If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson



Well, we made it here. I am so glad it is over! Moving is on the low end of things I like to do. It is hard when I think we may have to do it again in three years. I try not think about that, and live in the now. Although, the now has had plenty of its ups and downs.

Since moving to Utah I went to visit our wonderful Oregon friends who now live in Colorado. I was quite pleased with myself for making this 4 1/2 hour trip with the kids by MYSELF only three days after driving the 10 hour drive from Spokane. It was so great to get there and see the Veeks, that we haven't seen in almost a year and a half. But at 2am I was questioning whether it was such a good move. The flu bug hit me, and it hit HARD. I didn't get much sleep and when 6am hit and Micah was puking, I was seriously wondering whether Sierra was going to throw us out! But she didn't, she rallied and took on all 9 kids, including the puking Micah. So I could just sleep or lay on the couch. I LOVE her!

We managed to get in some fun amid loan stress, stolen purse, loss of keys, and binkis. Noah found my keys so Sierra let him choose what we got to do, which meant, we were going BOWLING. We had a great time, and so wish that the Veeks lived closer. They are probably happy we don't...on the morning we were leaving Sierra and her oldest daughter Morgan woke up with the flu. What a nice going away present. We really do LOVE you!

(Just she and I took all of these kids plus her twin babies(7 months) bowling. We are insane!)

When I arrived back at my parents, my sister-in-law Debbie was here with her 6 kids. It makes for some fun, but crazy times when that many kids are in one house. Four-Wheeling, shoe floating, kick the can, and sleeping in the trailer, were among the many fun things they did together. We miss them already. We miss them, because on last Thursday I helped Debbie drive her 6 kids up to her parents house in Coeur D'alene(1/2 hour from Spokane). John then picked me up and we went to his graduation dinner. It was so nice to get to have a night alone. The next morning we got up and drove BACK to Utah. Needless to say...I am sick of riding in a car. I am getting permanent TB(Tired Bum).

On Saturday John and I with the help of our ever wonderful brother-in-law Travis, and my bravisamo Dad and Mom, we laid our wood kitchen floor. It is Beautiful, although I don't have any great pics of it, because it was dark when we finished, and then we covered it with boxes, so it doesn't get scratched when we put in the cabinets tomorrow. but here is a little peek...

We LOVE IT! Thanks to the Willey's and Yates who took care of my three older kids. And to my mom who multi-tasked helping with the floor and taking care of Josie Mae. We could not have done it with out you.

Other fun things going on in the house...

We got our mantle and railings finished and put up. The paint is on and except for some minor touch up work to be done, it looks GREAT!

We got tile in our entry, 2 baths and laundry room.

This is my kids doing the "Happy Dance," in what will be there play room.

I just added this pic, simply because I love that WE are IN pics of our house.

and this is the outside. Don't worry they still have to paint the stucco.

So fun things still yet to happen...

  • Fireplace rocked
  • Cabinets in bathroom, laundry, and 2 baths
  • Pouring of driveway and porches
  • Stucco painted
  • Lights installed
  • carpet
  • showers installed
  • and I am sure lots of other things I can't think of, all in the NEXT TWO WEEKS!