If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


Random Photos since last Blog

It was a crazy week last week with My Birthday(27), Deeken's 6 month appt(almost 16lbs, and double ear infections), Noah getting his last shots until he is 12, and my first over night trip alone with the kids. We went down to Southern Oregon to a little town called Sweet Home, to visit my friend Brenley's mom, who is also a friend. John's Internal Medicine rotation has not been too bad yet, but I might say different after this 12 continuous day stent he is working...oh well life goes on as you will see in our next blog! Love to all! Brothers Who love each other! Noah loves it when Deeken puts his head on his chest. He wanted me to take lots and lots of pictures of Deeken doing it. It doesn't look like carrots for Deeken's first actual baby food would have been his first choice. But we can still manage to get a smile. We love our Smiley guy. Our Little sweetie, this was yesterday morning after she had slept almost 16 hours! She had finally caught what her brothers have had, Conjunctivitis or eye boogers for us normal folk. I guess she thought it was still dark outside so she might as well keep sleeping. When I finally woke her up her eyes were sealed closed. She was very patient while I worked on them, and when I asked her if she was okay she just kept saying in a sweet, quiet voice, "Yes, Momma." How I love my little Girl. Hey mom there is a naked girl in my bed! Deeken was a little tired by the end of this day. He fell asleep on the floor while playing with this dinosaur.


Deeken's First Food

On Deeken's 6 month birthday we let him have his first go at cereal. First the undressing. Happy Anticipation! The Let Down Looking at brother for reassurance that there really is more than this. For tonight this is all. See, You can't keep a good man down! Hooray! He can finally eat something besides milk! The three amigos! I hope they always love and support each other this much.


Swim Lessons

The kids finished their first session of swim lessons yesterday. Although they started with a lot of excitement(Noah) and screaming(Micah) they were both sad to see them end.(For two weeks) Loves to Swim! This is a big accomplishment for him. If he used to get a sprinkle of water on his face, he would get very upset. Now he loves to dunk his head and wants to be timed to see how long he was under. Daddy says he is just like him, in the fact that John can't float alone very well on his back either. I didn't get any of the screaming pictures. BUBBLES! She might have been screaming here, but we couldn't hear anything. This was a HUGE acccomplishment for her. Over all we are very proud of our munchkins they did a great job! Hopefully them being able to swim a little themselves this summer will help mom at the pool.

Family Tub

Micah and Noah love it when Deeken gets in the tub with them. They fight over who gets to hold him first. This time however he was particularly squirmy and mom was glad she was around to have avoided a few drownings.

Deeken's Toes

Deeken Loves his toes. I was trying to get a picture of him sucking on them. When I catch him, you'll be the first to see.