If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


Beach Beauties

We got up Saturday morning and decided we were going to head to the beach. It had been up for discussion for a few days but we had never gotten anything ready. And we had a deadline. Micah had a dance class in Sherwood, which takes about 10 minutes to get to and it was on the way to the beach, so we didn't want to have to come back to get all our stuff together. So in one hour, we got everything ready to go, got showered and headed to dance class and then the beach. This is Neskowin Beach. Our GREAT friends the Wilbergers showed us this beach two summers ago. We missed them on this awesome trip. It was not to hot and it was blue skies--hardly heard of in Oregon. The weather combined with my awsome kids and husband really did make for the perfect day! The water is extremely cold on the coast! Not like them Florida or California beaches. Micah mostly just ran away from the water! She is like her dad and gets extremely cold, fast in cold water. Wave Jumping! He was definitely the bravest by farr. Deeken Chill'n in the Backpack. This is when he discovered he could look down through the leg holes. He just kept staring down there so I thought I would take a pic of it. She can skip really good in the water, not so hot out. I wonder why. Deeken And daddy He is just contemplating what to do next. He really loved the beach. This is the best pic, if you could see her face better, you would know she had a great time running from the waves. Deeken and mommy. Looking awesome in this pic, but I won't complain to much or John won't take anymore of me. I should feel lucky I got one. Borther and Sister. I said the other day to know. " Deeken is going to be your bestest buddy ever." His reply, "I know mom, but I will always like Micah." She just loves his toes, has since the day he was born. I guess she just had to feel what they felt like with sand on them. Deeken's first chance to feel the sand. I like this Pic. Can you see Noah showing the waves his muscles? The inevitable sand in the mouth. After we got his mouth cleaned up, he REALLY wanted some watermelon. It ended up all over my pants. Daddy*Daughter time. Sticky sand. It doesn't itch so much right here or right here, but just here.--I can't do Tommy Boy so well--Obviously. I like this pic because you can see both the kids flying their kites. Noah liked running towards the wind so that his kite would start to fall, and then running away again so it would catch in the wind and go back up. What a handsome guy. I like this picture alot. Come on wave, I dare you to touch me. It was the perfect day.

MoO is MoViNg IT

Oh Daddy's heart melted(mine too) when his baby girl was a dancing. She looked so flippn' cute. Isn't she a cutie? Sorry these pics are not the best. This is Micah's favorite part of class. She love the Streamers.


Noah's Big Day

I got kind of setimental on Noah's Birthday, It made me realize I had been a mom for five years. He made me a mom five years ago. What a huge honor it is to be his MOM. There are two things Noah really wanted for his Birthday. A pinata and breakfast in bed. He finally got it. Micah's birthday came, Mother's day came, Father's day came, and he helped fix us all breakfast, but he was sure to remind us that he wanted the same treatment on his birthday. What was funny about it though, is he could not stay in bed for anything. He is an early riser and mom and dad aren't, so it took us a while and some prompting from his sister to get out of bed. But after all was said and done, he finally got his breakfast in bed. He was very excited to open presents. But we made him wait till after stake conference. The first thing he opened was a card from Grandma and Grandpa Hyde. We explained that the piece of paper was really money. He got excited and said it was for his new bike, then later it was for "Heeleys" (shoes with wheels on them). We will have to see what the check turns into. The kids will always love their cutely decotrated packages from Grandma and Grandpa Farr. They scored big. He loves bored games. Noah's pirate ship, he has been wanting one since his cousin Porter got one for his birthday. Daddy couldn't get it put together fast enough. Gotta get some more cake in. Sister too. But no more for brother, not till his b-day. Oh my Bubba! How you have grown. You are such a handsome and smart little guy. We look forward to watching you grow and becoming all the amazing things we know that you will be. We LOVE you! Just as a little side note, their was a ship wreck while I was putting the kids to bed. I really think he was pretty proud of himself.