Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Eat Your Skin Care

This isn't something that I normally do, but I thought I would tell you about a new skin care product that I absolutely love. Jarom just got involved with a new skin care company that is 100% natural, there are no toxins or chemicals in their formulas and it actually works!! He was skeptical at first because he had worked for a company where he tried to develop products that were "natural" but they still added chemicals to their products. But after a lot of research, talking with the company and me trying the products he loves it also. You can visit his website at: EatYourSkinCare.com or you can call me so I can get you some free samples.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bailey is 8!!

My sweet Bailey is now 8!! This year for her birthday she wanted to do what her good friend Gracie did for her birthday which was, have Breakfast cake in the morning before school and open her presents then. Then that night Jarom and I took just her out to dinner at Garcia's. She had a great birthday. She is really into Pandas right now so we also made her a Panda cake. If I might say so myself it turned out way cute!!

She is going to get baptized in a few days so more photos to come soon!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Megan Hanson Photography

My best friend Megan has started her own photography business, and is doing amazing work! We went to her home in Utah and stayed with them for a couple of days, while we were there she took pictures of my family. They turned out amazing! She is doing such a fantastic job! It is worth driving to Utah and having her take your family pictures! She is very inexpensive and does such an amazing job! Here are a bunch of the pictures she took for us.


Since I last posted a lot has happened and it's way too intimidating thinking about trying to post on everything that has happened. So I will just give a brief write up on what we've been up to. We obviously had another baby!! My sweet little Devri Ann Campbell. She was born on September 13th and man was I glad to get her out!! I love being pregnant but this time, well let's just say it was hard. We always joke about how we wish she would have been a boy, because lets face it were in for a lot of drama around here, but I wouldn't change having my 4 girls for anything. We also moved from our house into a town house. We unfortunately had to close our Deli, which has been really hard to go through but we know that in the end everything happens for a reason. I am still working from home doing Medical Billing. Bailey is in 2nd grade and has started taking piano, she is also doing Gym and Cheer. Addisen is in Kindergarten now and loves it! She is still taking dance and is also doing Gym and Cheer. Preslie is my little mischievous one, she keeps me on my toes all day long. I thought I had this kid thing figured out...well Preslie has proved me wrong! She is a sweetheart! And my precious little Devri is very spoiled, and for good reason she's so cute it's hard not to. She loves to be held and is now rolling over! Time sure does fly by.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A few months ago I felt extremely ambitious, and with the guidance and support from a good friend (Alexis Rasmussen) I made my girls each a dress. Alexis came over and helped me get started on the first dress which was Bailey's, she helped me cut out the pattern and lay in out on the fabric and from that point just briefly explained what I would need to do next. I was freaked that she was leaving me but unfortunately kids and husbands had to eat and life had to go on. :) It was so nice having her around, she is such a wonderful friend and great example to me!! So after she left I worked on Bailey's dress and in a few days finished it up. Then a few days after that I had Addisen's and Preslie's done!! It was such a rush, to actually use my sewing maching Jarom bought me 6 years ago for something more that hemming up pants that are too long! :)
Here are some pictures!!

After the dresses, I made Bailey a robe. I decided I needed to put my machine away for a while since nothing else got done for that week or two while I was addicted to sewing. For me unfortunately it's all or nothing. That might explain why when I make a pan of brownies I can't just limit my self to 1!
So...I am officially awarding myself the lamest blogger in the world award! The last post I made was in May, we are now in November...need I say more! Life has been really crazy !

Bailey is in 1st grade and is loving school. She has a great teacher and is doing really well. Every day she amazes me more and more with how smart she is.

Addisen is in Pre-K and is a little smartie as well! She loves her teacher and loves all her friends in school.

Preslie is now 1 1/2, and is into everything. She goes around the house from room to room with her little stool and pulls stuff out of drawers, closets, and off tables. She is such a handful, but such a sweetheart.

Jarom got a new Job and LOVES it! Which is such a huge relief for me! We are still trying to sell our house but if it doesn't sell we hope that putting ourselves on a budget we will make it work!
We know that we are truly blessed, and are so greatful for our health and our sweet family!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Catching up!

It has been a long time since I have been in the blogging world, but for good reason, life has been very busy! Ever since I started working from home, every second of my day is go go go...but I am enjoying all of it so I can't complain! Here is what we've been up to the past couple of months. I will post our Disneyland trip pictures later, I have run out of time!
Addisen had been counting down to her birthday since January 28th (the day after Bailey's Birthday.) She has been so excited for this day to come. She new exactly what she wanted this year which made it really easy on me....(Littlest Pet shop stuff, Scooter and a little stuffed Dog). We had a friend birthday party for her but I couldn't find my camera battery so I wasn't able to take any pictures. For her family birthday party we went over to the Deli that we own and had our own Private Party! We all had a great time, the kids got to make their own pizza's (which was a hit) and Jarom and my sister Courtney served all the adults. The kids played on the speaker, rode the scooter around and bounced on this fun ball that Addi got from her cousins. I just hope the kids know that they can't always act like that in Restaurants!

One sunny Saturday we decided to get out back and do some yard work. We were working on getting our garden ready to be planted. Jarom had to run a load of yard junk to the dump so off he went. Well about an hour later I get a phone call, I could tell something wasn't right as soon as I heard his voice. He had been hit by another truck while he was at the dump. Luckily no one was hurt and everything was ok, but the scary part is that Jarom wasn't in the Truck when it happened. He had just gotten out of the Truck and then leaned back in to grab his gloves when all of a sudden a truck with a flat bed trailer backed right into him! And when I say him that is exactly what I mean! The man driving the truck just didn't see him because his load was covering his view in his mirror, the crazy thing is that they were the only two at the dump! Which if you have been to this dump here you know how wide open it is and the fact that he backed right up into Jarom is crazy. So needless to say, Jarom could have been hurt really bad, his knees were a little sore that night because the truck door pinned him in for a second but we are very lucky that is all that happened! And thank heavens the other guy had insurance!

Easter is here! My girls have been so excited for Easter! I didn't know if they would ever go to bed!
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Here are some pictures of Preslie's Birthday! We had some family over to celebrate with us! Of course we had to let her dig in to her own cake!
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Friday, March 6, 2009

Preslie is 1!!

Today is Preslie's Birthday and I think I am in shock! I know this is a common theme to my blog..Where does time go? But I am always just so amazed at how quickly life is flying by! This year especially. I think we have just been too busy to really appreciate it. We built and moved into a new house, Jarom started a new job, we bought a restaurant, Bailey started Kindergarten, Addi started Pre-school, Preslie started everything, even walking...I could go on and on. I just want to freeze life just like this! I love my sweet children so very much. They are all in the cutest stages of life. Man, Life is GOOD!!
My sweet little Preslie Pie!