If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


I Triple Dog Dare You!

For those of you who don't know what this is, back in the early 80's a show came out called a Christmas Story, where among many other funny things a kid gets "triple dog dared" to put his tongue on a flag pole. He does it, of course he gets stuck and the fire department has to come and rescue him. Well, Noah didn't need that, just his highly skilled father, who knew how to pour water on it. The only problem was, we were no where around when he actually did this. And when we finally found him, John ran and got the camera(and water). Poor kid! By-the-way, nobody dared him to do this, my guess is he just wanted to eat the ice.
Josie was a little embarrassed and shocked by the whole experience!
So, if you haven't heard, Spokane has been invaded by snow! We are now on our second snow day from school! We hit records for Spokane, 19 1/2 inches in 24 hours, and 23 1/2 inches in 36 hours. And that was in the Valley, here on the Hill it feels like a lot more! Yep, that is Noah in up to his waist.
And my little snow angel.
And my snow beastie. This reminds me of another part of The Christmas Story, where a kids mom dresses him up so much that he can't put his arms down to his side(youtube has it). He did pretty well in the snow, until he got in his shoes and then he was pretty much done.
All my kids love to get in a hot bath after...in their swim suits. The following pics are just to show you examples of the deep snow...and good times had in it.
John didn't think this was such good-times after the third time of shoveling it.
Deeken gives the day a thumbs up! Yep, pretty cute!


Oh, Christmas Tree!

The kids had a great time decorating the Christmas tree. We didn't have a lot of ornaments, but John was so creative. The brown wrapping that goes around our tree came from a gift that John ordered for me online(I think all my presents got ordered online this year). It was a very long strip of paper. John cut it into thinner strips and scrunched it up. It may sound interesting, but the outcome was very beautiful.
They love putting the ornaments on so much, I swear they take them off once a day and move them around.
Deeken especially liked the ornament that Noah made in Kindergarten last year.

Other things that have been said or happened:

Josie went in for a late four month well child exam, and Deeken went in for an even later 2 year old exam. So on the 11 of December, there stats were as follows:

Deeken weight: 26 lbs 8 oz (28%)

Height: 35 inches (60%)

Head Circumference: 19 1/2 (67%)


Weight: 12 lbs 12 oz (23%)

Length: 24 1/4 (41%)

Head Circumference: 15 3/4 (17%)

Last night we had FHE. Ever since the kids had their primary program where the kids walked onto the stage saying in a microphone, first their name and then "I am a Child of God," we have started our family Home Evening this way. So John went first then me, then Micah, then Deeken says,"I Deeken, I Child of God." I can not tell you how strong the Spirit was. For a two year old to know who he truly is....It was amazing!

Deeken can also sing 'Jesus wants me for a sunbeam,' and 'I am a Child of God.' I LOVE hearing him sing it.

The other night we were driving to the dollar store so the kids could get Christmas gifts for each other. I was explaining how the kids didn't need to get John and I one, and Micah interrupted me and said, "but you guys... you were on the good list."

So when we were having FHE and the kids asked about treats, we reminded them that they had lost their treats, because of bad behavior. John reminded them that they need to try hard to listen and obey, or Santa might not bring them presents. Micah pipes up," We are on the good list, so were gonna get presents." John begins to tell her how your name can easily move from the good list to the bad list. Noah chimes in, "if you write in pencil it is. If you write in pen it's not. Unless your magic."

Simply Having a Wonderful CHRISTmas time!

Deeken and Noah have matching shoes, Micah noticed it one day and asked if she and Josie could have some too one day. It was really cute, but even though Micah has pretty small feet, I can't find any that would have sizes to fit both my girls. So that will have to wait...but I am enjoying the co-ordinating clothes. This will not be the last time you see this.
And sadly I am sure this will not be the last time you see this either! On Thursday I was driving Micah home from ballet. We were stopped at a light to turn onto our street. In front of me was a furniture truck. When the light turned green we went through the light. We traveled for about a block. Then the truck stopped. I though how weird for there to be traffic, especially at this time of day. Then the BEEP BEEP started. I screamed, "NO!!!" and Layed on the horn, but to no avail! SO FLIPPIN' FRUSTRATING! I am surely counting my blessings that Neither Micah or I was hurt, and that it wasn't my fault. I was telling my friend that I wish you had a quota of car accidents for your life time or at least in a year and then you were exempt for the rest of said time.
So we decided to take our rental car and go with some friends to get a CHRISTmas tree. We were hesitant at first, because we weren't sure if with John's rotation we might be able to sneak to Utah for CHRISTmas, but alas we won't be, so we are so glad we got a great smelling, beautiful tree!
Micah, Clara, and Noah
Deeken fell in the mud. We got him cleaned up, but his hands were very cold after.
Mike and Hannah. It is very rare we get both of our doctor husbands to be with us. FUN TIMES!
My Oregon tree hugger!

Micah asked me just the other day if we could move back to Oregon.

"Why?" I asked. (Secretly in a lot of ways wishing the same.)

"Because it is much more fun there."

In someways I agree, but having friends like the English's has made it worth it. Plus, we get to take them back to Utah with us!

and who wouldn't be grateful to have a friend who can make your onory child smile like this.
and who thinks to bring candy canes on a cold outing like this!
Here is the complete English Family...even with baby #3.
The whole Farr Family. Cold but, having a WONDERFUL CHRISTmas time
And a trip to see Santa Claus. In Idaho, they have this special boat ride where you can go see Santa and lots of wonderful lights.
But I have to think this was my kids favorite part.
Really, there isn't much that can beat Hot Chocolate!
Santa Claus read out of the kids on the NICE list. All four of our kids were on there. Go figure...Santa must get it wrong sometimes!
OH, so Handsome!
I LOVE my beautiful girls!
Noah was having to great a time running all over the boat with these guys.

What a great time of year! We hope all of you are having some fun times too.


4 months and Just Stuff

  • Josie is 4 Months OLD!
  • She weighs 12lbs 5 oz(70%)
  • She has rolled over twice
  • She is starting to giggle
  • She is leaving the little baby stage :(
  • She should be wearing size 2 diapers--I'm holding her back!
  • She likes to bat at things if hanging in front of her
  • She enjoys her swing if music is on
  • She likes to lay on the floor of the bathroom while we shower and listen to the noise
  • She smiles a ton!
  • She loves it when you talk and play pattie cake with her.
I just wanted to take a second to explain the photo-shoot. First off, I set it up on my bed. I had this clever plan that I would have all the nativity figurines out, but covered so the kids couldn't see them. I would bring in the kids, then I would pull away the cloth, and the kids would be in awe of the nativity...and I would catch it all on film(film?). Yeah, not what happened. As soon as the kids got on the bed all the pieces fell over, and as I was fixing them, Deeken fell off backwards off the bed...many tears, but no bleeding, and teeth still in the right place! When we finally were able to try again, I got off six...count them six pictures and my batteries went dead! Perfect timing! I just kept trying to take more and my camera wouldn't snap. I feel like if i had just gotten off four more pics, I might have had thee perfect pic. Deeken smiled right after this, and John moved Josie's hand...but alas it didn't happen. I was pretty happy that I even got this. I mostly love Micah in this picture. This is a pretty sincere smile from her...I think it is because she got to hold Josie! All in all I have beautiful kids, and John was grateful that the picture shooting was so short. He hates layed out pics like this. We both like candid, but every once in a while...

I just have to comment about the pics of Deeken. I did not teach him this. In fact it is one of my pet peeves to have your glasses on your head. I know it helps you not loose them. It just stems from HS I think when all the PLAYERS used to wear there glasses on their head as an "I'm cool" thing! I know it's dumb. But I just thought it was funny that my own kid does this. By-the-way, I thought Deek was adorable in these pics partially because he looks so much like his cousin Hannu, whom he ADORES!

A few other side notes...

  • Noah doesn't have a cavity, he is just teething.(six year old molars)
  • Micah LOVES playing with Nativity sets. It is so cute when she says, "Little Lord Jesus," as she does it.
  • Deeken moves chairs all over the place to climb up and get into things! This is driving me crazy!
  • We have Mice in our garage that got into sacks of Christmas stuff I bought, that know have mouse poo-poo on them! Say bye-bye mousie you don't mess with my shopping or your DEAD!
  • I have all my Christmas shopping for my kids done, minus going to Cabela's to get Micah and Deeken sleeping bags.
  • John only has 3 night shifts left till February!
  • Talking in church may get you out of having the flu before church, but the Lord will only exempt you from it for so long.
  • Parents are hard to Christmas shop for.
  • We only have six months left here.
  • I miss Oregon...I like Spokane...I'm unsure of what our move to Utah will bring.