If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


Jim Gaffigan On Holidays

I get so sick of the way the world takes our religious holidays and makes them so worldly. This guy is hilarious! My friend had it on her blog. Seriously if you need a good laugh check this out.

Jim Gaffigan


Happy Birthday Amy Noelle!

I very rarely post on this blog, I just get to enjoy looking at it thanks to the work of my wonderful wife! I have truly been blessed with an amazing woman to be my partner through this life and throughout eternity. Amy, thank you for all of your hard work, dedication, faith, perseverance, hope and love. Thank you for the continual sacrifices you make on a daily basis to be my love and support, and to hold the sacred title of mommy for three and a half little ones who adore you!. Thanks for having another pregnant birthday, in order to bring another beautiful baby into our family. I am grateful for your willingness to follow me to Oregon, and now to Washington before returning to Utah. I have been impressed with your ability to make friends, to learn new cities, to be resourceful and to thrive. In your 28 years you have accomplished much and have so much to be proud of. I don't have much in the way of gifts to offer you on your birthday celebration, but I can give you my heart, tried and true, committed to you. I can give you my promise of continued love and effort, my undying friendship, my willingness to talk late into the night about whatever you want, my pledge to be the best dad I can be, and an endless pursuit of worthiness. I can give you the promise of more laughs, more prayers, more tears, and more joy. And, I guess I can throw in a few back rubs, foot massages, and home-made Orange Julius' as well. Thanks for being my wife, my friend, my love, my best. I hope you have a great birthday! With love, Your John Boy


And The WINNER is...

Sacred Heart in Spokane, Washington


The University of Utah in Salt Lake City Utah

We are Excited and sad to be leaving Oregon. We don't know exactly what the Lord has planned for us, but we can't wait for our upcoming adventure.

More to come soon!

PS My parents did not get it, and finally at dinner I said, "I can't believe that you think I am this fat all the time!" THEY GOT IT! They are very excited for our 4th child and can't wait to see it and all our kids more often when we move to UTAH!


My Parents are coming today, Do you think they'll notice...

The extra weight I have gained right around the middle part of my body? That's right Farr baby #4 is well on its way. I am 16 weeks along and counting every minute.

Why have I waited so long to tell my parents and many of you? Well I get really sick during my pregnancies, and my parents have always been here to bail me out. When we found out on New Years Day, I knew that with my parents being on a mission and with their big plans to visit all my brothers, there was no way they were going to be able to come and help. So I formed a plan to tell as few people as possible. You would be amazed at how news travels, and I didn't want my parents to find out and worry. So, I am hoping that when they see us at the airport they will be surprised, but not that I am fat...I hope they will be able to see that they will soon have another Farr baby to love. I am also hoping for a little bit of PRIDE from them...PRIDE in the fact that I was able to do this pregnancy (at least the first and hardest part) without them.

To John's side of the family, and especially his parents, we are glad you didn't have to worry either and are hoping you are excited for us too. Please don't tell the rest of the family...we are hoping they find out by looking at our blog and then will look more often to see what things are actually happening with us.

Are we Happy? Was it planned? We are very HAPPY! We knew the second we took the test that even though we hadn't planned to get pregnant right then, that it is exactly what the Lord wants for us. We knew when I was pregnant with Deeken that there would be one more. We are glad that even though it will be tough in John's first year we have had confirmation that this is the right time.

Well I got to leave to the airport to get my parents. Stay tuned to see if they think I am fat or if they get it!

(PS I hate this pic. I'm sticking out my butt and tummy and my lens cap is in my back pocket...but I can't complain when Micah was the photographer.)


A Successful Match!

So John just received an e-mail telling us that we have matched! WAHOOO! Now we simply have to wait until this Thursday to find out who wanted us most! Why do they let you know if you have matched? Because if you didn't, you then have to participate in what is called the scramble. This is where you and your school find out the programs that didn't have all their spots filled, and you "scramble around to all those programs trying to fill those spots. Stressful! But luckily we don't have to worry about it!

So until Thursday, you can wonder along with us where we are going to go. Here is our rank list, although I warn you after number four I am not sure what we put.

  1. Utah
  2. OHSU (Oregon)
  3. Mayo Clinic Arizona
  4. Penn State University
  5. Loma Linda California
  6. UC Davis (California)
  7. Dallas Texas (Brain fart on the exact name)
  8. Virginia Mason (Seattle)
  9. Arizona University
No to Colorado Jen. It wasn't in the Lords plan.

Now let me just explain to those who I haven't told one hundred times. Anesthesiology is a four year program. Most of the programs I listed above are three year programs(Minus Penn State). Your first year CAN be in a different place. John and I actually feel pretty strongly that we will be heading to Spokane, Washington for the first year...but we will see what Heavenly Father has in store for us! I don't know very well what we listed after our first four, because we feel because of letters and other things that we will probably end up at one of our top four....but again the Lord may be laughing at all we think we know and all that he has in store for us! Let the journey get here so we can begin!



One week till the MATCH!

Can it really almost be time? We have waited so long for this!

I know that God has a plan for everyone, but it isn't too often you get handed an envelope that gives you a glimpse of what he has planned for you for the next four years. In fact I can only think of one other time, your mission call.

You get this letter in the mail. Your whole family is waiting while you open it, and in just a few moments the anticipation is over and the excitement and worry starts to set in. At least we won't have to learn a language!

John and I have often felt like Oregon has been a mission for us. We felt very strongly about coming here, and can't tell you exactly why. We only hope that if we are to leave Oregon, we have learned and done what He sent us here to do. Oregon has been so good to us, we have meet amazing people who have changed our lives forever......I sound like I am saying goodbye! Lets wait at least until next week for that. After all it is only number 2 on our list!

So stay tuned for the big announcement! We open the letter at OHSU at 10am Oregon time. So I will try to post soon after we get home.

Anesthesia Residency will be challenging where ever we go. I am so glad it is in the Lords hands.


Jesus and Cake

So if you will remember a few posts ago, I told you about a lady from our ward we had over for her birthday. Well, we went to Noah's parent teacher conference tonight, and his teacher told us she had to tell us a story before we got started. This is a conversation between Noah and a classmate named Jacob. Mrs. Nelson just listened in.

Noah: We are having over someone VERY special from our church tonight, and we get to have Chocolate cake.

Jacob: Is it Jesus?

Noah: No Jacob, Jesus is way to busy to eat cake.

I guess I won't plan on Jesus stopping by for any cake on my birthday next week!

Hope it gave you all a giggle. Noah's teacher said the boys couldn't understand why she couldn't stop laughing.


Big Boy on the Potty!

Deeken has started going #2 on the potty! Micah and Noah sing songs and throw little parties every time he goes. We are so proud of him and only hope that it continues.


My Kids!

We don't have grape juice in our house without John making fun of me for my juice mustache after. I have tried to learn how to drink it without getting one, but it seriously takes a lot of effort!
So these must be my kids! I never really doubted it, but it's nice to be reassured.


A funny, Special Lady!

She is quite the character, but once you get to know here, you can't help but be grateful you know her. The first time John and I came to our ward in Oregon, she just kept stareing at us. I should say she kept looking at Micah who was a brand new baby then. John and I didn't know what to think of her. As time went on we would set Micah in her car-seat out in the aisle so we had more room. Beth Ann would just walk by and pick up the whole car-seat and take her to wherever she was sitting!

She is a wonderful person, who seems to always be willing to serve. She helps with every new baby she can get her hands on. She never married and doesn't have kids of her own, so she gives her love to all the little ones who will accept it.

We are so happy to have met her and become friends with "Sister Freeburn" as the kids call her. We had a great time celebrating her birthday with her. We hope we are around for her next one!

We love you Beth Ann!