Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mother

I wanted to share with the world how WONDERFUL my mother is. I read somewhere a quote by Mark Twain-I believe-when he was speaking about father's and I will switch it around to mother's. He said something to the effect of that my 'mother' was unspeakable when I was 17 and now that I am '30' I just can't get over how much she has learned in 13 years. My mom is truely a friend to me and I love the relationship we have. I would not have been able to say quite the same thing in high school. She has been with me for every major and minor event in my life as well as her grandchildren's lives. She gives excellent advice. She is very patient. She is extremely generous. But most of all she is incredibly supportive. I love you mom and I am very blessed to have you for my mother. I chose well.

This picture is titled miserable hike in my files. It is also the hike when Cole refused to hike with me any more in his life. It was 135 degrees and we walked in soft, hot, red, sinking sand for 25 miles, uphill both ways, only to arrive at the waterfall and relax in ice cold water that was burning our feet just as much as the hot sand did. We are not happy campers.

My mom can always be found surrounded by any of her grandchildren

And then they wipe her out-she is human after all!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Good for her!

Miss North Carolina Kristen Dalton was crowned Miss USA on Sunday, but the big story to come out of the normally politics-free telecast was Miss California's comments regarding gay marriage.
When asked by judge Perez Hilton, an openly gay gossip blogger, whether she believed in gay marriage, Miss California, Carrie Prejean, said "We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite. And you know what, I think in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised."

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Robinsons one-by-one

Of course there is the beach we can always be busy with!

Leif up to bat!!

Leif was quite good by the end of the season!

I forgot to mention the pinewood derby. Leif got through to the second round on his awesome car!

Dodgers game at spring training in Phoenix-Macy found a lady bug to keep her occupied most of the game!

PLaygroup to miniature golfing.
Macy is good at riding but hates when the boys come near her on their scooters

Wow, I know it has been a while huh? With the weather being warm, the kids in sports and spring breaks, the Twilight movie now in my house and a fresh selection of books thanks to my mom I have not been into the blogging mode. I do feel guilty so I will try to get an update for each family member up. We will start with Cole ummm he's playing basketball tonight with some of his resident friends. Other than that--not much is new with him. Just working his little heart out. Now onto me, ummm I have a tan line from my flipflops already, it is only March you know? Really, though, I have been busy with the kids. We were in Phoenix for some spring training games, Leif has practice 2x a week and than games 2x a week also, Macy was in dance, than cheerleading, but nothing at the moment, Gage has discovered he is capable of having friends and has been loving playdates. A group of us are setting up a home-based preschool for our kids next school year so that will be fun. I will have all of the kids out of the house 2x a week starting September 3 (but I'm not counting). I became one of "those" parents at Leif's last baseball game when the umpire called Leif out after 2 strikes. His coaches tried to fight for him, but the 'hot and tired' ump won along with the dumb lady keeping score for the other team (nobody on our team knows how). Let's see, what is new with Leif? Besides saying goodbye to basketball only to have baseball start the same week, he is gearing up for the annual Robinson Men fishing trip to Lake Powell. He begins state testing next week and he knows that he will not be going with dad if he doesn't do well on testing so he has been working hard at school. He went on a field trip to Los Angeles a couple of weeks ago, during which I was a nervous wreck thinking he was going to get kidnapped or lost or something-he came home safe and sound 30 minutes early. Macy is just loving life, as usual. She had spring break for 2 weeks and is now back in school. We go in tomorrow for her kindergarten check-up (can you believe it?). She hopped on her 2-wheeled bike last week and just took off so now she is an official bike rider which she takes advantage of every chance she gets. She has always been so independent that that just didn't suprise Cole or I. Finally, Gage. He is completely potty trained now and thinks that he now officially rules the world or atleast the house. He is not happy unless he is outside. Grandparents Robinson got him a baseball setup and Grandparents Hinton got him a basketball hoop so he is outside all day long. Seriously. If he is inside for more than 2 minutes he is crying. He has little freckels all over his nose and I think he looks just like his dad when he was little. I showed him some pictures of Cole as a little boy and he agrees. I love them. Anywho, that is that. I will try to update more frequently so my posts aren't always so long-sorry!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Macy Moo

My little Macy Moo

Big brother moment

Blessing Day in Sandy, Ut

Grandpa Sprague funeral

Mommy and daughter

Super cute dress Cole and I bought when we first found out Macy was a girl

Macy and grandpa-great Dalton

Macy wore through 2 pairs of shoes riding this bike

Halloween in New York

Super cute party dress Macy got from Grandma and Grandpa Robinson

5th Birthday party

Birthday at pre-school with Mrs. Witherspoon and Ms. Houston
Macy was a tricky pregnancy as I was balancing teaching along with my lovely pregnancy. I was due on Leap-year day which was a Sunday. I actually went in on Friday the 27th because my water had broken but the nurses didn't believe me and sent me home. Since I had the day off already I went out shopping with Kristen. That night at midnight I started my contractions while sleeping out on the couch (more comfortable at the time than my flat bed) Thus, Cole had no idea I was in labor until I woke him up at 6:00 am to go to the hospital. He didn't believe me at first until he saw me contract every 2 minutes. We called Kristen and when she got to the house to watch Leif we left. The hospital was just up the street but it was a blizzard outside. When we got to the nurses station I told them I was in labor and they slowly took me to my room thinking I had lots of time. After they checked me and found out I was already to go they called my doctor to come deliver me. He was not on call because his twin boys were coming home from their missions that day but since it was early enough he came in. Macy was born after about 35 minutes of arriving at the hospital. She has been my only non-induced pregnancy, and that just fits her personality to a tee. She knew what she wanted and she got it! She is not a shy little girl, in fact just the opposite. Macy is the most friendly child I have ever met. She will walk up to another child within the first 5 minutes of arriving to places like a park or play group and introduce herself. She loves anything fancy or princessy and she LOVES to dance. I love you Macy Moo and Happy Birthday!

Macy Robinson
February 28, 2004 8:21 am
6 lb. 10 oz.
Sandy, Utah

Friday, February 20, 2009

It must be because I have only one set of grandparents remaining, but I have had an overwhelming desire to find out all I can about their lives. I have papers and books and notes about their lives but I can never remeber weeks later what I had read. When my dad presented Cole and I with an opportunity to go to Portland last week I jumped at the chance. He wanted to take his car up to his brother's car auction to sell and so his plan was that Cole and I would drive the kids over to Phoenix, drop them off, drive back home to our house and leave the next day for Oregon. We stayed the night in Woodland, CA just north of Sacramento and then drove through scary snowy mountians to Portland. We arrived on Friday night and flew back to Phoenix on Sunday. That is ummm...4 days or so without kids and 21 hours in the car with only Cole, I and some books on CD which we managed to get through with 2 of them. The drive was nice. Valentine's Day was nice. Sleeping in was nice. But, I missed my kids and was glad to be with them again. I actaully, now, have lots of family up north now. We stayed with my aunt and uncle but then we saw my grandparents, another aunt, and a cousin and her husband. I know that as teenagers we all got the "your family will one day be your best friends" and we all blew that off, but it is so true and I don't think we could put it any different to our kids today to make them trust us on that. They will just have to experience it for themselves. I did get some stories out of my grandparents. My grandpa used to dig graves as a scout ongoing project. My great-great grandmother was kidnapped in England by some gypsies for about a week. Then when she was older she married her husband on the boat to America after 11 days of courting. My grandmother makes the best lemon mereigne pie in the world (which I informed her I had never tasted and why had I never tasted it?) Anyways, I am very blessed to be from the ancestors I am. I am blessed that I am able to meet a 'cousin' everywhere I move to. And I am blessed to be such good friends with my family and extended family.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Gage!

Anxiously awaiting arrival time. I know I don't look as chipper as most people, but I do not use drugs for delivery-I have natural childbirth so I am feeling the pain every 30 seconds. That' s my claim to fame

My little guy is here!

Binky goes in first thing in my house!

Proud daddy!

Proud big brother and big sister!

Blessing day

Baby brother torture

I could look at those big blue eyes all day

Lake Powell houseboat-atleat he's having fun :) ( Lake Powell houseboat time is not my fav!)

Meeting cousin Kassidy

More baby brother torture

Meeting the horsies

1st birthday clebrated in our Midvale Utah home

1st Christmas

On vacation to So Cal to visit cousin Kass

Bathing with cousin Kass (or as I like to call it-blackmail photos :))

Out to lunch with Grandma Hinton

Camping with grandpa Robinson

On the fow fuwer (four-wheeler) Gage's personal fav!

Camping in New York at Letchworth State Park

My mom only had so many days off so when Gage was approaching his due date with no action at all I decided to take matters into the hands of science and get induced. My mom arrived and the next day Cole and I went in to have our scheduled delivery :) Things were progressing normally and when Dr. Tanner came out (I delivered at an office away from his usual hospital so it was about a 15 min drive for him) to check on me he said I was at a 7 but that he would go take a nap in the next room rather than drive back to his office. He walked out and layed down, I felt the most incredible drop you could possibly feel inside your body-like a bowling ball dropping from your chest to your hips- and then I was ready. Dr. Tanner was called for and 4 minutes later Gage was born with a huge bruise covering his whole face. Apparently on his rushing himself to drop he beat himself up pretty bad. Good call for Dr. Tanner although he wouldn't have made it out to his car if he had decided to go instead. My little Gage keeps me on my toes. He is constantly getting into things, constantly making messes, and constantly talking. He started walking at 9 1/2 months to keep up with his big brother and sister (or to get away from them as you can see in the pictures he had reason to) I love him like crazy and those blue eyes will forever be mine! Happy Birthday Gage!

Gage Harley Robinson

Febrary 2, 2006

7 lb 12 oz

3:09 pm

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sea World

I just posted 3 new posts so read on....Sea World is having a deal right now where if you buy a day pass you get a year pass free, so we went ahead and took advantage of that. We went with Kate and my dad. Both Kate's and mine husband's were working so I was expecting more chaos, but didn't find any. It was so fun and the kids loved seeing the attractions. Leif wanted to get soaked by Shamu so he sat up front with Gage while the rest of us sat higher-poor guy was 2 rows too high-he didn't get a drop. Macy and Gage loved the 4-d Elmo movie which rumbled your seats and sprayed you with water. I liked the Shamu show. Kate said we didn't see a quarter of the park but that's ok because now we can go back whenever we want!! As you can see from the last picture the kids played till they droppped!
Sea world is owned by Anheiser Busch-I know :)- so this is a picture with one of the Busch clydesdales that are in the commercials