Friday, May 21, 2010

Soccer Fun!

The boys just finished their spring soccer season. They both improved and did a great job. They both excelled at defense, and played full back, sweeper most of their games. Soccer time is crazy with practices and games but is so much fun! Good thing I like sports since I'll be doing this for the rest of my life. :)

Luke sportin' his uniform.

Rees kickin' it before the last games begin.

My boys before loading into the car for 5 hours at the soccer fields.

Luke with his power kick.

Going for another power kick.

Luke's team, Mets, and their coaches. They got trophies after the game that I failed to take a still picture of. They were so excited.

Now to Rees' game, beating out his opponent for the ball.

Staying with the ball and following through.

Defending the goal with his awesome skills.

Rees getting his trophy with his coach saying, "pound for pound Rees packed a punch."

Rees' team, Cheetahs, with their coaches and coveted trophies.

Their trophies, (sorry the flash kind of brightened out their names). Yeah soccer!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Motherhood Moments

Happy belated Mother's Day to you all! Thanks to you all who I secretly admire as mothers and want to be like! One of the greatest things about being a mom is enjoying those fun little mother's moments. So the other day I let Tagg run around in his diaper because he loves it. He was climbing and sliding up and down the stairs and then I came downstairs and found this.....

Check out the sumo/loin cloth diaper action.

Up close, he was walking forward as I took the pic and cut his head off.

I was totally laughing at him and emailed Jared the pics to brighten his day.

Friday, May 7, 2010

My Big Boy is 4!

Darin turned 4 last week. I think it's weird because I had him here, it shows how long we have been in Oregon. He couldn't wait until his Bday. We had a pretty kick back day. He woke up and found a Smart Cycle hooked up and ready to go. He also got some other presents. He had fun playing all morning. We then went to soccer games all afternoon. Darin just played around. We picked up his requested Lightening McQueen cake and had it after lunch. Why not?! He then played with friends and then we watched his movie he got for his Bday, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs - he loves it! He requested chicken nuggets for dinner and bananas. Darin always keeps us smiling and always has something funny to say. We love you Dares!

Sportin' the Smart Cycle!

Before presents....silly smile.

Showing off his presents.

His cake he picked out.

So ready to dig in! Darin you are adorable!