It's been a little while. Here is a quick summary of Christmas. After going back and forth if we should travel or not we opted to stay here in Oregon and have Christmas here and get some projects done. Jared needed to work on some articles, we needed to switch all the bedrooms around, Lydia was no longer welcome in ours so we needed to do an overhaul. And we were on the hunt for a new car. We didn't do anything too spectacular, but did some things off our winter break bucket list.
The boys had their school winter performance. It was hard to see and maybe I'm a terrible mother, but nothing too amazing. They stood, sang, and sat down. Short and sweet. I like that.
Darin is in the middle there staring at something.
Christmas Eve: we decided to just hang out, nothing fancy. We made snack foods for dinner, watched Christmas Story and sent the boys to bed. The 3 older boys slept in Rees' room and they pretty much went to sleep.
Sporting grandmas pjs.
Some of the loot before total chaos began.

Let the present opening begin!

Lydia's first Christmas...she was oblivious, but I was so excited for her!
I made each kid pose by their Santa loot.

Rees was so excited that they got this football Wii game!

Tagg had candy in his mouth no doubt.
The aftermath. I think they scored pretty good.
We ate our traditional Christmas brunch after presents, headed to church and then home. The boys tore into their legos from Grandparents since they could do that on Sunday.
Posing with their legos. I think I told them to say "thank you grandma!" We relaxed played some games and enjoyed being together as a family.
Later that week we reorganized our rooms. We bought new bunk beds, mattresses and some things. I guess I didn't take any pictures. Probably because the house was such a mess, I could barely think straight. But the boys are situated, Rees with Luke and Darin with Tagg and princess Lydia gets her own room. :) And Jared and I finally have our room back. Yeah!