Christmas break flew by. We mainly hung out as a family and did a few things here and there. We went shopping, a couple parties, saw lights, movie day, Wii day, and of course previous posted festivities. We mainly hung out at home and played.
Lydia made a seat for herself by a bin next to me on the computer.
We played a family "Scoot Up" game. Jared asks them different questions and if they answer correctly they get to scoot up towards him, and first one to him wins. It's an old family game.
Tagg started off cheating by sitting in the middle of the room.
Lydia had enough hair to attempt piggies! So cute!
Jared went out of town later for a job interview. We sent him this picture.
Luke bless his heart shoveled the driveway about 4 days straight every morning. Rees helped a little before his bus, but Luke did most of it.
We have a long driveway too! Gotta love snow country!