If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


Last photo shoot at the FARM!


Josie's First ever Birthday Party on her 5th Birthday!

Wahoo!  What a fun party! So grateful the Gines let us use their pool.  So many fun little girls around Josie's age. It was quite the party, but you only turn 5 once!


Josie turns 5!

Favorite Color: of course, Blue!
Favorite Number:5, cuz I'm 5
Favorite Drink:Apple Juice
Favorite food: Macaroni and Cheese
Favorite game: Hide and Go Seek
Favorite animal: Zebra
Favorite Song:You are my Sunshine
Favorite TV Show: My Little Pony
Favorite Movie: Brave/Frozen
I feel sad when: someone doesn't want to play with me or something
I Feel Mad when: like someone hits me really hard with their slingshot.
I feel proud when: someone said I made them happy. 
I feel scared when: it's dark.
I like it when my friends: play with me.
 I like it when my teacher: gives me treats at the end of class.  
I like it when I: help people when they get hurt.
In the summer I: play at the beach.
At school I: have fun.
I am good at: sharing and making people happy when they are sad.
I wish I could:see Jesus again.
I am special because: Jesus loves me.
What makes you laugh: someone tickling me and telling knock knock jokes.
If you were a parent for a day, which rule would you get rid of: the rule of playing no screens
What do you want to do when you grow up: be a mom.
Do you think it would be hard to be a mom or dad: yes
Why:because it's hard to take care of babies...to keep them happy.
If you could have a magical power what would it be: an ice power like Elsa. I want to build an ice castle.
What is the best thing about being 5: I'm the littlest and I like being the littlest
What is the best thing about being you? I have a great school and a great mom and a great dad.