Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Jace, Jace and some more JACE!

Scotty is a great uncle! Jace loves to play/bang on the piano and Scotty was nice enough to let Jace play a song or two.

According to Jace's shirt he is "Grandma's Creepy Crawler"

Jace snuck by me and got to my nightstand to drink some of my water. Too bad his coordination isn't very good yet and so the water went all over his onsie instead. Poor baby :)

Jared is so great at spoiling his family!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Our Week

Jace has learned how to pull himself on everything! It's been fun that he has gotten bigger and moves a lot more but now everyday I need to make sure my home is safe for him.

We were all lucky to go to Jayla's baby blessing on Sunday. The two little cousins are so cute together.Jace is all dressed up in his Sunday outfit!
Jace pulled himself up in his crib to greet me in the morning. Such a sweet boy.