Sunday, April 20, 2008

California Trip!

Kate, FINALLY, sent us the pictures she took while we visiting her. The weather was perfect and the kids had a blast. Ahhh, can't wait- 1 1/2 more months!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sweet Sunshine

Wow, it has been a while. I feel bad adding to 'the blog' when I don't have a picture to put with it, but it may be time to just write and update. Cole, Macy, Gage, and I went to Cali last week to find a place to live. Yes, we were successful on that front and probably all fronts whatever they may be. The kids had fun , I had fun, and even Cole had fun. I mention this only because I vaguely remember Cole mentioning once or twice that California needs to just fall off into the ocean. Incedently, we did go to the ocean and the kids were in heaven the whole time. It was actually pretty cute to watch them. I, a self-proclaimed germ-a-phobe, was not going to let them play in the ocean-just walk on the beach, but there was no stopping them when they saw the waves lapping on the shore, the other gazillion kids running in and out of the water, and the sunshine beating down on them in 90 degree weather. This enjoyment was added to the hosting abilities of my sister, Kate, and her husband, Brian. We ate well, laughed often, and loved much the whole week. I don't know if she realizes that, because of her decision in buying a house with a pool and hot tub in back, it will now greatly benefit my family on hot days. Note-to-self, I need to get a house key so we can come over during the day spontaneously. It will be fun living near her and in an area where we can do so many things all the time.
Our little rental house is very charming (which means small) however we do have a strip of grass out back that will accomodate our family tent. I say this as an invitation to all to come and visit. Kids-and husbands- in the tent and women inside.