Friday, September 26, 2008

Good News!

Hey everyone I just got back from my test!! 
I got a 95!! Woot!! I senior installer told me thats probably the highest score in the district :P
It was pretty easy, I feel really good. 
So YAY to $4 pay raise and goodBYE to khaki and blue!!

Im so excited!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Some silly pictures!
I gotta explain some. So Cho loooovs to torture me. One day he found a pen and just wanted to write on my face SOOOO bad so I finally concented to a small dot- which is right where he has a freckle! So I had to take a pic of us as twins :P well..sorta... ( its on the tip of my nose)

He can never take a regular pic hehehe

So this next set had me cracking up SOOO hard - ya HAD to be there. The whole fam was sittin watching tv and Cho got some marshmellows. This is what ended up happening...btw his sweet little mom started with the buck teeth :P

I just love how they are sitting there so serene, so serious hehehe (if ya didn't notice they both have marshmellows in their nose :P)

This next one is the best

So I haven't really updated so I decided I would!!
I've just been working. I decided while I have the opportunity I mine as well go for my MECP certification. In case you didn't know: "MECP is the only nationally-recognized, manufacturer-supported credential for mobile electronics installers. Visit us on the Web at"

I've been studying the basic level guide and took the practice test the other day. I failed with a 69% so I studied and took it yesterday. Can you believe I got a 96%?!?! I was sooo happy! So Best Buy pays for your first test - which, from what I understand, is easier then the practice :P - so I got a voucher and get to go take it when I set up an appointment! Of course I will be waiting till Ike passes before I do that...So what this means is when I pass this test I am a CERTIFIED Autotech!! This means MO' MONEY!!! Not to mention the looks on mens faces when they find out I not only know MORE then they do but can DO more then they can with audio equipment muahahaha :P Thats priceless.

So I have been working on getting my PT test too. I need yalls help I need 4 more people to send me their workout routine for an essay for the test. (email me at

I have also been working on my book! I wrote something I am pretty proud of and came to some realizations. All that you can read at my website
My newest peice is on the excerpts page -scroll down till you see "Random Chapter" - and a new entry on the blog too.

Alright keep in touch people! LOVE YA!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

PT Test

I've been putting it off, I dunno why.  I am scared of it for some reason. But I NEED to do it and NEED to follow through.
Sooooo for my Personal Training Certification Test I need to evaluate 5 individuals workouts.
If you are reading this could you leave me a comment / email me what your workout routine is like?! I would sooo appreciate it :)
