Here is our move in a nutshell. Jared took us on an emotional roller coaster ride of job interviews and much to our sadness was #2 for BYUI. Which then took us on a desperate job hunt. The Lord answered our prayers with a good job at Rice University in Texas!
Which meant big move! We had already planned a family reunion trip and Corvallis trip so that left us very little time finding a house and moving. We had to pack up our house in about 2 weeks! Good news about being unemployed is that Jared was there to help! And we kept all our packing boxes and stuff from last year.
some of the packing mess...
this is how we ate the last few days...Tagg seems to be enjoying it. We even ate one of our last meals in the garage because we had cleaned the kitchen already. :)
One of the last things to go was the TV with Bubble Guppies - the one saving grace that kept Lydia entertained through all the chaos.
We were tired and worn out many nights.
Jared and the ward packed up our stuff in less space than we thought (score!) and off our stuff went to Texas! Our sweet BIL came and loaded a trailer and took it to UT for storage for us. It was hard leaving knowing that we just did this, but off we went! I will forever miss that backyard!
After a stop in Utah with family to say goodbye, we headed to New Mexico (stayed an extra day in hotel to rest), then on to Texas. Only 38 hours later we made it to Spring, Texas! Jared and I both drove the whole way in both our cars. There were some moments when I just didn't have it left in me and had to dig deep to keep going. Rees was my right hand man and helped with the little kids in the van. Jared got Luke and Darin. Fun times.