If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


WoW! What a difference a week makes!

Monday to Friday...really!?! In just one week?
My parents are visiting some of my siblings this next week. Yeah for them, boo for me! I will miss my twice daily updates--What good parents, and foreman they are. Love them!

Noah said something funny this week. He said, "Mom, when you sign me up for school in Utah this time, tell them I only want to go half-day." I think it must be time for summer vacation!

Feed Store--Photo Shoot--Take 1

This is my Wonderful, Brilliant, very loved friend Brenley. We did two photo-shoots in two days. We both love photography, but we were kind of asking for it making out kids do this two days in a row. I shot most of these pics, and Bren shot the one the first day. I absolutely love this Location, I have been eyeing it for months, and had to take her there. But because of a forgotten soccer practice, we only had about 15 mins there. It was fast, furious, and definitely crazy...I am giving my kids a few weeks off and then am going back to explore. There is so much I didn't even get to shoot, I can't wait. Wish you could be with me Bren!
She looks so much like my niece Whitney here, I can't believe it!
This is Brenley's sweet McCoy. He was not so sweet this day. We got off only two pics of him. But he really is a sweetie.
I LOVE this bench, I would go and steal it, if that was legal! It is a very, old abandoned feed store, I don't think anyone would know it was gone...I know, I know!
Oh, I seriously love this door. So many fun pics yet to take. I have already got one sister-in-law coming to take pics with me here, any other takers? I'll shoot the pics for free if you come visit! 5 weeks left...I hope they don't tear down the place before I can get the kids back there!

Manito Park--Photo Shoot w/ Brenley

I had to take advantage of Brenley's Great photography skills while she was here and get a new family picture! Thanks so much Bren!
I love so many things about the way Brenley takes pictures, but I really admire the angles she is able to get. If you want to check out more of her photography, here is her link.

Brenley & McCoy, we miss you already!

One of my very bestest friends, not only from Oregon, but anywhere, told me when I called her for her birthday (2 days before mine) that she was going to come and visit me. Wahoo visitors! We had such a great time, and the kids got to know each other fast.
Good times were had by all, minus the sickness, and crazy sleep schedules. Thank you Bren for all your help, and for watching the kids so John and I could go out for a missed anniversary dinner. You are wonderful! We would LOVE to have them back anytime, but Brenley has assured me, we have got to come back to Oregon, before she is going to venture out again. We shall see....

Miss you Bren and McCoy!


Happy Anniversary Amy Noelle

To my ever loving wife: Thank you for 8 years of laughs, love, tears and trials. Thank you for surviving through 7 years of having your husband be a student, and working hard to meet a meager budget. Thank you for being willing to follow me to 6 different places of residence, and making all of them a home. Thank you for sacrificing physically and spiritually through 5 different pregnancies (And still being one hot mama). Thank you for 4 beautiful children, who are our life. How could we be without them? You have laid down your life for them, and they will be eternally grateful for you. Thank you for your commitment to 3 more years of residency which promises more lonely nights, long hours of wrangling monkeys alone, and missed important events. Thank you for 2 eyes that have always seen the best in me, 2 hands that have always supported me, 2 ears that have always been willing to listen, and 2 feet that have tirelessly walked a long and winding road. Thank you for 1 sacred promise made 8 years ago on this day, that made me the 1 and only for you, and you the 1 and only for me; a promise that will bless us eternally.

I'd do it all again in a heartbeat as long as I had you to count with. I love you Amy Noelle.


LIFE Update!

My Beautiful kids on Saturday morning.
Saturday morning, we had a lot of fun going to a ward Easter party, but before we could go, mom had to take advantage of this photo op.
I had to put this picture on, because I just think she is so beautiful! She is growing up so fast.
Our primary presidency is amazing. They do a great job. The kids got some spiritual and a lot of fun.Deeken won this sucker, I mean "GIANT LOLL-LI-POP." It was as big as his head, and he loved it!
This was a fun Easter egg hunt that some of our friends and I put together. It was so nice that the rain stopped long enough for us to have it.
What a beautiful girl. It was pretty chilly but she kept smiling.
This kids many faces makes me giggle. I Loved you too Deeken!
We colored Easter Eggs on Sunday after church. We had a really great time together.
Micah's rainbow egg...made with Daddies help.
Josie has given new meaning to monkey. She adores these kitchen chairs. She will get herself sitting up on them and then start knawing on the bars. She did get her first tooth at almost exactly eight months, and it seems everything is a teething ring. She is growing way to fast!
Ahhh, and our house. Well, they got it backfilled , so we don't have a hill in the backyard anymore.That happend early in the week, and then this happend. Snow in April really!?!
But today it cleared up again, and they were able to pour the floor in the basement.
and they poured the garage floor too. My mom says they did a really good job, and that means a lot coming from a perfectionist. I know the house monitoring is in good hands. Thanks again wonderful parents. Also, thank you to Mark and Joanne and Heidi and Travis. Thanks for making us feel like you are super excited to have us back in Utah and in your neighborhood. Last Sunday we were wishing we could go take a drive or even walk and go see our house. That night we received e-mails from both these siblings with pics of our house. It meant A LOT to us! THANK YOU!

PS I have decided to go private because the Internet can be used as such an evil tool. Nothing has happened to my family personally. I love blogging...personally it is the best journal I have ever kept, and it just makes me happy to read about my friends lives. I like knowing peoples frustrations and joys. Anyway, I want to keep blogging but just want to protect my family, so go ahead and sign up if you want to keep in touch with our lives through blogging.