Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Isabella Mae

Three years ago this little lady came into our world.

Weighing in at 7lbs. 2 oz.
20 3/4 inches

She instantly became our greatest Joy.

The day she was born it was horrible weather. Snow and ice covered the streets, but we were determined to drive the 5 hours to meet to our little girl.

Isabella was 24 hours old the first time we laid eyes on our little beauty. Her first breath, her first cry...the arms that held her so close that first time were not moments we got to experience. Those precious moments were reserved for her birth mother...and rightfully so.

We get an entire lifetime to experience all of her other firsts. And for that we are eternally grateful.

It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that Bella is now three years old and will soon be a big sister.

Her special day was full of lots of fun. It's been snowing off and on here since last week so Bella woke up to about 5 inches of snow on the ground.

What kid doesn't love snow on their birthday?!

Jared was able to work from home, so we all got to spend the day together as a family.

Bella was my little helper today. She loved mixing her cupcakes....

Licking the beaters...

And decorating the finished product with all her favorite colors.

Bella picked out Tinkerbell plates at napkins for her little party which included just the three of us.

Here she is posing with her presents...

and then displaying all the cool new stuff she received from her mom and dad and great grandma and grandpa McElroy...

Happy third birthday Bella!!

We can't believe you are such a big girl now!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lots going on...

We've had a really busy week here at the Kunz household. Friday night was our ward Christmas Party. Bella was really excited to see Santa. This year she actually sat on his lap with no crying...not a whole lot of smiling...but at least there were no tears!

Grandma Kunz came up here from Utah for a visit. She brought with her some snow...literally. The night she arrived it snowed about three inches so of course the next day Bella was so eager to get out and play.

We celebrated Bella's birthday and Christmas when Jared's mom was here. Isabella loved all the gifts she received.

We went and saw the new Disney movie "Bolt" and it was the first time Bella actually sat through a whole movie in the theater.

We were sad to say goodbye to Grandma Kunz. Her visit was quick but are so happy we got to spend some time with her.
And these last pictures are just because our little girl is so darn cute. They were taken yesterday...her last night as a two year old.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Way to go Bella and 20 weeks...

We just had to post this...

Isabella was so proud of herself. She had a dentist appointment yesterday. Bella did so well she got a special certificate which she has taken everywhere with her.

Here's our cutie pie showing off her pearly whites...

Seriously...when did she become so grown up?? Bella is turning 3 next week...

Next week!

Bella's not the only one growing in our is Holly's baby bump!

I'm 20 weeks so far.

It's hard to believe that I am already halfway through my pregnancy. I feel this little girl moving around a lot now. I'm thinking we have a little soccer player on our hands. She sure can kick. Jared's been able to feel her move a few times. That was so special to be able to experience with him.

Oh and by the way...

Bella is convinced that we should name her baby sister "Donald Duck."