That's what it reminded me of taking these pictures. It also reminded me of my childhood. These were my stomping grounds when I was young. We had fields upon fields that surrounded my parents home. I would play for hours out in them with my brother Brian. We had so much fun as kids with so much space to run and play. Most of the fields are now gone. They started disappearing around third grade. I forgot about the lack of fields and the fun I had there, until I was exploring with my kids this last one little piece of heaven. I was surprised at how well their imaginations came alive when given the space to work with. Even when we went back to my parents yard they seemed to be more content to play outside. I think something was sparked within them.
So When I realized the next day was memorial day, and remembered what I did last year for memorial day, I knew I wanted to capture some of that spark on film(?). Anyway, it was a gorgeous overcast day with the sun just barely peeking through the clouds. I wish I had had more time, but we had some other fun plans for the day too, now that we are back with family. We just might have to go back and indulge ourselves in imagination building activities. Can't wait.