If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


7 can be Heaven but also so HARD~

Favorite Color: RED

Favorite Number: 8 cuz you get baptized

Favorite Drink: Chocolate milk or water

Favorite food: Lasagna

Favorite game:Clue

Favorite animal: Horse

Favorite Song: I Love to see the Temple

Favorite TV Show: Strawberry Short Cake

Favorite Movie: Kit

I feel sad when: people push me down

I Feel Mad when: people laugh at me

I feel proud when: learn how do to stuff

I feel scared when: people yell at me

I like it when my friends: help you

I like it when my teacher: does art with me

I like it when I: get to do activities. Such as? Art

In the summer I: go swimming

At school I: do art or learn things

I am good at: art

I wish I could: change into stuff whenever I want. Like? Animals

I am special because: my mom loves me and my dad

What makes you laugh: When my dad tickles me

If you were a parent for a day, which rule would you get rid of: not one

What do you want to do when you grow up: be an art teacher

Do you think it would be hard to be a mom or dad: no

Why: I don't know

If you could have a magical power what would it be: To fly

What is the best thing about being 7: The next year you get baptized

What is the best thing about being you? That my mom and dad love me


Baptism pics for some cute kids!

Noah's basketball Season

This was Noah's first year of playing Basketball. I love basket ball! My brother Kevin played it in high school, i loved cheering him on. So, when Noah showed interest, we put him in.
He is a GREAT defender. We are working on his offense...aka shooting.
His cheerleaders were a lot cuter then my brother Kevin's.
LOOK, he even has the manly position down.
He is a handsome man no matter what sport he plays, but I am so glad to see his skin getting sun kissed!

March 10 - A Blustery windy day

We sooo wanted it to be warm outside, but when it wasn't we were grateful our friends called us to go fly kites.
It may be a face only a mother could love, but I think it is practically perfect.
No one could get the kites to stay up except our very determined Noah. Hmmm...now that I think about it i wish i saw a little more of this determination in other things. If only you culd pick and choose as parents sometimes.
I didn't blog about him losing his other tooth either. Maybe it isn't even gone in this picture, but just to note it came out while he was eating something. I was never so glad to see a snagle tooth disappear. It hung from one root forever, and and swung towards the gap from his other tooth. Man did it look funny.
Kind of love this picture!


Happy 10th Anniversary!

The first thing you said to me early on the morning of this, our 10th anniversary, was: “You need to hold me more.” Well baby, I couldn’t agree more. I do need to hold you more. Ten years just hasn’t been anywhere near long enough! I need to hold you as our four beautiful children continue to learn and grow. I need to hold you when Noah leaves on his mission. I need to hold you when Micah gets married. I need to hold you when DeeKen has the first few girls ask him out, and he goes on his first date. I need to hold you when Josie, our baby, has her first baby. I need to hold you as we make career plans, and decide where to move our family. I need to hold you as the Lord continues to test and try us and prepare us for whatever future plans He has for us. I need to hold you when things are so great I can hardly believe this life is mine, and I need to hold you when I think my world has fallen apart. I do need to hold you more . . . because you’re nice to hold. You’re warm and comforting. You’re encouraging and strengthening. You make me feel like I can do it, like I can beat it, like I can achieve it, like I can make it. When I hold you, I am loved, I am safe, I am home. Thank you for holding me for the past ten years. Thanks for holding all the little pieces of me that seem to fall apart so easily, and for keeping me together, and then letting me think that I was doing it on my own. Thanks for taking a role outside of the spotlight and doing a thankless job where very few see or understand your years of effort, patience, mental and physical fatigue, care and concern . . . and thank you for doing it in such a way that very few see or understand it. You truly act in so many selfless ways! I’m glad that we’re in this together. I’m happy that you’re my partner. And as we celebrate ten years I look forward to so many more, even to eternity! Thanks for being my AmyGirl! And I promise that I will hold you more. Why would I ever want to let go? I love you. John Boy