If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


Out of this World

Here is the playground at Noah's new school. I am trying to get the kids to a park at least once a day. We walk to this one, it is about six blocks. 3 kids ons bikes+the hot sun, makes for a tired mom when we get home.
I like this succession of pics. Deeken was being shy to a little girl who really wanted to play with him.
Noah is getting used to his new bike. It doesn't seem so HUGE to him anymore.

We are trying to keep busy by exploring our new city and meeting some new friends. Staying busy is also helping me not focus on my ever growing belly, and the monkey rolling around in it...sort of.


Noah Turns SIX!

Happy Birthday Noah!Breakfast in bed was Noah's one big request for his b-day.
I don't think he really wanted to be woken up to receive it though!
He didn't want to stay in bed long, and the breakfast ended up being a picnic on the floor.
Later he discovered a present not only for him but the rest of our family too. It just happend to get set up in time for his birthday.
Grandma provided some fun with squirt guns for the kids and a super soaker for Noah's birthday.
After you get a tramp, and it is summer, the next step is a sprinkler to go under it, of course.
John got home early and made it a super fun day for the kids.
Noah, you are a wonderful boy, full of so much energy. You are smart, handsome, and a great big brother. WE LOVE YOU! We hope you had a wonderful day with many more wonderful ones to come!


Home again!

Let me qualify that title, we are back together. Home is with John. I am not sure I can call Spokane home yet.
Yummy, Oreos!
I love having a backyard, and not having to dress my kids up to go to the park. Micah soon after fell off of this railing. She is a tuff chick, but I don't think she will be up there again soon.
Noah has been the hardest to entertain. It is so hard for him(and me), not to have school to enjoy.
But the slip n' slide did help today.
Even in the cold weather they just wanted to try it out. Thank you Love's for a great gift!

Just for a positive note...we have successfully put Deeken in a toddler bed. I am so pleased he is doing so well. He doesn't even climb out when he wakes up, he just keeps saying MaMa over and over again until I get him. I hope it continues to go as well once I have to take the binky away!


Swimming with the Caldwell's and Willey's

I need to give credit where credit is due. With John gone there is no way I could take pictures and manage 3 small kids in a pool. My brother-in-law Travis wasn't getting in, so he obliged. Thanks for the great pics Trav, I am glad you had fun with the camera.
John's Family in general is great, but I absolutely love his sisters. I feel like they are the closest thing I will get to having sisters, and they always make me feel so welcome. We had a wonderful time hanging out with you, and wish we could have stayed longer. We love you and think of you as one of the best benefits of moving to Utah! Thanks for the fun!