Wednesday, May 14, 2008
So my sister said I need to expand on the last blog. I know it was short but I was so sad. I am also mad at the mother for not accepting her baby. If she would have just fed her baby and not totally ignored it then the circumstances would be very different I am sure. How does someone or something just do that after they have given birth? I guess I should ask my sister since she sees babies delivered daily. Anyways, I am fine now but I feel a little odd inside. I had the same feeling last week when I realized that the doctor who delivered Leif died of an aggressive brain tumor. Just odd. I did get a cute Macy moment, however, out of all of this. We have been reading the scriptures as a family and the part we have been on for a week or so is Jesus dying on the cross and then being resurrected 3 days later. So when I sat Macy down this morning and told her that the baby horse died she asked ' But she will come back in 3 days right, mom. Jesus came back in 3 days.' That made my day to know that things are sinking in. She really is listening. She really does have a chance in this crazy, mixed up world. And here's to you Dr. Fielding and the 20,000+ babies you brought into this life and the 1 that means so much to me!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Random Julie Thoughts
Seven more days until I am a mother of a second grader and I am kinda freakin' out. I have already informed Cole that, come August 1 of this year, I will be 29. Then on August 1 of 2009 I will be 29. then on August 1 of 2010---well you get the picture! I do not like this growing older bit at all. So my question is, how do I keep Leif in first grade for the next 10 years? Maybe I should have Cole be on the prowl for a new BFF who happens to be a plastic surgeon. He could offer him some trade work. I do have to admit that I like that part of Cole's chosen career path. We know someone personally in so many areas of medicine that we should be set - except plastic surgery.
Cole has been in Alabama the last few days and will be there until Friday so I got a true mother's day this year. I get to practice being mom 24/7 for the week without help from the dad-how lucky am I? He did take me to Chili's and a movie before he left. We saw Baby Mama and I really think that is the funniest thing I have seen in a long while. Not to mention that Cole had to see what I wanted because it was my mother's day date. The kids have been good. They have always been good when it is just me. Like when Cole is on call, or hunting, or on call, or hunting, or... I think they know that mom is walking a thin line and any tip in either direction will send them to their rooms for a long, long time. I am very lucky to have such intuitive kids.
We did get a special present on Sunday though. Cole's parents got a baby horse and she is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I will get pictures when I can find a camera. She looks like a gumdrop on toothpicks. The mom is having nothing to do with her but we're trying hard to force her to like her baby. She'll come around we think. But, I will tell you, I could sit at the window all day and watch her. The kids love her. I will watch Macy and Gage out back playing around and then see them run across the pasture to the corral and climb up the fence and then just stand there on the fence watching and talking to them. It's been fun and if the weather keeps up being nice it will be even better.
Lastly, I have to say what has been freaking me out lately, and yet I do nothing about it. Cole and I are hiking the Grand Canyon in two weeks with his parents. We are going from the North rim to the South rim (whatever that means!) and I have not started getting in shape yet. I am being warned by various people what a killer it is on the old body but here I sit eating ice cream and Costa Vida. Last year at this time I ran a half marathon in SLC so I tried to run last month and I went 3/4 of a mile before I had to stop because my lungs were going to explode. That scared me off and I haven't been since-so Caty if you're reading this then you can laugh because I said it would be so easy to get back to running. Anyway that's all, if you want to say your good-byes to me in the next couple of weeks it may be wise!
Cole has been in Alabama the last few days and will be there until Friday so I got a true mother's day this year. I get to practice being mom 24/7 for the week without help from the dad-how lucky am I? He did take me to Chili's and a movie before he left. We saw Baby Mama and I really think that is the funniest thing I have seen in a long while. Not to mention that Cole had to see what I wanted because it was my mother's day date. The kids have been good. They have always been good when it is just me. Like when Cole is on call, or hunting, or on call, or hunting, or... I think they know that mom is walking a thin line and any tip in either direction will send them to their rooms for a long, long time. I am very lucky to have such intuitive kids.
We did get a special present on Sunday though. Cole's parents got a baby horse and she is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I will get pictures when I can find a camera. She looks like a gumdrop on toothpicks. The mom is having nothing to do with her but we're trying hard to force her to like her baby. She'll come around we think. But, I will tell you, I could sit at the window all day and watch her. The kids love her. I will watch Macy and Gage out back playing around and then see them run across the pasture to the corral and climb up the fence and then just stand there on the fence watching and talking to them. It's been fun and if the weather keeps up being nice it will be even better.
Lastly, I have to say what has been freaking me out lately, and yet I do nothing about it. Cole and I are hiking the Grand Canyon in two weeks with his parents. We are going from the North rim to the South rim (whatever that means!) and I have not started getting in shape yet. I am being warned by various people what a killer it is on the old body but here I sit eating ice cream and Costa Vida. Last year at this time I ran a half marathon in SLC so I tried to run last month and I went 3/4 of a mile before I had to stop because my lungs were going to explode. That scared me off and I haven't been since-so Caty if you're reading this then you can laugh because I said it would be so easy to get back to running. Anyway that's all, if you want to say your good-byes to me in the next couple of weeks it may be wise!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Girls Night
Tonight is the Father/Son campout and Cole is taking his sons. I find myself with another girls' night with Macy. I think I could get used to these. Macy, and each of the kids for that matter, are so good and cute when they are alone with mom or dad. They must love the undivided attention they get. Tonight, Macy and I have decided to go out for ice cream (which holds no comparison to the New York ice cream we were getting) and then I told her she can pick a movie at the Redbox. Then we will come home and get into our PJ's and paint our nails while watching her movie which is certain to be Barbi. Perfect-right? I write this and then I think about how the kids must crave that attention from mom and dad. They are constantly in this battle over who is in conversation or showing their latest treasure or wanting to play a game or whatever with one of the other kids. I am pretty sure that, if I could remember my childhood, I probably loved the mom or dad dates also. Just that one-on-one time with no battles or distractions.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Another blog about Gage!
Oh, little Gager! You are growing up. We have started potty training the little guy and actually it is going pretty 'swell'. I might get used to this no more kids in diapers thing and not ever want to go back :)
I just stole this picture from my cousin's blog. This is her son, Micah, and he is also two years old. I think that Gage and Micah could be identical twins-Gage is on the top and Micah on the bottom. I've been meaning to put the comparison pictures up for awhile and have finally gotten to it. What do you think?

I just stole this picture from my cousin's blog. This is her son, Micah, and he is also two years old. I think that Gage and Micah could be identical twins-Gage is on the top and Micah on the bottom. I've been meaning to put the comparison pictures up for awhile and have finally gotten to it. What do you think?

Saturday, May 3, 2008
Have you ever had a 'mom-moment' when your child gets hurt and you feel the need to seek revenge upon whatever or whoever inflicted the pain? I did today and I am still not satisfied with the outcome as of yet. Cole took Leif and Macy to his dad's property in the mountains to begin burning a lot of brush (I know, today was not windy-should we document this?). Anyway, his mom and I were to come up at lunchtime and bring hotdogs so the family could participate in a good ole fashioned Southern Utah weanie roast. While we were preparing to meet the others Gage went outside to drive his dumptruck around while I watched from the front window. I heard him crying before I could actually see him so I proceeded outside and he was coming up the driveway swatting at himself and screaming frantically, "Piders, piders off, off" (this translates to spiders, spiders off, off) As I come closer I can see he is, in fact, crawling with, not spiders, but big huge red ants. I swat at him first and then start pulling off the 3 layers of clothes he was dressed in. Each layer I pulled off had more ants under it. When I finally had him stripped naked in the driveway-diaper and all-I begin stomping furiuosly at the survivors who had fallen to the ground. When I feel satisfied, and Gage is crying now to get back dressed, I take him inside and examine him. I only notice 4 bites but who knows how many are inside his ear or up his nose or in his buttcrack. Well, Gage got dressed again and wanted to go back outside. I let him go out but not without me and a not without my motherly lecture of staying on the grass. When I know that he is safely on the grass I walk over to the crime scene to get his deserted dump truck. I find it in the middle of a, now raging and busy, red ant colony. I grab it while I am hopping from foot to foot and then start beating it against the groung in case there are any hitchhikers. When I give it to Gage-who was so worried I was by the ants-he takes off as normal only this time sticks to the grass. I then go back to the driveway where I killed 'his ants' and see that some of them are still crawling around-the ants were faking dead. Well, I tell myself, see if they can fake smeared across the driveway. When I have determined that this time they are dead I return to Gage. Cole came home about 10 minutes later and after hearing the story starts singing 'Ants, ants, ants in my pants' to which Gage gets hooked on and sings for the rest of the day. The part that I am not satisfied with is that Cole has not yet killed the whole colony which I asked him to do. Maybe I should take it upon myself. And, yes, the whole colony should suffer because of just a few.

Friday, May 2, 2008
Fishing Outfit

So the key to 'letting' Cole go fishing for a week on a houseboat at Lake Powell is to act like it is the biggest inconvenience in the world. Every spring the Robinson Boys load up the trucks, boats, gear,etc. and head off for a week of fishing (i know-right?). Every year the Robinson Women put their heads together and think of things to do while they're gone. This year we had a few ideas which mostly didn't work except the trip to see Nim's Island (we do have the little one's-remember?) I also went to the cannery-my first time- and it was awesome, except for the fact that there are some crazy mormon women out there who are storing for a 30 year time period, because the cannery was out of a lot of stuff. I got sugar, instant milk, black beans, and spaghetti. That will serve as some pretty interesting meals huh? Anyway it was fun, and I finally feel like a real women because I have started my food storage! I also took the famous trip to the mall where I purchased my famous 'fishing outfit'. No, this isn't an outfit to wear fishing, but rather, an outfit for myself because Cole is out fishing. Leif is now old enough to go on this coveted trip and I have done some thinking as to what will I do when all of the kids are old enough to go and I am left at home alone while Cole has all the children. My decision is keep to the tradition. My mom always said to hold on to traditions!
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