I cannot believe this little girl is 18 months (and then some, I'm behind). Lydia was 18 months at the beginning of the year. She has slowly progressed in her skills and we are excited for her. She finally started walking after constant scooting. She is slowly speaking more and more words. She got tested at early intervention and is behind in motor skills and speech, so we are waiting for PT evaluations to be scheduled for further care. Me, I'm not worried, this little girl just does things when she wants on her own time. :)
"Mrs." is what Jared likes to call her, she also will respond to Lyds, Yiya, Missy, girly, princess and cutie.
This is her spot to dance. Anytime music is turned on she stands right in front of the couch to start dancing. This girl loves music!
This is her go to dance move...shaking the arms up and down and bobbing up and down. She loves to dance like her mama.
So in all the music we have, Gangnam Style is her favorite. This is her doing the actual dance. She loves to copy us as we do different moves. In fact she comes to Zumba with me and will stand next to me and copy most the moves for a good 3-4 songs. It's the cutest thing ever!
One of her favorite spots in the house is to sit on the window sills in the bay windows in the front room. They are the perfect little seat for her and she loves to look out the window and just sit and read her books. She loves to read books.
Lydia's new favorite obsession is Baby Einstein videos. She insists on sitting in the computer chair all by herself and watching them. This is my go to when I'm making dinner. She loves them.
This little girl is such a joy to have. She loves to give hugs to those who are sad, such a girl thing, I love it. She still loves her binki, will eat anything, especially sweets. She signs a lot since she doesn't talk a lot. Her hair is getting long enough to actually style. She loves her shoes and always insists on wearing her shoes. She likes nursery - yeah! She sleeps well and is so fun to have in our family!