I have been harassed enough about my "lack of blogging", so I will once again post a few things to try and update!
The Jensen family welcomed a new member to our family in August, it is a boy, with lots of curly brown hair and the girls (and Jonathan) just love him to pieces. His name is Bailey and he is a 6 year old cockapoo dog. He is a very good dog and has been a great addition to our family. This one is a keeper (I guess the 3rd dog is the charm, huh!?)
We had a good Halloween, other than it was pouring rain up at my mom's house. That didn't stop Alexis though, she wasn't going to let any of the free candy giving go to waste.We had new pictures taken of the girls and a few of our family and I love them! I know that I am a little biased but my girls are pretty stinkin' cute and my hubby isn't so bad either!
Jonathan has been away for the past 2 weeks in Australia on business (rough work life, huh!?) We miss him TONS and are counting down the days until he gets back home. But he has been working (a little) and seeing the sights (a lot). We love Jonathan, hurry home!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Okay FINE!
Posted by Jonathan and Michelle at 10:58 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
First Day of Kindergarten!
We just got home from dropping Alexis off for her first day of kindergarten! She is so excited to be at the school with the big kids, play on the big playground, and to go to school everyday! Here are a few pictures we took of her today. And maybe one of these days I might actually post a few other things on here since it's been so long!
Posted by Jonathan and Michelle at 12:49 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Catching up with the Jensen's
I know, I know...it's been a long time! I am going to try and do a quick catch up of what we have been up to.
Easter was a lot of fun this year. The Easter Bunny sent the girls on a hunt which ended up in our closet with their baskets. Elle scored with Elmo Live and Alexis got some new Littlest Pet Shop animals and her dream, a purple Light Saber.
One of our favorite family activities is to have "Family Movie Night". We lay out blankets and pillows on the floor, pop some popcorn, and go to the store to pick out everyone's favorite treats and drinks then enjoy a family movie, for as long as the kids will last! Here is a picture of the girls on one of our most recent movie nights.
We "dogsit" from time to time for Scooba and we always love being able to "rent" a good dog. The girls love dogs, but we are not ready to add a dog to our family just yet so instead we get to watch Scooba when her family goes on vacation. We get to enjoy playing and cuddling with a dog and then give it back. So....on Scooba's last trip to our house she was a good sport and let Alexis dress her up!
Alexis officially graduated from Preschool and is on her way to Kindergarten in the Fall. She learned so much and her teacher, Ms Heather is incredible! Alexis was named "Most Creative", she said that if there was a new or different way to do something Alexis would always figure it out. We are so proud of you Alexis!
I unfortunately didn't get any pictures of this, but about a month ago Alexis had her ear tubes put back in, and tonsils and adenoids removed. She was so brave, we were so proud of her. The recovery was a long one, lasted about 2 weeks with a whole lot of cuddling, sleeping, pain medication, and unfortunately a trip to the ER to rehydrate! She is finally back to her normal, active and talkative self and we are already seeing improvements in her daily life!
And last but not least, we made a trip to the zoo to kick off our summer! We were so excited that Grandma was able to go with us. Our favorites from the zoo was the giraffes, train ride, carousel, and of course the adorable baby elephant!
Posted by Jonathan and Michelle at 9:36 AM 5 comments
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Is 18 months old too young for a Nintendo DS?
Elle is obsessed with playing Alexis' DS. She is a very sweet and obedient girl until you tell her she can't play it and then she turns into some little girl I don't recognize.
Posted by Jonathan and Michelle at 9:28 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 19, 2010
Family Fun Day!
We are lucky to have Jonathan home with us every other Friday with a new work schedule that he has. So as often as we can we try and declare that Friday be, "Family Fun Day". So today we enjoyed lunch at Brick Oven and then we were off to the bowling alley!Alexis beat Jonathan 87 to 81, ouch Jonathan! (She took the print out to school for show and tell.)
Posted by Jonathan and Michelle at 1:30 PM 3 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
Celebrating Jonathan's birthday!
Happy birthday Jonathan! Since I am the bestest (yes it is a word) wife ever I surprised Jonathan with a weekend away for his birthday! My sister stayed with the girls and we were off to enjoy the beautiful Hyatt Hotel in Salt Lake.
I managed to keep this secret for about a month from Jonathan (which is by far a record for me!) When we dropped the kids off I took Alexis into the other room to explain that we would be gone for 2 nights and Jordan would be having a sleepover with them. I told her this was a secret for Daddy so to not say anything until after we left the house. We said goodbye to the girls and Alexis said, "Guess what Grandma? Jordan is having a sleepover at my house!" BUMMER! I was so close to successfully surprising him, but it made for a really good laugh!
Posted by Jonathan and Michelle at 1:41 PM 4 comments