If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


Brenley Comes for a Visit!

Brenley got home sick and came for a visit that lasted about 10 days. It was so fun to get to see her(when I did), and have her around. It felt like she had never left. Having her back for that short time reminds me just how much I miss her. She either needs to stay here forever or never...okay, she just needs to stay here forever. Brenley was at the hospital shortly after Deeken was born. It is fun to see her with him one year later. She is a good friend and is going to be a GREAT mom!

So proud of Noah!

About two months ago Noah had to do a musical number in primary, so we fell back on our old reliable song. Since he was about 2 1/2 he has been able to sing the chronological order of the prophets song. He sang it so well, that the primary presidency was soon asking him to sing a solo in the primary program. Since then we have been practicing singing, "I'm trying to be like Jesus." Noah knew the words very quickly, but it the vibrant way he sang and embellished syllables in the words that we had to work on. Today was the program, and he did awesome, so AWESOME! He seemed a little nervous before, but his bearing of his testimony every fast Sunday seems to have paid off! He was so brave. Tears were coming to both John and my eyes. When he finished, it was like the whole audience turned to look at us. We tried to keep our composure, but we were very proud of our Noah!


What did we do on Saturday? These shoes can only mean one thing!

BOWLING! Noah has wanted to go bowling again since his Farr grandparents took him the last time they were here, which was right after Deeken was born. So when we started his reward chart, that is what he wanted to earn. He finally got 20 Stickers on his chart, so we took him bowling! I think this is some awesome form. He is a great bowler in the making! The ball got a little heavy for her at times. Daddy had to help out sometimes, or the ball would have never made it down the lane. This was really one of their favorite parts. They thought it was amazing the balls would come back to them.


A GOOD Laugh!

This is so Hilarious. If you have any kids, take a look at this ebay auctions story. It made me feel so happy that another mom doesn't deal well with shopping with her kids! It seriously made John and I laugh out loud! POKEMON CARDS

Noah's JOGathon!

Noah's school held it's Seventh annual Jogathon! As a kid I hated Fundraisers.As a parent I hate fundraisers even more. I hate my kids having to ask other people for money. I was able to get Noah to hit Papa Hyde up for a few dollars. So here Papa, here is your proof he ran. I watched him without him knowing when I first got there. He seemed kind of sad and wasn't running with anyone inparticular. When he saw us, his face and whole body and attitude changed. He took off running really fast.(notice his shoe fell off) It just made me realize how much it matters to a kid to have his parents there to support him. It made me want to be exactly like my parents. Always there to support and love my kids. Micah and Deeken were pretty content to watch the runners, until Noah wanted us to run with him. "Come on Mom!" Isn't this a cute picture? I ran for a couple of laps, but carrying Deeken wasn't the easiest task. Micah still wanted to run, I was about to say NO, when Noah grabbed her hand and started running with her. It made their Mother's heart jump for joy, and cause tears to come to my eyes. I thought it wouldn't last long, so I ran behind and shot this picture. With the absence of Micah, Deeken took to eating the cones. When Noah and Micah got back around, they were all business and just kept going. They held hands for about three more laps. I love it when they are good buddies! Just as a side note that I found hilarious. The track had drinks on either side. Noah thought every time he passed one he had to get a drink. When Micah came with him, she thought she needed one too, but she would only take a little sip. Noah then thought he had to finish her cup. I bet there was a huge need for a potty break later. He did 11 LAPS!



I can't believe that he is One Year Old! He is growing so fast and time is passing extremely fast. I think it would have passed a lot slower if he wasn't such a GREAT baby! He had a lot of fun with his presents! More with the packaging than with the actual gift. YUMMY, plastic tastes good! I think his face looks so cute in this one! Grandpa and Grandma Hyde gave him this cool race car track thing! Cake time! The Big kids, including parents, blew out the candle for him. This was way fun to watch. He was super cute! This is Deeken doing his favorite sign. It is the sign for finshed or all done. He loves to do it and feels so proud of himself. This time when turning his hands he was flicking cake all over. If it looks like he had a good time, well HE DID! We love our little guy!

Micah's Pre/First day of Preschool!

I got her dressed so cute and Pretty for what I thought was her first day of school, but my friend informed me that it was really just a meet and greet and information day, so following are pics of her pre and first day of school. Deeken made himself at home and seemed to fit right in. High School girls who had worked with Noah last year, said they knew he was his brother when they saw him. "They all look so much alike." I have never had anyone say that to me before:) I knew she was going to learn so many fun things while she was here, juggling wasn't one of them. You might think she looks nervous here, she's not it's just her little shy attitude. She turns it on and off but only on her time. I think the"pre" day went well for her, she didn't even mind walking in by herself, till she noticed we weren't there. An apple for the Teacher! I really think this is becoming a lost art. Both my kids teachers seem so suprised when we brought them apples. This is Mrs. B. I honestly don't know her last name. She looked ready, so we let our baby go. I can't believe I have two kids who already go to school!


Mommy's little helper!

I was unloading the dryer when all of the sudden I had a littile helper. He was gteat, he unloaded the whole thing. Next time I will have to think to put a basket by the dryer, so I don't end up picking them up off the floor! What kid doesn't like the inside of a dryer?


Papa's Pizza Parlor

Thank goodness for places like these in Oregon. With rainy wheather so often, they are a mom's saving grace.