Friday, December 12

The Brady Bunch has been one of Millie's very favorite shows since she was in diapers.
(It was really hard on Mack, lol!)
 I made our cartoon portraits with the kids and it made me think of baby Millie on the couch with her bottle, eyes glued to the Brady bunch...
I always imagine the song is talking about our family.. You do too, right??


Friday, August 15

Our Traditional "Hot Date Night"

Friday nights our family always goes out together on a date. 
Our kids talk about our so called ''hot date'' all day Friday.
I get a kick out of hearing them chatting together about the 
HOT DATE we will be going on.

After Curling Millie's hair and Spraying cologne on Mac, we are ready to go. :)

We went school shopping then to dinner...
I can't believe Millie's starting Kindergarten!!
 I have already cried too many times over the fact that my baby will be gone at school every day!

Lu is not bleeding in this next picture, she had been sucking on the red flower.
And was in desperate need of a nap.
 Lulu fell asleep at dinner, that never happens. (It was lovely)

Tuesday, August 12

Millie made the team!!

Millie tried out to be on a team at Jazz 'n Place. 
Some how it was one of the most stressful moments of my life. 
I have this thing I do, its super weird. If I don't do all that I can do to make things happen for her, 
I am really, really extremely hard on myself. 
I always have so much...I don't know, HOPE for Millie.
I want her to work hard for her dreams, and achieve them.
I'm sure there are other Mommy's out there who do the same thing, Why do we do this to our self's? :)

Wednesday, April 9

 Mack turns FOUR. 
And we went to the Arenacross. 
I love this little dude. He IS my heart.
One of my favorite things he does right now-
He will be talking, and stop mid sentience to tell me-
"I love you mom" In the most lovely gravely sweet voice. I love that he tells us how he feels,
 exactly when he (I LOVE YOU MACK) feels it.
 We were so excited to go PARTY with our oldest Littles.

 My girlie 

Our favorite Uncle Ammon. He spoils these kids rotten.

Monday, March 31

Rocka is cutting teeth and I want to cry.
Do you love making out with your gummy babies as much as I do?
Okay its more like he's eating mama's face, 
but it is my favorite thing in the whole entire world..
And if he is my last baby. 
How do I ask someone else to frenchie their babies..LOL jk (kind of)
I think I want to cry ten times a day, 
as I'm being completely mauled by this beautiful baby.
Some people may think it is weird and wrong to play baby bird with your baby...
 I think it's so right.

Wednesday, March 26

Mac Muffin The Artist
Do you see those little guys down at the bottom of our chalk board?  
They are 
He had the biggest smile on his face today when he came and got me, saying-
 "Mom look what I did!" 
I've never seen him so proud...Millie has told him a ton lately that he doesn't know how to draw, because he was still in the "scribbling'' stage. Which I think made this even more of a triumph for Mac.

Friday, March 21

Daddy has moved Offices!
My whole life has been put on hold...Or maybe fast forward. I'm not really sure!
It is a ton bigger, and we love it! It has been crazy amounts of work trying to get it together and furnished and decorated..Here is a picture of the desk AFTER Allie PUT IT TOGETHER..Yep me! 
And here are some of the things I've been working on this week. It is coming along slowly but surly. I'll have to post some more pictures as we finish up.
Trying to work out lots of little problems like, No hardware. Wrong parts Etc. Etc.
Labor of love...I love you babe...Even if i do spend all your money...At all times.

Monday, March 17

The cutest thing in the whole world is when little sister is sad, 
and runs to big sister for comfort.
It melts both my heart and Millie's. 
Lu runs with both arms out and buries her head into Millie.
I love them! 

Friday, March 14

Thanks babe...Those are things I really needed to hear tonight! 

Aren't we so glad our husbands always know exactly what we need to hear, when we need to hear it??
I know I am...

Wednesday, March 12

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!
Jason's breakfast choice
 BLTs and Donuts!
I'm just glad it wasn't one of his usual breakfast choices, Spaghetti, Pizza, Steak...
Anything that makes my stomach turn in the morning.

 It's in Jason's new office. We are so excited! A super fun gift for my Lover.

Friday, March 7

The honest truth is...being a mom is hard, I'm not talking about a little hard. I'm talking I need a shrink most days, can't do this again tomorrow! "Why does anyone ever have kids?", kind of hard. It changes you in ways you never would have thought possible in a million years, like I haven't looked in the mirror all day, I have baby pooh on my pants. pee on my shirt and spit-up in my hair and I haven't even had the thought of getting in the shower cross my mind. 

I had four kids in four years, and honestly there have been times where I've felt like I was drowning, that my day to day craziness was more then I could handle.


It's getting better! I'm feeling some relief. It's come as they've gotten a little bit older, and  I feel like I'm able to breathe again. I look at my kids lately and think "this is too easy" And it's not really that it's easy it's just that I can handle it! 

I love my little family more then anything in the entire world, and I've never loved so fiercely, or intensely as I love them. I'm so glad no one ever told me how hard it would be because It is also the best thing I've ever done. And it is what we are sent here on earth to do. we aren't suppose to be selfish, we are suppose to be selfless. And as mothers that is definitely what we have to be!

But while we are being SELFLESS Lets not forget who we are in these crazy years with young children. I'm going to remember who Allie is, I'm going to apply the lip gloss I love while sitting home with my kids. I'm going to wear my rufflie apron and bunny slippers and dance around the kitchen like a manic with my kids singing at the top of my lungs...Because when I'm happy I'm a better mom and they are happier better kiddos.

I'm going to remember that these years are fleeting and to try so hard to be joyful,
 and soak in all the little special things.

 And I am going to forgive my self when I completely fail. Because there are those times..few and far between, that I don't fail...The times that I'm a really, really good mom.
The Days are Long and yet the Years are Short

Monday, March 3

 Millie passed off her book in preschool,
it was one that she was struggling with a little bit- and we are so proud of her!
We decided if she passed her book off this week she would get the date she had been begging for.
 So we got to go on a ''HOT DATE".. Shopping and lunch!
 Thanks babe for watching the other kiddos while we Played.
 We have so much fun together, Me and my Millie.
I'm so grateful to have a built-in-to-my-life, Best Friend ;)

Friday, February 28

Thursday, February 27

Bike ride to Nans 
Mackie wore his Motorcycle helmet, he is completely obsessed with it.
I always wanted a little MAN for a son, he is no wuss that Mac. He is a real man ;)
LU and her nail polish. She is a girlie girl..Yep I've got two of those too...Lucky I know.
And Rock..He was born baby talking in Baritone.
 I love my People.

Sunday, February 23

Saturday, February 22

 My little "Little"
She is a crazy one this LuLu. She doesn't talk, but she'll tell you what she wants. 
She is like a Caveman, Grunting and pointing. 
Now I totally know how they communicated! HE HE ;)
 She can do this long series of grunts
 and it's as if she has clearly told me what she wants.
What Goose you want a sandwich and you want me to come play dolls with you in your room? Alright, Alright, I'll bring a snack... 

Friday, February 21

Mackie made his first paper airplane today!!!
I am honestly the most proud Mama!! 
Also a giant bonus- I may not have to make five million Airplanes a day...YAY!
We have paper airplanes stuck everywhere in my house right now, In the curtain rods, behind the TV, wedged behind pictures....Everywhere!
 That's what you get when you have a son who is truly passionate!
Side note
Today Mac hit me in the eye with one- like he was right next to me and jammed it into my eyeball, I crinkled his airplane up and throw it...he was devastated LOL Does that make me a bad mom? (luckily it only lasted until he picked up another plane ;)

Tuesday, February 18

It was one of "THOSE" days today
Good thing I have a friend that had one of  ''Those" days too.
 We cleaned our cars at SuperSonic today..I don't think I've ever had so much fun in my entire life....
As when I was vacuuming!!! I couldn't believe what that vacuum would suck up!! 
Who needs to clean their car out...Not me, I sucked up whole toys! BYE BYE mess!!!


