With that non-inflammatory start, where to begin, what's happened in the hobby of Lord of the Rings? Not too much. Not in the official sense, and perhaps not too much on the blogs and forums, I wouldn't know, haven't read anything. What we do know, however, is that many hobbyists have moved on to other platforms, and I am not really apalled (too little energy to divert for such a strong, female feeling) nor am I troubled (only beta cucks are "troubled" by stuff), but I am a bit...

... annoyed: If most hobbyists go to Zuckerpunch's Faceborg or Twatter or any of the big ones, everyone will guard their tongues and become boring, and idiots will report even models for being "racist" or "sexist" (disregarding that most of the models are portraying men in very unrealistic proportions, which are not a problem for a normal person, but you'd think these idiots doing the reporting could at least try to be consequential) - mark my words: GW will pussify their models in the future, to be more "inclusive".
I did not take a picture of a mannequin in a sports store, I think it was Stadium (not sure if it is an international chain), that was over-weight, because I am not a stupid twitter-guy, buuuut, I would like to share it with you: Now even the mannequins are supposed to be "representative", well, put it in a wheel chair and make it look like Steve Urquel and be done with it, I am not buying your shitty clothes (well, I did actually, hr-hrm, but no more, I tell you! No more!).
Anyways, what's new in the hobby? When checking Forgeworld I had to make a captcha, my computer is so riddled with viruses, miners and whatsnot that this is happening frequently, even on huge webpages, hehehe, time to upgrade. But as I said, Forgeworld has a few expensive and good looking Hobbit releases, but it's more or less standing still. Like GW, and I get it, the LotR-world has its canon, and to make it interesting for most guys you need to be putting out releases all the time...
Personally, I have started a huge project which will eat up most of my time, and I have paused two of my largest time-sinks as well as stopped doing hobby. I do read some novels when I get some free time, or when on a bus or a train, which sadly is happening very often, meaning I have to share space with the aggressive invaders, but I try to go early mornings and rather spend the night at some place to go back the next morning. Unnecessary time spent, but most Swedes, whether they are aware of it or not, have changed their habits something massively since our country fell to the evil globalists... Ladies rarely go alone, and many lady-blondes dye their hair dark (less of a target), not to mention avoid areas which feel "unsafe" (IE many second and third generation male immigrants are congregating there). The list goes on...
Speaking of women and undesirable "men":
Hehe, I think that's what some people think when they see me, or rather what they think when they hear/watch me interact with girls/women... "How in the world are they falling for this guy's crap, he is just being rude?" I don't know why the above image cracks me up so much, hehehehe... "Mickey Mouse"-voice XD I guess he's just a very relatable and charismatic guy just like me lol
And speaking of being a charming d-bag/plain old perv: I met a lady at work, we went out a few times, despite her being ooooold (28-29!) I found her unusally bright personality (and sweet, skinny body) enticing. Especially when contrasted with the fat/boring/nasty/politically correct ladies that you tend to find at my job (except for the immigrant girls which are feminine and generally skinny and young, but they are all 100% taken by their own tribe/men *sad face*). Sadly, when on our first little promenade (this seems to be a common way to interact nowadays, if you are not a tinder-whore) she started talking about how much she enjoyed a certain mega-PC guy which I despise, and I realized: I am becoming like the leftists, totally intolerant of other opinions. Well, not really, but it put it into perspective, how drenched Swedes are, the Stockholm syndrome goes deep! Even this seemingly intelligent lady who is a boss in her little department, couldn't see through the veil of verbal crap and lies.
Well, alright, that didn't pan out, and I really aren't looking for company but she was unusal, or so I thought. More time to not spend on hobby, eh? What I would like to do, if I could find the space and time, would to redo all the ships, make them look less square and boring. The details on the Isengard steamar are nice, I am not going to complain, but the general designs are too boring and look way too homemade. See the hulls above? That's how a 28 mm ship-hull should look like!
Any tips, suggestions? Have I promised to start a certain project and neglecting it - anyone remembers? I don't...
Hopefully I will get some hobby done, but don't count on it, there's just no time for it. I bid you all farewell, and C0r0na-v1rus is bullshit, I got C0vid 19 and had to stay home and watch Family Guy for two weeks, and I have also got into one-sided arguments with two fat Swedish ladies, all eager to please authority, and I just ignored them, the last one had a breakdown after I took her space in the queue after she started to tell me what to do, no I want be directed by some disgusting system-lover go fuck yourself. These system-protectors are just so obnoxious. Yes, yes, I know I am alienating a bunch of readers now, but from my Swedish perspective, we've had a zombie apocalypse for 25 years now and all these authority-cucks have said nothing, because our regime/media have told them to shut up. Now, the combination of them feeling PERSONALLY threathened in combination with authority increasing the feelings of threath/pancic, they all go around and try to be mini police-officers... Fuck off...
And with those bright words, I bid you adieu! Stay safe, wear your mask, consume, flood your country with aliens, take your meds, stay away from people, feel shame for your heritage etc, or rather:
Go to the gym, read, enjoy nature, be proud of your heritage, spend time with family and friends, don't consume too much, save in gold, buy land, become a better person, don't become frustrated/angry like me, find a woman and make babies!