Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Are We Getting Older?

Jared had another Bday. I have to admit it was pretty pathetic and I'm pretty sure he was disappointed. I have yet to find that balance of husband happiness and family happiness. The week was busy with Vday happenings and Blue and Gold. Jared's bday was on a Saturday that was very booked up already. So Friday night I surprised him to going out to dinner with some of our close friends - to change it up a little. I also invited our niece down to visit and help with the kids. She graciously came down and helped out with our crazy day of, Bball, Elders Quorum stuff, baptism, and kid's bday party. Bless you Kelli!!

This picture cracks me up...1) he looks like Lydia 2) Jared is typically silly especially with the kids and 3) he'll probably kill me that I posted it.

Jared got all 3 meals requested and the kids and I made him a candy gram poster. I was going to order something online for his bday but pulled out last minute due to reviews and just gave him a promise to get it some how. Pretty lame. We did have milkshakes per his request but no candles were blown out...because come to think of it he was too full for his.

All in all Jared had a Bday.
I love that he is dedicated to his family, he is faithful in his faith and devoted to his career.
Love you Jared!

Blue and Gold 2012's that time of year again. Blue and Gold was in February and once again that means make a cake. Thank goodness the boys decided to do the cake together instead of individual ones. The theme was Bravery and we tossed around some ideas then they really wanted to do a Mario Bros. Cake. Whatever - I let them take the lead. They drew out the cake decided frosting colors and candy materials to use and what they wanted on it.

I encouraged them to draw the characters and put them in the cake instead of relying on mom to pipe them - that wasn't happening.

Darin was with me when we bought the candy for it and came up with the brilliant idea of using gold chocolate coins for the real coins. Always thinking that kid.

Rees and Luke were happy with it, and lets face it they really just wanted to eat it.

Here were some other cakes...they got Most Humorous.
We had a hot dog and milkshake dinner and during the program there was a fire in the kitchen that resulted in breaking the glass to get the fire extinguisher out and then the fire alarm going off. We evacuated and keep going until we were ready to go back in. It was very exciting!! Luke & Rees leaned back and even saw the fire. Darin was excited that it wasn't a fire was real! :)

Now Jared can't wait to make 2 pine wood derby cars for next months pack meeting!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Heart Day

My Valentines started in Jan. I had been stressed out with planning my family reunion and dealing with a stubborn 3 yr. old and 4 other kids. I had a mini melt down one night as I sat and cried to Jared. Gees, girls are so emotional! Jared sat me down in front of the computer and forced me to book a hair apt. and massage at a local spa. Bless that man! The next day he showed up with these!

Yellow is such a cheerful color - I loved them!

Then real Vday came. Now in the past I've been pathetic, so this year I decided to put a little more thought into it for the kids.

I got up early and made them pink heart pancakes.

I made their lunches with as much pink and red as possible and cut their sandwiches into hearts with a note on the bag.

I even cut cheese on these mini meatloaves in heart shapes for dinner! Although you couldn't tell once they were cooked. I made chocolate covered strawberries too and made heart shaped choc. chip cookies with strawberry ice cream and whip cream for dessert.

I heart-attacked everyone's door with things that I love about them!

The week leading up to Vday we had secret valentines that we were suppose to be serving. Monday before Vday I took the boys to Michaels to pick out a small present for their valentine. Jared wasn't there so 5 kids in a store was an act of love in itself.

Luke had Lydia - helped hold her and take care of her many times.

I had Tagg - I read him multiple stories, played with him, took him outside and just tried not to yell at him :)

Rees had Darin - he made bed, played with him, gave him a note with candy

Darin had Luke - he played with him, made his bed, did his chores, and tried not to fight with him

Lydia had Rees - she helped mom leave him notes, candy, and many chores

No pics, but Tagg had Jared - drew him a pic, gave him a cookie, made him breakfast, put his clothes away

Jared had Stacey - which I loved! He did many things, chores, took boys to school, some meals

All in all it was a good week of love! I love my family so much!


I finally got around to starting Lydia on solids. Yeah, when nursing is so convenient and it's baby number 5 you tend to do things later...or at least me. She does pretty well with the stuff. The boys love taking turns trying to shovel spoonfuls into her mouth.

Now we get to wait for teeth!