If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


Noah's Ballroom Competition

Last fall, even though I had a little hesitancy, Noah joined ballroom. It is a 45 minute class before school. No big deal, right? It got to be a little much when it seemed we had something every day for ballroom. But he loved it, so we preserved through. January came, and it was time to pay tuition for the next semester. I didn't pay. I thought if I don't pay he can't compete.

So three days before the first of three competitions, Noah announces that he has his first competition that Saturday. There was some mass hysteria when I found this fact out, because I had plans for that Saturday. John's calling tried to ruin my plans, (who needs to camp out in the snow with 12 year old boys?) but i arranged for alternate babysitting. I felt happy, I let John do his calling and managed to still be able to continue with my plans(BTW it wasn't my parents, they were at the cabin. Thank you KT!) All of that suddenly seemed a waste because now there was a ballroom competition. I tried to tell him he couldn't go because we hadn't paid. I tried to tell him that dad was going to be gone and I had plans. I tried to tell him we were done with ballroom because I didn't want to commit to three Saturdays of competitions. I told him he was already committed to basketball. He cried and among other things I realized, he really liked it, and he had a partner who was counting on him.

Through some what very much seemed like tender mercies of the Lord, Noah was able to get a ride with his (ha ha) basketball coach's son and mom. I was so very grateful, but this didn't mean that Noah was going to get to continue. Then of course he did awesome at the competition(he has my genes!), Won an award for top technique with his partner. I still was thinking what a cool way to go out. Then I get an e-mail from his ballroom teacher. She said things like..."phenomenal dancer" and "Thanks again for sharing Noah with me and our team two mornings per week! What a wonderful young man!" She told me she would be willing to drive and take care of Noah at the competitions if I would let him compete.

My cold heart started to weaken. Noah needs more people around him who think these things about him. I need to think these things more often about him. Think, he is worth three of my Saturdays. I know I had other valid reasons, but they didn't seem to matter. Noah needed this, and It is something I could definitely work hard at being willing to support.

Thus this Saturday we are headed to Noah's second competition. It like the first and the next is an hour and 15 minute drive away. His sister may have to sacrifice a birthday party(waiting for tender mercies to appear), but even if she does. Noah is worth it. Ballroom is worth it, right?!? It is.

The words from Neil L. Anderson's talk entitled "Children" keeps coming to my mind. He is quoting a young mothers blog here, the words are profound. "“Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. You do not collect children because you find them cuter than stamps. It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for.

John and I have always said, no matter what our kids are interested in doing as a hobby, as long as we are involved and show interest it will all work out well. Never thought it would be ballroom, but I am grateful just the same, that Noah is enjoying himself and finding confidence in who he is!

I'm still such a beginner at this whole mothering thing. I hope I get it all figured out before they are out of the house!

End Of Year Review!


  • Went to Oregon to see Bryce and Brenley sealed to their second beautiful child
  • Saw many old friends and family while we were in Oregon
  • Pine Wood Derby

  • Celebrated valentines

  • Went kite flying
  • Watched Noah play basketball
  • celebrated my 31 birthday

  • John and I celebrated our 10 Year anniversary
  • Micah turned 7
  • Papa goes to talk about Indian clothes to Noah's class
  • Soccer
  • Baseball
  • Take lots of baptism and new born pics
  • Vickie Moved
  • Preschool Graduation
  • Hike up Adams canyon


  • End of school
  • Cherry Hill
  • Noah's Birthday


  • Went to the Cabin with the Farr's
  • All of Hyde's descended just not at the same time
  • Celebrated Josie Mae's Birthday!!!


  • Hard decisions about Charter or public school
  • Hiller's Cabin
  • Bird Refuge pics
  • Back to school


  • Marked one year passing of John's dad
  • Dee Kenneth turned 5!
  • Soccer
  • General Conference
  • Bird Refuge
  • Minature Golf
  • Water color painting with Sister Mangum
  • Carving pumpkins
  • Monster cupcakes
  • Trick or treating!
  • Josie's Staples!
  • Taking Pictures of a lot of beautiful people
  • TOFW with some wonderful women
  • My Dad coming to the kids school and talking about the Indian clothes
  • Bryce and Brenley and their cute kids came for a visit!
  • Tanksgiving at the Kenisons, but my parents their too!


  • Noah Performing Ballroom
  • John having really pretty much the whole month off!
  • John and I's weekend away
  • Being released from my teaching calling
  • A lot of drama at our house
  • The kids earning service bucks to pay for sibling gifts
  • Special little Christmas
  • Josie's preschool Christmas program
  • Kids getting sick
  • Christmas at the cabin
  • John's Birthday! Celebrated with Friends and Family!
  • New Year's eves eve party