Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More Pic's of the Half

Here are a few more pic's of the half marathon my soon to be sis-in-law emailed me.

Can you tell I was just a LITTLE excited to finally be done with the race?!!!

Here's my cute little family. I LOVE them so much! Thanks babe for supporting me!

Here's a picture of my brother after he finished the race. Jarod ran the race without training for it. He was in just a little pain;).

Update: Ryan, my brother-in-law Tim, and my father-in-law Jon have all committed to running the St George Half in November. We already booked a hotel, so they can't back out now. Good luck on the training guys!!! (I'm trying to be supportive:))

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Top of Utah Half Marathon

Last weekend, August 29, I did my first half marathon. I was really nervous, because up to that point the longest race I had run was a 10k. I used a half marathon training schedule I found on the Internet, and I felt I was as ready as I was going to be. All in all it went pretty well for my first big race. I lOvEd every second of it (almost)!!! It was so much fun, and I hope to do more of these races in the future. Parts of it were crappy, of course. The first 10 miles went by great, and I thought it would be so easy. Then I hit mile marker 11, and then I hit a wall. I had to walk for a minute, and only got myself going again by promising myself that I would never have to run another day in my life!!! I was serious, too. Then I hit mile marker 12, and it got better from there. The finish line came into view, and I knew I was going to make it. Next, I got passed by a grandma, and she must have been truckin' it. I finished, and I thought, oh crap, someone older than my parents beat me!!! Nooo! On the way home, though, Ryan showed me this pic that he took right before I crossed the finish line, and Grandma is behind me. At some point (hazy in my quest not to pass out) I PASSED her again! Hooray! I felt much better about the race at that point. I promise in the picture above I am not raising my arms in victory, though it definitely looks like it. I was just trying to yank my ipod out of my ears. My final race time was 2 hrs and 9 seconds, so about 9 min 10 second miles. It put me in the top 25% of my age group. Not too bad for my first half. Next time I am hoping for well under 2 hours!

My friend Tiffany did the race with me as well. It was so much fun to have a buddy, even though we didn't end up running by each other. Friends from my ward did it as well (Miranda, Brooke, and Phil). My brother Jarod did the race as well, without ANY training. I thought he was crazy, and he was sure he was crazy when he could barely walk from Saturday to Wednesday. He still finished in 2 hrs 26 min, so not too bad! Good job guys. My bro's fiance Jessica took more pic's at the finish line, and I'll post them when I get them. The one above was from Ryan's camera phone, because he forgot our camera (men!).