Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Month 5

Braden is 5 months old now...and this little guy is all over the place.

He rolls and rolls and rolls...scoots, kicks, pushes...and often gets stuck under a chair, the swing, or backed into a corner.

Braden can get up on his knees and push himself forward...which leaves me wondering if we will have a crawler in the next couple of weeks.

He can sit unassisted for short periods of time...which makes me a little sad.

Don't get me wrong, I am excited for him to reach these new milestones, but I would just like him to stay my baby for as long as possible.

He has other plans...and wants to get up and get moving so he can keep up with his sisters.

Braden's hair seems to just grow right down the middle, making it really easy to style in a Mohawk...it's getting curly too and is blond...so basically I have a darling little man that just gets cuter and cuter.

Happy 5 months Braden!