (I didn't even know he new some of the days of the week)

*Mom-"Brady, now that you went poop in the potty, we need to wipe your butt."
Brady-"Ok. Don't get your hands dirty. "

*(I am changing my nephews diaper who is 17 months old)
Brady-"Oh, Connor has a penis just like Brady does."
Mom-"Yes, all boys have a penis"
Brady-"Connor has a baby penis and I have a Big Huge Penis!"

*12-5-10-Brady-"Its not dark"
Daddy-"It is dark outside."
Brady-"No. It is dark brown"

*12-6-10-Brady-"What is that man doing?"
Nahnie-"He is shoveling dirt."
Brady-"Yah, that's right!"

*12-9-10-Brady-"Did Emma go poop?"
Mom-"Yes, Poop and Pee"
Brady-"Gross Emma! Bleh- You just made me puke!"

*12-20-10-Mom-"Are you going to sit on and talk to Santa tonight?"
Mom-"What will you ask Santa for Christmas?"
Mom-"What else?"
Brady-"Strawberries and Oranges!"
(I guess instead of buying gifts we should have just bought him food!)

I just love my little Brady. He cracks me up every day with the things that he says. I can't believe he is going to be 3 in March. My little boy is growing up so fast! He is a 2 1/2 year old who is like going on 10! I will have to post next time of the little smarty pants he is!