Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Jacer Chaser

Jace loves to chew on his dad's old phone cord. He is a strange little boy that would rather have a cord than a bright colored toy.

Jace and his cousin, Jayla, are spending some time together! I am definitely biased when I say they are some of the cutest kids ever!

We had to try on Jace's costume to make sure it fits and it looks like it is a winner!

BATH TIME! This was Jace's first experience with having bubbles in his bath, and it was a hit!

Broncos, Broncos, Broncos! Jace's knew favorite player, Tim Tebow, did great tonight! Too bad the Broncos didn't put him in the game earlier.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Jace, Jace and some more JACE!

Scotty is a great uncle! Jace loves to play/bang on the piano and Scotty was nice enough to let Jace play a song or two.

According to Jace's shirt he is "Grandma's Creepy Crawler"

Jace snuck by me and got to my nightstand to drink some of my water. Too bad his coordination isn't very good yet and so the water went all over his onsie instead. Poor baby :)

Jared is so great at spoiling his family!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Our Week

Jace has learned how to pull himself on everything! It's been fun that he has gotten bigger and moves a lot more but now everyday I need to make sure my home is safe for him.

We were all lucky to go to Jayla's baby blessing on Sunday. The two little cousins are so cute together.Jace is all dressed up in his Sunday outfit!
Jace pulled himself up in his crib to greet me in the morning. Such a sweet boy.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'm Back

I have made a new goal to at least do one post a week. I sure hope this lasts longer than my New Year's Eve goals.

Poor little baby boy was sooo tired! This is the first time he has fallen asleep on one of us or even let us hold him close in over a month.

This is the face I get to see every morning. I look forward to getting him out of his crib everyday.

Whoever said dressing up a little boy isn't fun was completely wrong! I loved putting this outfit on him. Good thing Daddy let us borrow his sweatbands. Here comes the future star player for the Phoenix Suns!

Friday, April 8, 2011


I can't believe I almost didn't make it to Hawaii. This trip was so much fun!! None of the things I was worried about happened. We all had a fun with each other and Jace was great. He slept on the plane ride there and back, and didn't mind being on the beach at all! I can't wait till we get to go again and he will be able to swim in the water. Spending time with him and family was wonderful!

Pearl Harbor


Jared and I at the Dole Plantation. Those are pineapples behind us!

Our lovely little family at the USS Arizona memorial. The USS Arizona is right underneath us.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Best Christmas Present Ever!!

This Christmas was the best Christmas Courtney and I have had in our lives!! We received the blessing of a new son! It was so much fun bringing Jace down stairs to see all the Christmas decorations so he could experience the joys of Christmas morning. Courtney and I opened our presents on Christmas morning, but our real present came on the 23rd and the rest of the presents were just the icing on a beautiful cake. It was so much fun seeing Courtney walk down the stairs holding Jace and seeing her face light up as she turned her head towards the tree to see huge presents wrapped under the tree. To her disappointment, the big presents under the tree were just filled with pillows and blankets I had stuffed in the huge boxes with random presents in it such as gift cards, earrings and a necklace. The big boxes I had wrapped up were just my decoy to give a great impression. Even though Courtney's pile was three times as big as mine, I was the one who was shocked given a fantastic present! Courtney had bought me a laptop! This is going to work out great since this semester I will be taking 18 credits at UNLV and trying to provide and entertain my son and wife. It will make it extremely easier to update our blog and I am finally figuring out how facebook works, sort of.
As Courtney and I were waiting PATIENTLY for Jace to arrive, we were positive that time had started ticking twice as slow. The final week leading up to Jace's birth seemed like an eternity. This made me think about the time of season we are in as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Since the time of Adam, Heaven Father's children have been told and promised that a certain Savior would come into this world to redeem us from this world and save us from our sins. After experiencing the difficulty of waiting for my son to be born, I can only begin to imagine how those living in the time of Christ's birth felt, waiting for our Redeemer to come into this world. I am eternally grateful to my Father in Heaven for this tremendous priviledge and blessing Courtney and I have to be parents and to be part of this wonderful plan of happiness. Merry Christmas!

The Best Christmas Ever!!!

We were good this year! Santa came to our house!!!
Our little reindeer!!

Jared's Presents

Courtney's Presents

I love this picture! It looks like they are glowing! It must be the lighting.