My Valentines started in Jan. I had been stressed out with planning my family reunion and dealing with a stubborn 3 yr. old and 4 other kids. I had a mini melt down one night as I sat and cried to Jared. Gees, girls are so emotional! Jared sat me down in front of the computer and forced me to book a hair apt. and massage at a local spa. Bless that man! The next day he showed up with these!
Yellow is such a cheerful color - I loved them!
Then real Vday came. Now in the past I've been pathetic, so this year I decided to put a little more thought into it for the kids.
I got up early and made them pink heart pancakes.
I made their lunches with as much pink and red as possible and cut their sandwiches into hearts with a note on the bag.
I even cut cheese on these mini meatloaves in heart shapes for dinner! Although you couldn't tell once they were cooked. I made chocolate covered strawberries too and made heart shaped choc. chip cookies with strawberry ice cream and whip cream for dessert.
I heart-attacked everyone's door with things that I love about them!
The week leading up to Vday we had secret valentines that we were suppose to be serving. Monday before Vday I took the boys to Michaels to pick out a small present for their valentine. Jared wasn't there so 5 kids in a store was an act of love in itself.
Luke had Lydia - helped hold her and take care of her many times.
I had Tagg - I read him multiple stories, played with him, took him outside and just tried not to yell at him :)
Rees had Darin - he made bed, played with him, gave him a note with candy
Darin had Luke - he played with him, made his bed, did his chores, and tried not to fight with him
Lydia had Rees - she helped mom leave him notes, candy, and many chores
No pics, but Tagg had Jared - drew him a pic, gave him a cookie, made him breakfast, put his clothes away
Jared had Stacey - which I loved! He did many things, chores, took boys to school, some meals
All in all it was a good week of love! I love my family so much!