Saturday, August 23, 2008


My favorite thing in the world is to watch Jaxon and Beckham together. I just hope that Jax will always love Beckham as much as he does now. No matter what we are doing, Jax is always snuggling up to Beckham. I love it! He always tells me Beckham is his best friend and how much he loves him. Becks seems to like Jax a lot too, he's always smiling at him.

Also, I am happy to report that Beckham is laughing! The cutest sound in the world. His first laugh was at my mom, in front of their house on Tuesday, 8/19/08. He is starting to love her so much:). This week Jax was yelling to me to come and see him and Beckham. I had bathed and dressed Beckham then ran to do something and left Beckham on the floor in my room. When I came in Jax was laying next to Beckham with his arm around him saying, "See Mom? Beckham loves me. We're snuggling."
Another night this week, Jax snuggled up to Beckham in my bed. They lay like this forever watching cartoons. I couldn't help but take pictures, especially when Jax starting kissing Beckham (below).

Who needs a Mr. Potato Head when his parts seem to fit so well on your little brother?!

  • Me: "Jax, I love you. Jaxon's response: "Mom, I love Beckham."
  • Yesterday, Jax said, "Mom, I love Beckham. Can we keep him?"
  • Last week, I told Jax to stop throwing a toy. His response: "Mom, I can do what I want, it's my house!" Oh, really?!
  • This week we were getting in our car in the garage when I told Jax to wait by his door while I put Beckham in on the other side. By the time I got Beckham in and went to the other side to put Jax in, he was nowhere to be found. I spotted him running as fast as he could down the sidewalk a few doors down. When I finally caught up to him and told him he couldn't just run away by himself, he said, "Mom, I was just going to Kambri's house." As if it's okay for a two year old to walk the neighborhood to his friend's house!
  • Last Sunday we went to a bbq at Ryan's uncles house, and there were stray kittens in the backyard. Jax fell in love with them. On the way home, he told Ryan, "Dad, I don't like that dog (our dog, his best friend Maddie, who at this point he wouldn't even call by her name) anymore. I need a kitty." He still hasn't let go of this idea. Today he told me that we need to call the dog catcher to come and get our dog because he needs a kitty.
  • Last night Jax kept making me hold his hand and walk around the house. He kept saying, "Let's hold hands like you're a girl and I'm a boy." I think he meant like a girlfriend and boyfriend. He's not even three, how does he know about that stuff?!

Well, I better get off the computer since Jax just came to get me because he spilled his potty. Isn't the life of a mommy glamorous?!

The Car Show

Today we went to the car show at Fort Buenaventura. My Grandpa Larry was showing his car, so the boys and I went with my grandma to support him (Ry was at a golf tourney). Jax absolutely loved it, with all the cars to look at and a train to ride. There were some pretty interesting characters there, so the people watching was top-notch as well:). Too bad I didn't get any pictures of my favorite people watching specimens...Here are my grandpa and grandma sitting by their car. It's a 1951 something...I'm not that into cars so I can't remember. It's pretty though;).
Jax riding the so-called train. I couldn't get him to stop blowing his train whistle long enough to smile.
Here's Beckham and me waiting for Jax while he was on the train. Where's his other shoe?!
Grandpa Larry took Jax for a ride in his cool car. Of course Jax was loving it.
Who knew Fort Buenaventura was so pretty. I'm not so great at taking pictures so I didn't really do it justice, but it really is beautiful there.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

How Cool Is This?! Wish I had one...

A friend sent this email to me. Enjoy:)

True Redneck Tank Top!!!!

This was taken in front of the Gardendale, Alabama , Walmart while she was going to the Flea market.This is hysterical! Look at it closely.

Now I ask you...Who sits and looks at a pair of men's briefs and says hmmmm...I can make a nice summer top from these!! On the other hand...$6 for a three pack is a good price!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Beckham's 2 Month Appointment

I forgot to post Beckham's stats for his 2 month appointment. Here goes:

Height: 24 inches (80%)
Weight: 12 lbs 3 oz (55%)
Head Circ: I forgot the exact size but it was 50%

***I know most of you don't care:), but this is my makeshift journal and I'll forget it unless I post it.


We went to our ward camp out Friday night at Camp Atoka. Jax and Ryan were sitting around the campfire with a TON of people from our ward. Ryan wasn't paying attention to Jax next to him until Trent from our ward said, "Good one" and everyone started cracking up laughing. Ryan looked over at Jax and saw that he had dropped his pants, underwear and all. He was PEEING in front of everyone from our ward right by the campfire! Typical boy I guess. He figured it was as good a place as any. Better than going potty in his pants I guess:).

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Beckham's Blessing 08/03/08

Last Sunday, Aug 3, 2008, we blessed Beckham. Ryan gave such a beautiful blessing, so many things in store for Beckham's future! Beckham was so quiet through the whole blessing, he didn't even cry. I am so grateful for a hubby who lives worthy and is able to bless our children, among other things. It was such a great day. After the blessing we had our family and a few friends over and bbq'd hamburgers and hot dogs. Thank you everyone for your support! Most of our grandparents are in this picture, so it's precious.

Funny poses, but they show his blessing outfit. Streeetch!

***Aunt Bonnie tagged me to list six words to describe my life. Here goes:
  2. Happy
  3. Change
  4. Funny
  5. Love
  6. Crazy

I tag anyone who wants to play:)