Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mother

I wanted to share with the world how WONDERFUL my mother is. I read somewhere a quote by Mark Twain-I believe-when he was speaking about father's and I will switch it around to mother's. He said something to the effect of that my 'mother' was unspeakable when I was 17 and now that I am '30' I just can't get over how much she has learned in 13 years. My mom is truely a friend to me and I love the relationship we have. I would not have been able to say quite the same thing in high school. She has been with me for every major and minor event in my life as well as her grandchildren's lives. She gives excellent advice. She is very patient. She is extremely generous. But most of all she is incredibly supportive. I love you mom and I am very blessed to have you for my mother. I chose well.

This picture is titled miserable hike in my files. It is also the hike when Cole refused to hike with me any more in his life. It was 135 degrees and we walked in soft, hot, red, sinking sand for 25 miles, uphill both ways, only to arrive at the waterfall and relax in ice cold water that was burning our feet just as much as the hot sand did. We are not happy campers.

My mom can always be found surrounded by any of her grandchildren

And then they wipe her out-she is human after all!