If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


Fun in the Sun!

After mom and Deeken got back from Utah we needed to spend some fun time together, so we hit the park for some time in the sun. Deeken Noah Micah Moo Micah is learning very quickly on this bar. She is taking lessons from her borther as you can see below. Let's hope this isn't the way she gets her first broken arm. Look mom, one hand! Noah had learned to completely pump himself now. Sooooo Nice. Swinging the day away. I love this pic of these two. It sort or shows their relationship. Micah is always touch some piece of Deekens body...Toes, hands, ears. And he usually just endures it, while smiling away.


Deeken sees some of his cousins.

Momma wanted to see the last of her high school friends get married, so we took a short trip to Utah and got to stay with Uncle Brian and Aunt Melissa. We had tons of fun and really appreciated all that they did for us.


Liquid Freedom

Deeken's first emptied bottle. Admistered by Noah.


Wacky Wednesday

Noah was so excited for this day. Everytime I wanted to take a picture, this was the pose he produced. He is quite a wacky guy, who wishes every Wednesday was WACKY.


Happy Mothers Day

John went with me to get the kids picture taken. It is a big ordeal and not very fun, so just the going was HIS mother's day present to me. The kids gave me a bag of tootsie rolls. But the best part was Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner were made for me! Yippee! I also got nice e-mail cards written by each of my children and one from my nice husband---always a favorite of mine, any of you who read the blog on our anniversary can see why. We LOVE all you wonderful mothers out there, and all of you who have helped me become a better mother just by being you. Happy Mother's Day!


T-ball Time!

This was their second game, and also happened to be picture day. Looking good my man! She looks shy but man is she good. Just a little shy, but finding comfort from brother and his sleeve. Till Ethan comes along. Ethan was kind of nervous too. I think this was a mutual needed hand holding. Here is the team. I have always loved these pictures of the two of them together. I say hug, Noah grabs her, and some how this picture works out often for us. I can't wait till Deeken is a little older and can join in. It is funny I say the same thing to Ethan and Micah, and look how much more she recipricates the hug. Just found that cute. The helmet. It has been a road block for Micah to get over. She does not enjoy it very much but is getting better about wearing it. In the action. (By the way, notice there was no ball on yet. I am not a picture crazd mom who has to get the picture and stand in the middle of the field while the game is going.) And Micah is up. This was actually her second time hitting today. She didn't need mom and dad's help near as much the second time. We were very proud of her. She does have to run while holding onto the helmet on or it falls off her little head. Made it to first. Doesn't she look like Whitney here? And she made it home. She ran the bases without Mommy or Daddy. Wahooo! Ready for some action in the outfield. There really isn't much action. But these two still manage to keep in the game. Micah on the other hand, not so into outfielding. "Daddy hold me!" When that doesn't work, she resorts to pleading on the sidelines for mercy. "take me out mom, I need a break." HERE IS A SHOUT OUT TO THE AWESOME FANS! Morgan - patiently waiting for her turn. Since she has already turned five she can't play on the same team as the other kids. Sweet little Emily. She wants to play, but doesn't quite make the heighth requirement. And to me the cutest of them all. DEEKEN! Hey Deeken, What number is our team? Pretty smart huh? Ethan, MiCah and Noah. The best Players on the Mets team by Farr.

Bubble Bath Time

We hadn't gotten some bubbles in a long time, so the kids were pretty excited to have some fun with them. Deeken was pretty tired and I don't think he really liked the bubbles. Especially when sister was putting them on his head. Oh well, their was still fun to be had.


It's been going, but I think this confirms that it is GONE!

As Deeken gets older I am starting to wonder how I am going to juggle three children. I have been feeling just a liitle out of control...like my mind is slipping away. Well, I bought Deeken some new Binkis the other day,and decided I should boil them. So I put them in the pot before the water had started to boil and left it. I can't tell you how much later, but it had been a while. I smelled something really funny but kind of shrugged it off. Then, while talking to a friend on the phone, walked down stairs to find lots of smoke in my living room. I had no idea where it was coming from. Then, I found the source. Here is the left over silicon from what was Deeken's new binkis. I feel as though this is a last sign to let me know that my brain is on MELT DOWN. Please come back Bren! I wonder if I could start a new "this is your Brain on Kids" ad. Just Kidding!


OH, Nooooo! Say ain't so.

Oh man, I swore this would never happen, and since Noah is almost five and nothing had happened yet, I thought I was out of Dodge. BUT...after getting out of the shower, while walking down the stairs with the kids to fix breakfast for the kids, Noah announces to me that Micah has cut her hair. Then Micah's rebutal, "No, Noah did it." My heart stopped I took a quick look at Micah's hair and had to send both of them to their room. I knew if I didn't their would be some major yelling. I wish I had been one of those awesome moms who say, "oh, that was very creative Noah. But we shoulnd't cut sisters hair." Yeah, well that wasn't me. They stayed in their room for a while till I could cool down. I even called a friend for support. This whole incidence has taught me that I have a pride issue. I look at Micah and to me she looks like a kid whose mother just didn't take care of her, or doesn't care what she looks like. I have to tell myself that I know what happend, and I know I care about her. It just makes me so sad. It changes her look so much. Her bangs were finally almost even with the rest of her hair...oh I got to let it go. This is her hair fixed up a bit. A girl from our ward who is amazing at cutting hair came over and tried to fix it for me. It won't ever look the same, (not anytime soon, but I thought I would throw a sapurlative in their for you Travis). This will be a long growing process. Oh yeah, on later looking we found Micah had done some small amount of damage to Noah's hair too. But who cares it is Boys hair.