Charleston, S.C.
We finished out the summer in Charleston S.C. and absolutely loved it there! It was by far one of our favorite places that we've lived so far. We ate lots of fresh seafood, enjoyed countless mornings at the beach, visited lots of civil war sites and had fun shopping in the unique shops of the charming downtown Charleston. (oh the antiques!) The historical architecture was beautiful! I think we probably spent one too many Sunday afternoons downtown for Kyles taste, but he was a good sport about letting me soak it all in, again and again.
Folly Beach

Morris Island Lighthouse
Patriots Point- USS Yorktown
Waterfront Park

Magnolia Cemetery
Angel Oak Tree
My parents came down to visit the last week we were there. It was a fun way to end the summer. Ellie was so excited to see them. It was then that I surprised my parents with my prego belly! Yep that's right. We are expecting again! I'm due December 3oth! and it's a girl! (I'll do a separate post later with prego shots and ultra sound pics.)
Cute Cupcake Shop Downtown
Marion Square
Lake Powell
The week after we got back from South Carolina we headed to Lake Powell with my family. It was so nice for Kyle to be able to have some fun after a long summer of hard work. Could there be a better place? Thanks again Dad!
After Powell we headed to Idaho to see the Fransens, then back to Utah for a Park City Anniversary getaway. Then last but not least we headed to Idaho once again for Potato Harvest (I'll post some pics in a separate post)! It's been a crazy but fun month for us, but I would have to say we are excited to be home and put our suitcases away: )