Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Posts

I have 2 new posts WOW-I know! Enjoy!!


My sister came over this last weekend and I taught her the ways of domestication(?) While I was in New York, my friends and I were just getting into canning because of all the incredible u-pick farms over there. Here we have raspberries and apples and the first time we went picking there were little stickers thistles everywhere. They were so bad that Leif dramatically comments " this is a horrible place to go berry-picking!" We were very spoiled in New York. Anyway, Kate and I made raspberry jam on Saturday and we have made plans to do apples in the fall. By apples I mean-applesauce, apple pie-filling, and apple butter. Which reminds me- I need recipes from my New Yorkers of what we did last year. So there is a call out to you girls!!!

The fruits of our labors-haha

Picture one-kids getting riled up

Picture 2- Kassidy getting asthma treatment for getting riled up

Macy's first day of Pre-school!!!

After months of answering Macy's daily question of "Am I going to school today?" she finally got her answer last Wednesday of "yes, today!" She was estatic, and she has never fit anywhere as well as she does going to school. Pre-school is every day and she gets school lunch each day before she comes home. She can remember everything she ate, but nothing about what she did in class! She loves her backpack and her school shoes (of course the most important things :)) Friday she starts her dance classes and after that she is all set for life!! (as a 4 year-old-right?!)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Robinson Happenings

Wow I haven't written in a while. And, really, we haven't been up to too much! Right now the fam and I are enjoying: the olympics, cooler weather, Cole going back to work soon(!), potty training the Gage, Macy starting pre-school, Macy starting dance, cooler weather, living close to Kate, everyone around me being pregnant, upcoming Phoenix trip, quitting my jobs. The fam and I are not enjoying: being busy, being poor, not having a Super-Walmart close by, potty-traing the Gage, kids waking up at 6:15 like clockwork every morning, small spaces. There was a cute moment last week. Cole has decided to re-start his taking the kids on dates each week and last week Macy went. There was a dance performance at the downtown outdoor ampitheatre and he asked Macy on a date. I brought home a little bouquet of flowers from the shop and he gave them to her on their way out. She looked at them and said "Thank you daddy!" and then took them with her. When they got home, the other kids were in bed already, she came into my room and told me all about it. When she was done she asked " So, how was Gage tonight?" and I said he was good. She was acting so mature it was cute. Cole, later, said that he opened her door for her and held her hand the whole time. She was just beaming. This Friday is Swan Lake Ballet so she might just go on another date, but Leif for sure will go . He wants to go see the new animated Star Wars movie. Living so close to his cousin Tyrel for the last 6 months made him way-obsessed about Star Wars. Seriously, this obsession is to the point where he is actually saving his money for some Star Wars legos. Saving money is serious business folks!