Friday, January 20, 2012

January so far...

January highlights:
Holly turns 32

I celebrated my 32nd birthday on January 10th. I appreciate all the sweet messages, calls, texts and flowers I received. So far my thirty's have been good to me. I hope that continues. Bella made me a gourmet cereal breakfast the morning of my special day and Jared took the day off from work.

Snow storm

Winter paid us a visit this week. Leaving behind tons of snow and lots of cleanup. It went from a couple inches on Sunday....

to THIS...about 9 inches in some spots.

Bella has been out of school all week, Jared has been working from home and I have been trying to stay sane. Thankfully today has brought warmer temps so the snow is beginning to melt...however with this much snow it is going to take awhile.

December 2011

December highlights:

Being Silly

New hat from Great Grandma McElroy...

play time with dad...
dressing up...poor Braden needs a little brother!!

Bella turns 6
On December 18th Bella turned six. She was sick on her birthday but we made the most of it.
Bella helped make cake pops.
She had her first birthday party with friends. It was a movie theme.
the kids watched "Rio" on the homemade theater screen. The concession stand consisted of popcorn bags fruit snacks and licorice. Each child got to take home a gold "movie star" balloon.
She had a blast and I thinks all her little friends did too.
more party decor...
Christmas in Utah
This year we spent Dec 23-Jan 4th in Utah visiting family. It was a much needed trip for us and we really enjoyed being able to spend so much time with our family.

While we were in Utah we took the kids to the aquarium with their cousins...

Great Grandma Burton with some of her great grand children...
Utah was unusually warm while we were visiting so we went to the park with Grandpa.

December was a fun month that went by way too fast.

November 2011

November Highlights:

Braden turned One!!

One November 1st our little guy became a big guy turning one year old.
This was my attempt at a dinosaur cake... 12 months Braden was 21 lbs...
He is a busy body but so much fun. He loves to wrestle and get into everything.
He enjoyed opening his presents but his sisters enjoyed opening them even more...
other big news...

We moved!!

After 4.5 years in our two bedroom condo we bought back in 2007 we finally made the decision to rent a larger home. So we moved into a three bedroom 2 bath rambler complete with a swing set and basketball court. We are really enjoying not having neighbors downstairs and the large yard where the kiddos can run and run and run.
We are in the process of looking for renters for our condo, so hopefully we will be able to find someone trustworthy soon!
We are still in the same ward and Bella is still in the same school.

October 2011

Highlights from October:
Family Photos

Wedding Anniversary

Jared and I celebrated our 9 year wedding anniversary on October 4th.


Bella was the only one of our kids that dressed up for Halloween. She really wanted to be a after a little bit of searching we found the perfect costume complete with a homemade sheriff badge.

Olivia had a Tinkerbell costume but she doesn't like to dress up and refused to put it on. Braden was Spiderman at our ward trunk or treat but on Halloween day he decided didn't want anything to do with it.