If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson



I know it won't happen every month, with her Birthday being on the 31st, but since both July and August have 31 days Josie is officially 1 moth old today!

Happy 1 Month Birthday Maeberry!


Missing Brenley...and Swiss Days

This is us, Brenley and I, and her mom and Micah. We had just finished our first of what would and WILL become our annual tradition of Swiss Days. Neither of us made it this year, but I for sure will be there next year. I can only hope that Brenley(and her mom) will be able to make it next year. Miss you Bren, I really wish we were there together! Love Ya TONS!


Four Weeks Old

Before my friend knew I was pregnent with Josie, she told me I should at least have one baby when we have more money, so I can do the cute nursery and have all the cool gadgets. I have never cared much about that stuff, and knew that it wouldn't happen, (having lots of money to expend is years away) I couldn't wait that long to have my fourth. But like I said, it really didn't matter because I never really cared about that stuff. Well, I don't know what it is about Josie, maybe it's because she is my last, or maybe because she was born so early, or maybe it's because she is so cute(nope all my kids are cute), but I really wish I could have all those fun things for her.

Picture the nursery in Father of the Bride 2. Wow, that would be so awesome. but I might just settle for a room big enough to put my rocker, my crib and changing table in. I also wish I had one of those really cool slings to carry Josie in( my mom made me one, It works pretty well, but could use a little tweaking). I know it is silly, but I also wish I had one of those cute binky straps, instead of the old one I used with Micah that I bought at Wal-mart.

I could think of a million little things like that, I guess I am starting to understand why the youngest gets spoiled so much. Ultimately though, non of that will matter when she is grown. I know the best things I can give her are me and my time, and my love. and I do love her so much...so very, very much!

Josie turning four weeks is a little darkened by the shadow of my now gone parents. They will be missed very much and were appreciated beyond description. I have been told by numerous wonderful(jealous) sister-in-laws that I, myself am spoiled for getting my mother here for four weeks. I know I was, and I know it would have been different if we were living it Utah now. I thouroughly reaped the benefit of living away, being the youngest, and the only girl.

I know my parents will miss my kids,

but in no time at all, I know this will be Josie and Micah playing with my Dad in Utah. We can't wait!


Not much has changed

It has been almost one month since Josie was born, and really not that much has changed.
Deeken is still mischevious and adorable.
Noah is still silly and crazy.
and Micah still has her daddy wrapped around her finger...or at least painting them.


Recreating a childhood tradition

Passing each other on the runway.
Deek had to join in the fun.
When I was little, my mom and dad would always have us do a fashion show in our new school clothes. I always had a great time, my parents made me feel like I was a movie star.

My kids had tons of fun. They asked me what they needed to do, they did that and then hammed it up! They wanted to keep going, and going, and going.

They will look super hip on their first day of school. 1 week to go!


A Name and Beautiful Blessing

Today John blessed our little Josie Mae. This is an LDS ordinance where a priesthood holder, usually the Dad, gives a name and a blessing to their child at the start of their life. John has done a wonderful job with each of our children's blessings. He is so eloquent with words and listens to the spirit. I am so thankful for such a wonderful man!

We missed so many of you...family and friends in Utah, Idaho, Texas, Missouri, and Kentucky + a few other states, and are friends, who are like family, in Oregon and Colorado. Thanks to those of you who are new friends, and were able to stand in the circle. We love you, and are so glad you are apart of our families lives.

(These pics are not easy for me to put up...tired mom and lots of weight to lose, not to mention I'm way in need of having my highlights redone. But for the sake of many loved ones who weren't here, I am allowing them. Up close and better pics of Josie in her outfit will get posted later.)


Polished to Perfection

I love this Beautiful little Girl. She has sass and flare. She is one amazing little and Big sister. I am so glad that she is mine, and is teaching me so much. She is even giving me pointers on how to do my nails:)

I love you Micah MOO!

My Dad meets Josie

My dad made it here! He has benn devouring every post I have put up of Josie. He really does love his girls! Deeken was proud to show his Papa Hyde his brand new sister.
My mom and Dad were so happy to see each other. It's nice when your parents still love each other when their last baby is having her last baby. My Dad was so nice to let her come for so long, and she was SUPER nice to leave him for so long to come and help us.

We love and appreciate you both!

The Aftershock...

Is the perfect name for this ride. It was one thing to experiance the ride, but the AFTERSHOCK on my body was another. When you have to have your own personal chiropracter(2 actually) to adjust your neck after, it makes one question if the ride is really worth it.

John and I had our first night out since June. Debbies family provided a babysitter for our three oldest, and Josie and my mom joined us along with all the other adult Westovers for a night of Chinese and Silverwood.

It was wonderful to be with John, and the Westovers were great company, but the entertainment was a little much for me. I am not a Roller-Coaster person, so why did I want to go? I must have been desperate for a night out. To tell you the truth, the real reason I rode, was for my brother Kevin. I couldn't tranish the Hyde family name for him with his in-laws, and I wasn't exactly excited about getting razzed by them either. So I bucked up and went, but I did close my eyes the whole time---THE WHOLE TIME!

Still wish you could have been there Deb, even though I think you would have been one of the razzers! Sorry about the text at 12am. Love ya!


My 200th POST --Josie is 3 Weeks Old!

It has been about a year and half since I started this blog. My friend Brenley had been doing hers for a while and recruited me. My life has changed a lot since then, it is so fun to go and look back. Blogging is better than a journal cuz you got pictures, and better than scrapbooking(all though I still do), because I actually write things on my blog and not so much on my scrapbooking. It also helped me get my camera out more, and there might actually be some pics of Deeken when he is little.

Josie I know will be well documented. I can't believe it has been three weeks already! Time is moving way to fast, and while I was once wishing she would grow a little, I am now wanting her to stop. She had a weight check on Tuesday, and she was at 6lbs 9oz! In the words of Quincy on Little Einsteins, "I can not believe it!" She gained 12 oz in 1 week! It's probably all those extra feedings she is getting in the night! or it could be all the Loven' on she gets during the day. Deeken is so cute when he wants to hold her he says, "Huggie, Huggie!" I don't think any new little sister has ever been so loved and accepted! Things aren't easy right now, but I so Love my little family!

Jumping in the rain!

Another great dad moment...he was the first to run out when the rain starting coming down. The kids would have stayed out there forever with him.


I love this Boy so much!

He is so full of energy and LOVE! His face is so expressive and his eyes are beautiful!

I love this boy SOOOO much!