If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


Sunday Gratitude

I am thankful...

1. for neighbors who can keep their wits around blood when you can't.

2. Josie only hurt her head bad enough to need TWO staples.

3. DeeKen was there to help me and to go get help in case I fainted.

4. for parents who live close enough to come and support me when I have to take my baby to get staples.

5. Micah's desire to be a part of Deer Hunt Weekend. Which translates into girls only!

6. Noah's desire to befriend the new kid. Even if the new kid doesn't realize how cool that is.

7. John has been home when most scarey, bloody, things have happened to our kids.

8. for angels who kept me from fainting when Josie was bleeding all over...when John wasn't home.

9. primary programs. I love to hear kids sing gospel truths!

10. Fall weather. Yummy food accompanies this season. I LOVE it! but my waist doesn't!


Family pictures 2011

This year was hard for me. I wanted these pics to be just a certain way, but things happen. Photographers can't make it, you can't find shoes, your daughter breaks her head band...Argh, I got so frustrated. I had thoughts like, maybe a train is going to hit us and the Lord is trying to let me know by not making it possible to get there. But life happens, and all lived who went to the photo shoot with us. The family pictures were taken by my niece. Who has no formal training but tried her best. Very frustrating to try to set something up, but not really be able to see what the final product looks like till your done. You have this picture in your head, and it doesn't quite turn out! OH well, we still got some nice pictures! Enjoy!


Sunday Gratitude

I am grateful...

1. John came home, that he missed us, and that he brought ALL of us a souvenir.

2. My RS lesson I teach is over for another month. I love teaching, but i stress about it being exactly what the ladies need to hear.

3. that I have four HEALTHY (knock on wood) beautiful children.

4. that Noah, while referring to me, told a kid in our neighborhood quote, "Sometimes she acts weird, but she is really SUPER cool!

5. Micah is learning inner strength when standing up to some bullying done by older girls in our neighborhood.

6. DeeKen is a super happy kid. I dig it! I need to be more like him.

7. that we have digital cameras. Although I miss the dark room, I love being able to get better candid pictures by being able to click away, and not having to worry about how many pictures I have taken.

8. for paint! I have now painted three rooms ceilings in our home. I love accomplishing something I know the kids can't undo in half the time it took me to get it done.

9. for friends who can read insecurities and build you up.

10. for adoption. It fills empty spaces, empty hearts that need to fill needed and loved.

How could I miss JO?!?

11. for Josie's ability to make my anger melt even though she has just put sharpie marker on her new Pottery Barn duvet cover. ARGH!


Fall photos

Yep, fall pictures were kind of scary this year!

Will Post them later. IF I dare!


Sunday Gratitude

I am grateful...

1. John doesn't have to travel for his job.

2. John prefers hanging out with me more than any guys.

3. John is dedicated to his family.

4. John has a little OCD that keeps are house in order.

5. John wanted a job that makes good money with minimal hours so that he can live for his family and not his job. Even if it is a VERY long road to get there.

6. John will be done in 8 months and 15 days. Who's counting?

7. John likes me after all these years.

8. John adores our girls and digs our boys.

9. John is humble enough to work on his weaknesses.

10. John will be home in 48 hours.

*and because I missed last week*

11. my kids like to exercise. Even though they don't know what exercise is.

12. I felt the spirit as we talked about living prophets today. They are so needed in this crazy world!

13. my kids can make each other laugh.

14. Noah responds to praise. It makes me have to be a more positive person.

15. Micah is not a teenager yet. She is going to be an emotional one.

16. DeeKen likes to sit on my lap still.

17. Josie isn't used to me crying yet, and responds immediately if she see me tearing up. She'll rub my back and ask me what is wrong.

18. for sister-in-law and teenage nieces who aren't too cool to come over and hangout with me while we watch "Prom" and "Beastly."

19. Noah and Micah are starting to like reading. We read Charlie and the Chocolate factory together, and then watched both versions of the movie while John has been gone. It was so fun.

20. Friends who miss me when I am not there to go to the pumpkin patch with them.

No, you will not see dogs on here today. Realistically you probably never will!

Dog POOP! RANT!!!!

I know that it is not very kind of me, but I choose not to let my kids have a dog. One BIG reason...I don't want to pick up dog poop! However, my decision to not have a dog, doesn't save my lawn from dog poop! It is very annoying! I used to have two different families dogs going on our lawn, but one got a fence. Thank heavens!

Now, you may think that i am being a little overly bugged, but think of new beautifully fallen snow all over youR yard. NO tracks are in your yard yet even, It is beautiful. But then you spot, there in the middle of your driveway, a big pile of dog poop! Now, this may make some of you laugh! But it made me irritated! I am so tired of dog poo!

Actually I can't even say it is just dogs, another neighbor has cats, I have watched it pooping on our lawn. I was yelling at it! Went to show John the next day, pretty sure the neighbor saw me ranting and yelling at it, and came and collected it's animals poop!

This rant is brought to you because I was just outside, and watched my neighbors animal let go it's poop on my lawn. I yelled at it to get off my lawn. It started to growl at me! It is old and puny, and I could have taken it, BUT it made me angry this animal was mad that I was trying to keep it from pooping on my lawn. I looked around to see where my neighbors were, no where to be seen I tell you! I was so angry, I went and got a sack, yep a sack. Picked up all the poop on my lawn. And went and deposited it on my neighbors lawn. It was not my best moment. I was shaking I was so angry!

Not to glory Oregon once again, but I REALLY love leash laws! You can get the cop called on you for not keeping your animal on a leash! I've seen it happen! Yes, this may be harsh to you animal loving people, but they do have dog runs, where you can let them out to run a bit with out you or a leash. But you still have to be responsible for your animal and it's bodily functions!

IF people are going to treat animals like their children, that should include watching where they pee and poo! I'm just saying, I don't let my kids desecrate on their lawns!

I need to go repent now. But if you have any suggestions on how to keep this atrocity from happening, let me know!

PS I did try to think of other words to use besides poop, but in my anger the only one I could think of, was not very becoming of a lady to use. Although I do admit that I have thought it once or twice while staring down at the very offending object! AAARGH!

(I am positive if John were home, he would have had some good words to use. Actually if John were home, he would have stopped me from writing this post. I know this because I texted him telling him about the poop and the sack. He told me to forgive them and forget it. Yes, he is a good man. Good bye for now, I have to go and repent!)



Toys are such a thorn in my side! It seems as though they hardly ever get played with and when they do, it isn't me playing with them, but i always seem to be the one cleaning them up. Thus, it is time to weed out some of our toys. I am putting a few on here, because I do tend to have a small hoarding problem at times. ha! I mostly wanted to see if anybody else I knew wanted our junk. One man's junk is another mans treasure I always say. Actually I never say that, but have thought it on a few different occasions. Anything you want, let me know and we will workout a way to get them to you. I will just take them to DI on Monday, so let me know asap!
Crib bumper and skirt. This is honestly the only thing I was thinking of asking any money for, because my mother bought it for me, and I think she would hate to know I gave it away. Ask me if you really want it, and we can work something out.



Gotta love Conference weekend! It is rejuvenating and revitalizing! We took a good friends advice and explored the outdoors in between sessions. She claims being outside is invigorates the soul. Between conference, the great out doors and a great visit with friends, has totally left me ready to face the world head on! Life is good! I love this time of year!
He just started dancing. So here is some of the succession of pictures.
The view from the top of the tower.
seriously good looking!
Here are just ten things I had reaffirmed to my testimony during conference.

1. I should be ready, and willing to defend what I believe in ALWAYS!

2. Being known as a "Mormon" as a person is not a bad thing, but the word itself does not truly represent our church.

3. Deciding how many children to have is a truly personal decision between a husband and a wife!

4. Good people have trials, it is part of this life. Ain't no escaping it, but if you are going to have them, isn't it best to have the aid of the most powerful being in the universe?

5. Prayer is a powerful tool. I need it to stay close to my Heavenly Father.

6. Other Churches may be able to tell you what Christ saved you from, but only The Church of Jesus Christ and tell you what it saved you for!

7. There is no game that is played with out boundaries or rules. Life is the same way. God has given us commandments and laws to live by.

8. I am my Father's daughter! He knows and loves me. He new me before this life. He is there for me now. I will be His forever after.

9. God lives. He is as much apart of our lives now, as He was in the times of the bible and Book of Mormon. He has a prophet on the earth today, as He always has when His Gospel has been present on the earth. 10. Jesus Christ was not just a great teacher. He is the Son of God. My advocate to the father. My Captain in this life.

Just LOVE that renewal! Can't wait to read it and experience it again!