Saturday, March 3, 2018

Baby Chicks, fort, Orchestra festival, Ski Day, School play

We got new chickens this year because our old ones weren't laying well and it was time for a new batch.  We let each of the kids pick out 2 chicks and I picked out two, so we had a total of 12.  We got so many fun varieties!  The kids names all of them and really loved playing with and holding them.

Mason and Garet built this fort and wanted to sleep in it!  I was so worried about them all night.  It was a super cold windy night, and even snowed a little, but they loved it and had a great time.  They said they stayed warm, but I don't know if they would admit if they were cold!

Camille got to go to an Orchestra festival at Roy High School.  She was 1st violin and had a small solo during one of the songs.  She did amazing!  I was so proud of her.

I took the kids out of school for a day in February after we had a good snow storm.  We convinced Grandma to come with us and went to Brighton for the day.  It was bitter cold, but we couldn't have asked for a better day.  It was sunny and no crowds!  This was Mason's first time and he just flew down the hill like he'd done it a million times before.  

Camille and Mom

Garet and Grandma - She could hardly keep up with these speed demon boys!

Lunch break!

Garet and Mason - they wanted to keep skiing through the terrain park so they could try out the jumps!  Dare devils!

Camille did really well!  She stared out slow and cautious, but by the end she was flying too.

He's a natural.

Mason went off a jump and went into some deep powder and lost his ski.  It took us a while to find it, but after digging and probing we found it and he was off again.  Even crashing didn't slow him down!

Me and my 3 kiddos.  I love taking them to do new things!


Beautiful view of the snow capped mountains!  We are so lucky to live in Utah!

Riding the lift!  BRRRR!
Camille was in the school play, "The Wizard of Oz"  She was part of the Emerald city and had to wear green.  We borrowed this green dress that Grandma Homer made when she was in College.  It fit Camille perfectly and she looked adorable in it!  She had a great time performing with Taylor, Hailee and Ava and a few other friends from school.

We were lucky enough to have our cousins come watch the play one night!

We love living close to family!  It has been so fun having them go to the same Jr High.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Dallin turns 7

 He helped me design and make his cake!  He wanted an oreo lego cake.  Dallin's birthday was on a Saturday, so he got to celebrate it in school on Friday.  Jared had the day off.  We got to go help in his classroom with a Valentine activity!  His teacher was so sweet and said so many nice things about him.  We really love her!  

He is a very smart, clever, creative, sweet boy and we LOVE him so much!

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Science Fair and Circus

Garet's 6th grade science fair project!  He worked for a couple months and went through a couple drones trying to experiment with different temperatures.  I was proud of the hard worker he was.

We surprised the kids and took them to the circus.  I had never been before and it was actually really cool.  The kids loved it.  The tigers and elephants were the favorites, but they had so many cool acts.

Paige had to bring this monkey home from preschool and take pictures of things she did with it.  She got to take it to the circus, which was really exciting for her.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Ice Skating

Every year we look forward to ice skating!  We have slowly accumulated skates from DI and KSL and have a pretty good collection.  Since their wasn't much snow this year it made for some pretty great ice.  Pineview turned out to be perfect ice.  We went about 3 different times and had a great time.
Mason is quite the little skater this year.

Sweet Camille

Dallin tried out the skates, but itsn't quite ready yet.  Next year will be perfect for him.

Garet is a maniac on the ice, especially with a hockey stick in his hands!

Paige loves to be pushed around in her boots!

Such a great picture, but my eyes are closed!

Jared skated way across the lake to check it out.  I was pretty nervous because some of the ice was frozen clear, so it looks creepy.  He has an adventurous heart.

After one ice skating adventure we drove up the old Snow Basin road and did a little sledding.  The snow was terrible, but the kids had fun anyways.

Another time we brought Hailee and Ava with us and played a game of ice hockey with the Mcfarlands.  Even Paige could hit the puck.

Having no snow is a bummer, but this ice made up for it just a little bit!  It still felt like winter after all.