If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


Hackett Family

They are GREAT neighbors, they are. He is even a GOOD home teacher, he is. And we had a great time hanging out and taking some fun pictures, despite having the swine flu a week before. Thanks for giving me the opportunity. We feel so blessed to have you as neighbors!


Combined Photo Shoot

This is Chelle, a friend...and the wife of a very good friend. She asked me to take some family pictures for them. I got this idea to take our new leather looking couch out into this field. So I told her about it and told her I would be willing to do it, if she would also snap a few of our family. We are going to do our kids another day, so look forward to that. We had a good time, both going into it with wanting more candid natural family pictures. I think we got quite a few. Prepare for picture overload, and just know there were tons more.


Jill Pierce and her LYU family!

Jill is a friend from Oregon. Her Best friend lives here in Utah. Every time her friend has one of THESE^, Jill comes for a visit. I got the chance to take pictures of Jill and her cute adopted family. I hope they enjoy the pictures, and hope to see them again soon.


Foster Care at it's Best!

What I knew of Foster care a few years ago seemed like a bleak situation for all involved(I didn't know much). My friends, the Wilbergers changed my perception completely. I thought they were unique in their way they cared for someone elses child. They were remarkable, but I think the Robb's must come from the same mold.

Payshence mom needed some help while she figured out some things in her life. The Robb's not knowing her or her beautiful daughter at the time took Payshence in and have taken care of her for the last 6 months. She is now going to go back to living with her mom full time. But since her mom can tell how good the Robbs are for her daughter they are going to be able to stay in contact and be a great support to them.

Payshence has become like one of their family and they wanted to get a few pictures with her before the transition back. So here you go Robbs. I hope you enjoy.


Four Boys + One Girl FARR's

When I first started dating John, she took me under her wing. She was the newest sister-in-law in the family and remembered what it was like to be dating a FARR boy. I always wanted her to have a girl so that we could do girly things together. I remember finding out I was pregnant with Micah and wanting her to be pregnant with a GIRL so badly...Teague is cute, but definitely not a girl. She handles her 3 boys so well, and we benefit greatly from her girly side. I hope Micah follows her example in style, kindness, friendship, non gossiper, and craftiness. We love living by her family. I am glad my girls have her to look up to in their lives.

With that I give you Joanne...and her 4 handsome men in her life.


Rach and Rani's Kiddos

I got my two good HS friends (supposed to be 3:) together so that we could take some pics of their cute kids. BIG MISTAKE! I wish I didn't have any to show...this little cutie above, fell just a few minutes into taking pictures and had to go get stitches. We almost didn't do the shoot at all because it was so sunny, I wish we hadn't for her sake. I hope you enjoy what we did get, and I can't wait to try again....We wuv you Claire-a-belle! So sorry Rani!

PS I hope to get my camera on your kids sometime Carly!



I have heard this man's name from the first day of school. Noah was so excited to learn drums from a man from Africa named Zinzie. Noah was lucky to be in the second grade. Which is the grade that Zinzie chose to have spend more time with him learning, and then got to put on an assembly for the other grades. Noah absolutely loved it!
He really got into it, in true Noah style.
Zinzie asked Noah to introduce his second grade class and what they were going to play. He was so nervous. He practiced a lot and did a great introduction. I was very proud of him.

PS Thank You KT for coming to watch my kids, and for cleaning my kitchen and my tub. You are a great baby-sitter!



I knew she had to meet him, but she got engaged to another guy. She saw my wedding pictures and asked about him. I told her that was the guy I wanted you to meet...by this time she had broken off her engagement. They went on their first date the day she was supposed to marry the other guy. The rest is history...almost eight years and four kids to be exact. We LOVE them, and are so glad to be on this journey called life with them...even if they've got it pretty easy:)!


Weekend in Rockland

Rockland is where my parent-in-laws moved a few years a go. We worried about Sam and how he would thrive in such a small town, but he has done amazing well, and when asked, he even said he would like his kids to be able to go to the same type of school he went to there. VERY INTERESTING!

Going to a high school football game in a town of about 500, was a big change from the games I used to love at Davis. They take place at 4pm because there are no lights. There are little bleachers like you would see at a child's Field. One thing that is the same: the push and want to win.

We loved seeing Sam play. He does a great job and really enjoys playing. He is always trying to get his team mates going and reminding them that it isn't over yet...whether winning or losing. We had a great time.

We originally went up to Rockland to enjoy the end of John's week vacation, Sam's game was just a bonus. We also enjoyed yummy food, good movies(for those who didn't fall asleep in them), horseback riding, kitties, cousins, and great company. I'm just sad John's vacation is over. It goes by way to fast. I miss him already.

This had to be the crowning moment. My 7 and 1/3 year old son finally lost his first tooth! It was just hanging there, and I asked for just one chance to pull it out. He let me, and it was out! He is super proud...I am sure the one next to it is on its way out too! Money, Money, Money...to bad the tooth fairy is so poor!

Sam *** Senior Pictures!

As if I need to mention that he is my brother-in-law, the family resemblence is quite noticable. I have known him since he was five. He has always been a handsome litlle guy, although now he is not so little. My mother-in-Love asked me to snap these while we were up there this weekend. It was a little intimidating taking these, because Sam loves photography too. He also knows I do my best work with candid pictures. Photographers make the worst subjects, they are way to aware of the camera. But I think we got some good ones...some Maegan will like. I love you SAM. Thanks for being one amazing Uncle to my kids!


Church Pumpkin Patch Activity

Before we lived in our ward, the ward had to be split because it was getting to BIG. The Bishop of the other ward owns a nursery, and Invited our ward and his to the nursery for a hayride, a pumpkin picking, and some food. I never miss a good pumpkin patch.

We did end up needing to hurry in the pumpkin patch, because everyone in our family was starving, but I felt like I got off some good pictures. I am however missing our BEAUTIFUL pumpkin patch in Oregon. Gorgeous setting, train ride, boat ride, face painting, yummy popcorn...maybe I should check ticket prices. I hope to find an amazing one around here, any suggestions?


Happy JIB-JAB Halloween

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!
Hope you enjoy! Do it with your kids, mine love it!

30 and Counting!

It is what she wanted for her 30th Birthday present and it is what she got. Her sweet family hung in there really well. It was FREEZING. You can find the pictures I took of them here.