If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


Things Us!

It is so funny how time flies. How things you think will never come, always come...and the night before you are wondering why you didn't prepare better for this thing that you knew was going to come. AAAARGH! I feel frazzled and nervous to drive to Utah tomorrow. I am so glad John is coming later so he can bring anything that I have forgotten. I feel as though I am going to go crazy, and yet in all my madness, for some insane reason, I feel I must update my blog before I take off on this adventure. So here is a list of Farr odd and ends that have happened since I posted last.

  • We have ants taking over our home. Some of them fly! Between ants and mice, I am so ready to leave this house!
  • Noah has learned to jump rope. His high is 40 in a row. We are VERY proud!
  • Noah had a note sent home from school telling me he is consistently late, and that I need to shape up as a parent. SUPER SWEET!
  • Micah got her hair cut! She looks so grown up, and as beautiful as ever.
  • We have been to the park two times. Neither trip lasted too long. It is still to cold. Come soon please Spring!
  • John has been working swing shifts. I am so glad they will be over(for 3 weeks anyway) when we get back. I miss talking to him at night, but have enjoyed sleeping in!
  • Deeken is in full terrible twos. It is only his smile that is saving him from continual time outs. He broke the door on the front of our entertainment center, and says "No" to EVERYTHING I ask him.
  • Deeken has been pooping on the toilet since this time last year. He is so reverting in toilet training. I swear it is he who is training me in patience, not I training him to pee-pee on the potty!
  • Josie is sweet, I love her, but I should learn never to say out loud, "My baby sleeps through the night." Argh! I should have knocked on wood. I hope the waking up ends soon! I am exhausted.
  • I thought I was going crazy... from sleep exhaustion and other things, turns out I have low thyroid. Fun stuff!
  • John's mom flew in on Thursday night to help me drive down to Utah. My kids have so loved having grandma time! We have been to Chuck E Cheese, the temple and out to dinner(adults only) (Thanks to all who helped with baby sitting!) PLus, I got to run numerous errand by myself! HEAVEN!
  • My three really EXCELLENT friends celebrated birthdays! Brenley, Stephanie and Chelle! Love ya! Wish you all lived closer!

I know there is so much I forgot, but this will satisfy my blogging inkling for a while. I will let you know how things go in Utah.


7--My little baby from Heaven--can't believe it!

As you can see Josie can sit up by herself, although she really doesn't prefer it. She does love to crawl, army crawl that is, everywhere and anywhere she can go. She is getting better at eating food, although it really isn't her favorite thing to do. When we can get her to eat, her favorites so far are bananas and carrots. Yucky... and let me say I never knew how lucky I was that my first three kids didn't spit up a lot until you are constantly cleaning up colored puke!

She is becoming a bit of a TV head, but at least it is Signing Time and Baby Einstein. We put her in her little dish activity center in front of the TV and she is good to go while I shower. She over all is such a wonderful baby, but there are moments when I think teeth must be coming any day now. She can get pretty grumpy. She is also sensitive and doesn't like to be scared.

Her smiles are one of the most heavenly thing about her. It is one of the things that makes it be okay that she is getting so big so fast. When she was born I just couldn't wait to see her smile. I had to wait a while. It was worth the wait, but at moments I miss my newborn. They grow so fast!!!
Her hair, unlike the rest of her, is not growing very fast. She likes baths, she likes kicking in the water. She is a good sleeper. I really am so blessed.
It has been some tricky work figuring out sleeping arrangements. Deeken sleeps in Noah's bunk bed when he takes naps, so that Josie can sleep in her crib. At night, if Deeken has taken a nap he can hold off going to bed as late as 10. He stays in his room, but just talks...to who, it must be angels or something. Anyway, it makes it tricky to lay Josie down. She sleeps through it pretty well, but the other night when John and I went to check on them, this is how we found them. I can't believe that little monkey. I like to think they were talking to each other, maybe about what they remember about heaven, and just fell asleep together.

She is WELL LOVEd!


1,2,3,4 I LOVE YOU!

Here is a great new song we have been DANCING IT OUT to lately. The music video is okay, but the tune is just so fun!

Hope you enjoy!