If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


Can't she stay little forever?

Josie Mae turned 2 today!

(More to come later!)


Some new little somethings I have been working on!

They were hard to take pictures of, I can't imagine what it would be like to take care of them. But aren't they adorable?!?

Still got a lot of pics to edit, but wanted to post a few.


Really? On a night John isn't home!

I could hear Deeken coming out of his room in the middle of the night, so I got up to cut him off. When he said, "mom, I've got a runny nose and can't get it to stop. So I take him into the bathroom to help him, turn on the light and HELLO!

I have NEVER had a bloody nose, at least not anything worth remembering. This made me a little nervous. I called John. He was quite surprised to get a call in the middle of the night, but was already up doing something medical, so he decided to humor his nervous wife and give her the basics in how to stop a bloody nose. Hope it doesn't happen again!


Rach's little man turns two!

My good friend from High School's little guy was turning two, so she had me snap a few quick pictures for his announcement! They turned out pretty cute, even if getting him to smile was like pulling teeth!
I know this is adorable, but I didn't make it. I did take the pics though. You can go here if you want to see more.


Content to not be a drama queen or paparazzi

Happy 4th of July!

(I am kind of glad this 3rd/4th of July is over.)


We started the day at a neighborhood breakfast at John's brothers house, No pics. It was fun, I am so glad they live so close to us.

Next we hit the fourth of July parade. Thanks to Brett and Chelle Markham, we actually got some decent seats with shade. It was a lot of fun to watch the kids enjoy it so much.

We headed out a few minutes early, to avoid the traffic, but still caught lots of necklaces from Taco Time, and Ties from Missionary Mall (only in Utah). Traffic is one thing I hate about the fourth of July, I don't like feeling like I can't get out. We had a lot to accomplish before Noah's baptism.
When we got home, we found out this little beauty, was coming back to haunt me. Just before I sent these out, I noticed I had accidentally put the 5th on this one. So I tried to make sure I sent all of this particular one to people out of state, who wouldn't be able to make it. Well, like classic Amy I screwed up, and caused some family stress about making it to the baptism. Which with my stress and tension sent me into a bit of a tail spin. John warned me, he told me the weeks leading up to Noah's baptism were going to be stressful and full of trials. He felt strongly that Noah was a special spirit and that Satan was going to make it very hard for us to enjoy this time. He succeeded. I had kept it together pretty well until this, but... lets just say my husband stepped up in major ways. I love him so much!
I was unprepared for how little time I would get to take pics of Noah. So these pics are not that great, and I will just have to enjoy the ones I took for his announcements. ADVICE to Moms of 8 year olds getting baptized....GET THERE EARLY AND GET THE PICS BEFORE EVERYTHING STARTS!

Noah was so excited! In the end that was all that really mattered! Noah did a wonderful job and gave a beautiful blessing when he confirmed Noah a member of the church and gave him the GIFT of the HOlY GHOST. I am so blessed to have such honorable men in my life.

When it was over, we partied at my parents!

The two witnesses! LOvE our DADS!
Family Picture the next day after Church
Really are there cuter kids? Love my babies!
Look who is up next! So happy I have two years to prepare! Better get started now!



Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12
Today Noah makes a very important decision on his journey to becoming a follower of Christ. His father and I could not be more proud of him. By being baptized he will promise to keep the commandments, to always remember the Savior and to take upon him the name of Christ. Noah is already such a good example(in most things, and most times), to his siblings. We testify that he will be baptized by the priesthood authority of God into Christ's true church. Noah is excited to be baptized and already is looking forward to his next step, holding the priesthood(age 12). We love him so much, and can't believe our little Chief Captain is old enough to be baptized.

I loved taking these pictures of Noah. He is such a handsome little man. If you want to see the others I shot, you can go HERE.