Tuesday, June 29, 2010

So, I figured it was about time I posted something...
It's been almost two months.

We are doing well...the last two months have been busy...really busy.

Image courtsey of Mackenzie Roberts Photography

This little beauty finished pre-school for the year at the beginning of June. She also finished her third round of swim lessons. Bella has been playing soccer with her little friends from church two days a week. She has really enjoyed it even though she has many melt downs on the field for various reasons.

Bella has blossomed into quite the little artist. In just the last few months what used to be just scribbles on the page are now people with arms and legs. She loves drawing pictures of our family...she remembers to include a picture of her baby brother which is so sweet.

It's hard to believe that she is going to be 5 in just six short months. This past year she has really grown up a lot. She loves being a big sister, and tells everyone who will listen that we are growing another baby.


Is getting so big!

Little Miss Olivia is now 14 months old, and still very attached to mom.

She has started to master her skills at the play ground...thinking the slide to be the greatest invention ever.

She is our little dare devil. Olivia climbs up onto whatever she can...where she then shakes her little booty and claps her hands. This girl loves to dance, and spin in circles until she falls down.

We have tried to find fun thing to do this summer. One of which has involved the catching of tadpoles.

It's been really fun for the girls to watch the tadpoles turn into frogs. So far 6 of our 8 tadpoles have become cute little tree frogs.

We've learned all about big words like metamorphosis, amphibian, and habitat.

Every morning the girls rush into the kitchen to check on their little friends to see what kinds of changes they have made.

Unfortunately we are still waiting for summer to make it's annual appearance here in the northwest. However it has given us a couple of really nice days that we have tried to make the most of.

Hopefully now that it's summer maybe life will slow down a bit and I'll be better at updating this blog...but knowing me I wouldn't count on it:)

Oh Boy!!!

We found out on June 8th that we are having a little BOY.
Bella is so excited that she gets to have a baby brother...Jared is thrilled that he will no longer be the only male in our house...and I am having so much fun shopping.

My due date is November 7th...so right now I am about 21 weeks along. I'm feeling pretty good. I had some issues with my blood pressure dropping really low which made me super dizzy with heart palpitations and shortness of breath. This has gotten much better over that last couple of weeks, but I did have to go in for some heart tests which all came back normal.

Overall things are going really well with this pregnancy. I can't believe that I am halfway there. In just a few short months we will have three kids. This pregnancy was definitely a surprise so it has taken me a long time to get used to the fact that I am indeed going to be a mother of three...two of which will only be 18 months apart...

So if you don't hear from me for a while after this baby comes you'll understand. My life is about to get really busy!!