Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring into Easter

It is now Spring and this year I finally have gardens. I have been wanting to grow a vegetable garden for years and to have some color in my front yard. Me and the boys went to the nursery and they helped me pick out some flowers. Alex and I couldn't agree on the colors so we ended up with one of each. That made him very happy. With a little help from the scouts we got the flowers planted in the front. I love them, it is amazing what the beauty of gods creations can do to you, it makes me happy to see them and to help them grow. I have also started a small raised vegetable garden. My mom and boys helped me plant the seeds a few weeks ago and now I can see "the fruits of my labors" I am so excited.

We had a great Easter this year. Way to much candy but full of Easter egg hunts and egg coloring and Easter morning fun. We went to the city egg hunt the boys had fun but it was way crowded. After that we had Easter party with some close friends with egg hunts cookies and egg coloring. The Easter bunny likes to leave a trail of jelly beans around the house and this year he left a trail to the Easter baskets the boys were so excited.

The boys were very excited to show off when the Easter bunny brought and the gifts from their grandparents. I have added the Easter morning videos if you want to watch.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

St. Patrick's Day and sunny days

This is our St. Patrick's day breakfast. It might be hard to see in the picture but the Leprechauns visited in the night and changed our milk and yogurt green. The boys were so excited. To add I made green pancakes and for lunch we had green Macaroni and cheese.
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You can't beat the fun of a box.
The weather was so warn this last week the boys wanted to eat dinner outside. They ate good and were so nice to each other I think they really needed the sunshine.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy birthday Alex

I can't believe my Alex is 4 years old. Even though I see him everyday but when I looked at his new photos I just couldn't believe how old he is looking. What a handsome little man. Alex has been in to superheros lately (what boy isn't), so we decided to have a superhero birthday party. This year we had a friend party and he had such a good time. Here are some pictures. Decorating cupcakes, and some of the costumes.

It is hard to see in the video but the kids have attacked the villain (Tony).They tackled him to the ground,and tied him up with here webbing (toilet paper).

Saturday, April 30, 2011


We had a good Easter this year. We took the kids to UVU for an Easter egg hunt and to meet the Easter bunny. Well it is a good thing there are good people. It was so crowded and not enough Easter eggs that we didn't get anything, but there was a nice mother that noticed and she gave some of theirs to Alex. The boys were excited to see the Easter bunny. I forgot to take my camera but we also made it to a community egg hunt and there was plenty of candy there. Our neighbors did an egg hunt at the church and I think it was the most fun very low key and plenty of eggs.
This is what the Easter bunny brought to Alex. Coloring the eggs was cool but eating them was a different story. Both boys spit them back out. The next videos are of out jellybean and egg hunt on Easter morning. I was surprised that Zach caught on to the hunting idea so fast, and didn't even try to east all the jellybeans.


So know I have already posted a video of Zach dancing to this song but he is a lot more animated with his face in this one I just wanted to share. There is also a video of Alex dancing. I think my grandpa Andersen would be proud of how well he can move his hips. >

Dirt all over.

It is a bit difficult to see but what you are seeing on the floor in this video is my potting soil from on of the flowers. This video doesn't do it justice there is a lot more dirt than it makes it seem.


Just having a good old time with spaghetti and my brother.