If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


Cool Posters!

A neighbor introduced these to me, and I thought they were pretty awesome and wanted to share. I'm definitly going to get a few for my boys room. Every boy needs a cool poster. It has BIBLE, Book of Mormon, and a few others. Check it out.

Real Heros


DeeKenis the Menace!

CAREFUL! He make look harmless, but believe me he isn't!

D is hitting his terrible twos a little late. I am really trying hard to remember if Noah was this crazy at Deeken's age. We lived in a very small apartment, and I still don't remember him being like this. I do know that time as faded the hard times. Still, Deeken is just such a curious menace. There are a few stories I could add here, but I will go with the big one. The very sticky details of it all. John's mom and dadgave us two quarts of honey for Christmas. It was all in one nice big container, and I was soooo excited. I knew it was going to be yummy and delicious, and dreamed of all the nice things I could put under it.

Well, we forgot to take it out of the car. I saw it a couple of times but figured I had enough to carry inside already. Well, one day while Deeken was waiting for me in the car, he decided to open the nice big container and get a taste. Then shut the lid again...not tightly. Where did I get the detail? Micah. Did she mention it to us? Nope. Thus when John was driving the van later, and heard the honey tip over, he had no idea that it might cause a problem. When he made it home, and Micah un-buckled, she said,"Ummm, Dad the honey spilled all over." At this point Deeken should know that he is VERY lucky that it was his daddy who was in the car, and not his mommy. How much spilled out do you ask. ALL OF IT!!!

John had the frame of mind to drive back down to the bottom of the driveway and put the car at an angle, so that the honey would oooze out of the car. What do you clean honey out of a car with? Well, John got a long wooden spoon to help scoop it out. But once you have the honey on the spoon where do you put it. You ever tried to fling honey off of a spoon? So then John got hot water to melt the honey off the spoon. Oh it was a mess. My answer to this mess...LETS SELL THE VAN!!!

For the rest of the holidays we had a very nice SEAL to out drivers side doors. I practically could have pulled my arm out of the socket to get it open. We went and washed our car with a high power sprayer and were able to get rid of the rest of it. I hope! At least the door opens easier now.

Do I have any advice for those who might come across the same thing? TAKE THE HONEY OUT OF YOUR CAR AS SOON AS YOU GET IT!

An update on running!

I HATE Running!

This is not new, just re-affirmed as of late. Will it stop my goal of becoming a runner? NO!

I just want to say I appreciate all who offered advice on running music. It does help. However, those who have offered to run with me, I would rather you ran for me, and then just used some alien machine to transfer the work out to my body! Sound good? OKAY! I do not think running with anyone will ever work out. I tried to run with John just yesterday. He told me I MUST run faster than he walks. So I tried to keep pace with him and had soon used all of my energy. I slowed to a walk and he took off to a run. Thus I see paired running as not an option for me.

Something else I have also learned is that if you want a good laugh, you should pass me on the road while walking. My lovely neighbor Brooke Toone lost a few calories as she caught sight of my not so hide-able dance moves. I try to listen to the music so I don't focus on the run and my groove thing just takes over. It is kind of like when my kids watch Dora and she tells them to say, "SALTA," and they MUST say SALTA(jump). Beyonce says "now put your hands up," and my body must obey. I know it sounds a little silly, but it is true. So if you ever see some random runner on the road who looks like she just "nodded her head like yeah," or shook "her hips like yeah" it is probably me. I'm trying to keep it to a minimum I promise.

Will i keep running? Yes, but I might get more of a work out if I just stayed home and did the electric slide.

That's all folks!(for now)


Friends bring you to Christ!

I think I got truly lucky to have the friends I had in high school. When we lived outside of Utah, we had people ask us what it was like to grow up in Mormonville(Kaysville), Utah. Yes, my seminary did have the highest attendance in the world. 98% of my high school were Mormons, but did that mean that everyone acted their religion? Heck no, I think we were like most other high schools. You still had every kind of group....cowboys, gothics, druggies, populars, and geeks. We all still had our agency, and the teenage years are a great time to rebel or find out what you actually believe. Thus back to my first sentence, I think I got truly lucky to have the friends I had in high school. They were good friends who always helped me make good decisions. John was one of my best friends then too, so I think i really lucked out.

I have been thinking about this, because I have been listening to a book on tape, and it was retelling the story of Christ healing the man with the palsy, who came through the roof. It's in Mark chapter 2 if you want to read it. He talked about it from Christ's point of view as the healer. He talked about it from the scribes point of view, and then he said he looked at it as he hadn't before. He looked at it from the view of the palsy man's friends. The ones who had brought him to Christ. They had seen that their friend was sick and so where did they take him? To one who could heal, to one who could comfort, to the one who could save him. He then talked about what our friends do for us when we are down, do they bring us closer to the healer, the comforter, the SAVIOR.

It made me think, and be grateful, for all the good people the Lord has put in my life. Not just in high school, but since the time I was born. I have had so many exemplars of Christ in my life. People who really know where unending Love and understanding come from. Thank you to each of you who remind me, Why I'm here, who I am, and where I am going. I hope I am being the same kind of friend to you, if not I will try harder. Christ is so important in our lives. I want to make Him a bigger part of mine this year, I hope you do too.

Runnin' Music!?!

One of my goals for this year is to become a runner. I need this for my body. I figure since I am done having kids, this is my body for life, and I need to get it in shape. I truly believe that running is one of the best ways to do it. But I am not a runner, or exerciser for that matter. So...

I know I have to have an amazing music track to run to. It has to be up beat, and although I fear I may end up getting out my groove thing in the middle of the street, it has got to have some rhythm and something to sing to, or it is not going to work. I wanted the black eyed peas new songs, but both swear or take the Lords name in vain, so there out.

Please help a girl out and give her the names of some good tunes to run to!!!