Thursday, 26 March 2015

Linked Learning

I want to share with today you an example of how a positive personality along with imaginative ideas are essential tools to creating a strong desire to learn and achieve from your pupils.

Sarah Saputo, a PE teacher at Park Way Primary School in Kent has quickly risen to become one of our most passionate and inspirational contributors.

Her philisophy is to "educate young people on the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle whilst making it fun yet challenging at the same time".
Sarah has used "outside of the box thinking" to engage pupils in other areas of the curriculum through PE this term, using a variety of ways including:

  • Encouraging literacy every lesson by children reading the whiteboard and filling in the missing letters of key words

  • Using numeracy in dance.  Pupils are shown a dance move for each number and they had to dance out their date of birth etc. This was progressed through dancing out maths calculations and adding decimal points to add a challenge This was great for showing children that anyone can choreograph a dance with just a few moves. The boys loved this too!

  •  Science in sport. During a sprinting lesson pupils place a cone to where they think they could sprint to in 3 seconds. They had to move the cone to where they actually got to. This can be then replicated for 6 seconds, and so on. This can then lead into Q and A about acceleration and is a good differentiation tool for mixed ability classes.
Sarah adds that the outstanding teachers should "support best use of language and show your audiences how to use the knowledge gained of subjects within the real world to develop skills which are transferable" 

I hope you find this information useful. Please feel free to share this blog with anyone who may benefit from receiving it.

Best regards,

Samir Sawhney,
Progress Manager - Head of Multiple services
T: 0203 291 4387

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

5 Awesome Reasons to Teach with J and C Academy

Teaching is a fantastic vocation when well delivered, but also one which has received plenty of criticism for excessive paperwork and assessment overload. J and C Academy offer a fresh approach where they focus on dynamic delivery, whilst also ensuring that every teacher feels supported & valued.

Jazz has spoken to some of the J and C Academy teaching team this week, and with the new academic year in rapid pursuit, we thought it was about time to share with you;
'5 Awesome reasons to teach with J and C Academy.'

1. A Positive Environment
After a successful induction with one of their senior teachers, when you join J and C Academy, they immediately receive productive e-mails and videos about how to initiate and sustain a great career at the company; along with positive guidance around their bespoke but simple systems.

J and C leaders all have vast experience teaching (mostly at J and C Academy) so have key understanding of how to make productive progress. Once teachers settle in to their role, they can then truly focus on what they love to do. #Teach

2. Easy to digest Lesson Plans
Have you ever thought about how awesome teaching would be, if you didn't need to do excessive planning as it was all done for you? This forms another great reason to #TeachatJandC

3. A Long Term Career
To ensure you have a sustainable career path where you are truly valued and appreciated, J and C Academy maintains a remarkable teacher reward scheme, which includes ongoing professional development training, annual salary increases (up to 10% pa), plus a range of other rewards for your progress.

4. Teach the Subject you Love
Teaching at J and C Academy means that you will teach the subject you enjoy teaching most, (P.E, Music, French or Spanish) on a permanent, part time or full time basis, depending on your needs.

5. Fun Factor!
When I asked the director about some of his most enjoyable moments, he affirmed without hesitation that he loved seeing the team celebrate their success, as teachers share their stories and knowledge over a fun game of bowling, dinner at a nice restaurant or an awards ceremony at a luxurious hotel. "It's something to look forward to every term!"

Once you work at J and C Academy you truly feel part of an ever expanding team. A team of professional people who have one common goal; 'to deliver dynamic and inspiring lessons for the next generation of primary school children so that they too can develop a lifelong passion for learning and self improvement.'

If you would like to find out more about how to have a fantastic career at J and C Academy, contact the team by visiting:

As always, if you find this article interesting, please share with your friends, acquaintances or colleagues.

Best regards,

"Intelligent well detailed course material provided, good pay & placement in good schools" Elsa, J and C Academy teacher

"Professionalism, originality and creativity make you the best company to work with" Florentina - J and C Academy teacher

"...great rates of pay and professional continuous support", Filippo, J and C Academy teacher

Thursday, 22 January 2015

7 tips for Outstanding P.E in Primary Schools

7 non-negotiables for Outstanding P.E in Primary Schools

Inspired by J and C Academy P.E teachers James Eaton, Alex Lewis and Paul Meakin during my
visits to schools this morning, I was inspired to share with you just 7 non negotiables for
outstanding PE lessons in Primary Schools.

1. Safety is of paramount importance. A great example of this today was when James positioned a green cone for the batter and a yellow cone a few paces behind for the catcher, thereby minimising any risk of injury.

2. Always include a whiteboard or power-point reference for your key learning objectives / learning focus. Pupils tend to remember more about the lesson if the key ideas are communicated  verbally, physically and visually. I was most impressed when a year 4 pupil confirmed that he was learning about 'symetrical' and 'asymetrical' balances in Paul's gymnastics lesson.

3. Maximise Activity and Learning. Following your key instructions and teaching points, get the children moving. During intermissions, give pupils an activity or exercise to keep their hearts racing or their brains boggling. The best way to prevent children from fidgeting or misbehaving is not to give them a chance to think about it.

 I really enjoyed this about Alex's netball lesson today as everything was really swift and pupils were constantly moving (except key reflective moments and demonstrations.)

4. Talk for Learning: Rather than spending 2 minutes explaining something, get the children to discuss the key context for learning with their peers and develop understanding among themselves. e.g. "I'm going to give you 30 seconds to quietly discuss with your partner, how you might be able to find space so your partner can throw you the netball, without it being intercepted by the defender."

This helps children think independently whilst keeping them mentally engaged. As a result, you will spend less time saying "stop fidgeting with the ball" and more time praising the children for progressing so swiftly, and advising them of the next steps for learning. #AccelerateLearning!

5. Teaching Assistants must wear trainers and be actively involved in supporting the learning. Help them to add value to the lesson by supporting key individuals or groups.

6. Group Calling is a tactile way to get pupils to remember key words and retain information. The skill is to use your body language (e.g. opening of your arms) to indicate that all children should respond in choral. e.g. "When we are travelling around the hall, we will be looking for (open arms nice and wide...children respond together) "Space"

7. James demonstrated differentiation in an expert manner today when he was teaching cricket. He asked pupils to hit one of 2 large cone targets before asking some who were still developing the technique to aim for 3 cones, and the pupils who were performing well, to aim for just one cone.

All the children were working at their own skill level, rather than 'one size fits all' approach which inevitably means that all children were able to make active progress.

I hope you find this blog useful. For further information about outstanding P.E, simply get in touch via our website; Until next time, have a great week! #HappyTeaching

Jazz Rose,
Director of Education,

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

5 Proven Strategies for Effective Language Learning...
Having taught foreign languages in primary schools for a combined total of over 18 years; our senior Spanish and French teachers, Nora and Gabriel are delighted to share our 5 Proven Strategies for Effective Language Learning with you.

These 5 strategies can be successfully implemented in your school to not only create positive and productive learning experience for your pupils, but also to enhance your school's reputation as a kitemark school for French or Spanish teaching.

Click the image above to learn more. Please feel free to share this free report with teachers, schools or colleagues who may find it useful.

Best regards,

Director of Education
J and C Academy

Thursday, 11 December 2014

What Makes a GREAT Music Teacher?

When I go to meetings with primary school head-teachers all over the country, I'm often asked the question: "What skills do your music teachers have?" or "What makes your music teachers reputable?"

Even more often, we receive dozens of applications every week for those who want to become music teachers within our company and we have to seek out whether they have the right skills for the job.

In light of the two points above, I've created a short but incisive report; so that schools and teachers can be sure of exactly what we look for, and how we go about delivering inspiring lessons.

'What makes a GREAT music teacher?'...6 simple steps to help your pupils develop an everlasting passion for learning and self-improvement.

Please click the link or the image below to view the pdf report and leave your comments below.


Thursday, 4 December 2014

Maximising Pupil Progress

I've been away from blogging for a while as my colleague Chris and I have been in the J and C laboratory dissecting why some of the smartest children in the UK may not be reaching their full potential in primary school.

Fear not as our PDF below explains exactly how to ensure all children are focused and challenged in every single lesson, without fail.

Without further ado, we present to you:

P.S – As always, if you would like to find out more about J and C Academy, please visit our website:, or send us an e-mail:

Monday, 17 November 2014

How to Deliver Outstanding Lessons

How to Deliver Outstanding Lessons

J and C Academy have been delivering Outstanding lessons in UK primary schools for over a decade, so we are well positioned to know exactly what it takes.

Check out the J and C Academy PPA Guide on How to Deliver Outstanding Lessons.

Please remember to like, share and comment on our blog.
