Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Starting again!

So I have had several people tell me that blogging is good for
new mothers! Well as some of you know I don't like being on the computer very much.. I hardly ever comment on anything (mostly cuz I don't know how, or it takes to long) but I do love to look at every ones blogs, facebook, and other things to see what everyone is up to!!
Well I am a new mom and am home all the time! This is very different for me, I have had a job since my first paper route when I was 12 (I think)! That is usually what I have spent my time doing, in my spare time I would read many books a month. Now if I were to read all the time I would feel lazy for some reason. I have not been crafty in the past, I never had the time to be. So now that I have all this time I feel like I need to be crafty, blog (so I can keep a record of our lives) and do other mom things :) so here goes my first blog post since 2009!!

Sam and I got married in 2008, and we always knew we wanted kids but didn't want them right away. I for one love traveling and vacations, and I love my husband and wanted to spend as much time together as possible before we had kids.. I am a little selfish when it comes to time. Sam knows when ever he asks what I want for Birthday, Anniversary, Valentines, pretty much any occasion my answer will be "a fun date", "vacation" or something practical.
Well anyway those are some reasons why we did not have kids right away. So when we decided to we were pretty nervous and excited!! So the week before Christmas of 2010 I was feeling weird so I took a test and it was positive, so I took more and they were all positive!! ~PERFECT~ I was so excited so I went out and bought a what to expect when expecting book wrapped it up and hid it under the Christmas tree! So this was the hardest thing to keep the secret from Sam for a full week! Christmas morning I was so excited I had the camera all ready... we opened all the presents and then Sam saw the last one (we usually don't have that many
surprises since we go shopping together) he thought it was gonna be a video game and then I would bring out the gaming system haha ya right!! So he ripped it open, starred at it for a
second then got really excited!! it was so fun to have this surprise for Christmas that we had to tell the rest of our families. So we hurried and put together 2 more cards and wrapped them up.. Both of our families were so happy and excited. In fact 2 of my sister in laws were pregnant so we took pictures of the different stages.
So the next week I called to make an appointment with the doctor and I happen to start spotting at the same time. I asked the nurse if this was normal, she told me it can be and but if these certain things start happening to come in or go to the emergency room cuz they would be closed that weekend. So later in the week I was getting ready for work and started cramping really bad. I didn't want to think what could be happening, I just thought that's how pregnancy was. But
when they didn't go away and I couldn't move I called work and had them move all my
appointments. Since I wasn't far enough along the doctor could not do an ultrasound so I had to get my blood drawn and then in 2 days do it again so they could test the levels of hormones to
see if they were going up or down. I HATE getting my blood drawn!! So on top of all the pregnancy hormones and that it was horrible. So Friday (new years eve) we would get the results back. Well in between that my beautiful niece Elsie was born. Which was hard to know how to feel. I didn't want to go and see her because I knew that I would be emotional and we hadn't told Sam's family yet because we didn't want to take away from Elsie. It was just a very hard and bad timing.

Also my lovely little sister was getting married the next week, so she was going through the temple Friday morning which I really wanted to go to. So I prayed really hard that night that I would feel good enough to go. We got up and I felt great. So we headed to the temple, got there early and went up to the chapel. Well when we walked in they asked if we were there for someone, "yes, Emily Anderson at such and such time", "Oh I'm sorry our sessions don't start at that time, and I don't see an Anderson on here". I instantly started bawling. We had gone to the wrong temple! She was at the Bountiful Temple not Ogden.. So we left and went to the Bountiful Temple and waited for them to come out. We went to breakfast after and I felt much better but could not believe that had happened.

So that night we called the hospital and the results were not good, the hormone levels had dropped drastically. Therefore I had had a miscarriage. We called and let our families know and everyone was so supportive. Lichelle and Trent, and Emily and Brady came over with bottled soda so we could drink our sorrows away :)! Even though this was a horrible thing to go through it brought Sam and I closer together since we had to lean on each other for comfort!! I never want to experience that again or wish anyone to go through that, I would never wish it to happen any other way.
So what to do now? Plan a trip!!! That's exactly what we did. I love the Harry Potter series, books and movies. I have probably read them all at least 5 times and seen the movies much more then that. So where to go? The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios of course!! We planned to go there for 2 days and then go on a 7 day Caribbean cruise with my brother and his wife, Sean and Makenna. Sean was graduating medical school and this would be his present. Pictures of this will be on my next blog post! This is alot for one post but its got me started and enjoying it! Thanks for reading and hopefully I will keep doing this!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sam's Birthday!

We celebrated Sam's 24Th birthday in Portland with all the office. I made him a great dinner Lasagna, fruit salad, and green salad. We were stuffed.

I asked him what kind of cake he wanted and he said ice cream cake. So i got online and found this fun recipe for ice cream sandwich cake. All you do is a layer of ice cream sandwiches then some whipped topping with smashed oreos. another layer of sandwiches and then the whipped topping again. then we sprinkled broken up snickers cuz they are Sam's favorite. It turned out really good though.

You might be wondering why we have 2 cakes? Well this is what happened. Since i had never made this cake before i didn't know how big it was going to be and how good. So Jordan called to ask if we were going to have cake and ice cream. and we told him for sure the ice cream but probably not the cake. So the nice guy he is, he made Sam an awesome cake with 24 candles on it:) and we had to use lids to food containers for plates but they worked surprisingly well..

It was a really fun day Sam got new clothes, a tennis racket, a amazon gift card.... It was great thanks everyone for making his day!

Our trip home to Utah

So we looked and looked for deals on flights and someone told us about the southwest "Ding". Which is really useful. You sign up for it and every time you get on the computer and there is a deal out for southwest it gives you a little ding, and up pops the list of deals. So we found a deal for right after the 4Th of July which we thought would be prefect since everyone would be done traveling from the holiday and it wouldn't be packed. Our flight to leave Portland was at 6:45 am on a wed morning. So we figured we would be fine leaving our house at 5:45 getting there a little before 6. Well we were wrong! The line to check luggage was huge only for southwest of course since they have stellar deals out. But we finally got threw it with 20 min to spare so we hurry to find our terminal but forgot about security... I don't know if Portland's airport is always slow or what but that took forever too. so we are going threw security and of course Sam forgot to lay the laptop down so they had to run it again, then we check where we are supposed to be and start speed walking. We are about halfway there and this lady yells at us are you going to salt lake? if you are you better run cuz we are shutting the gates. So we take off running and get there at 6:44 just in time for take off... I am never going to get to the airport with less then an hour before the flight again!

So we get off the plane and we get to see cute Elli and Lichelle waiting for us waving the welcome home sign for us! So fun. We got to do so many fun things. Play with Brad and Sean.. Brendans birthday party. A party for Sam with all our friends. Lagoon twice, once with Andersons and once with Thackers. Girls day where we gave each other pedicures and face masks. We got to go boating on Papas boat, then break Papas boat(not so fun, and hopefully we can fix it or get a new one!). Play fun games and go on hikes. Go swimming in the Murdocks pool. And we also got to sleep over at everybodys house's. I didn't get to many pictures but here are a few. It really was a sweet trip! Thanks to all of our wonderful families:)

And just so you all know this is how the flight home went. We got there with just over an hour to spare and of course it was completely dead. Got threw checking in about 2 min and then security maybe 5 so we had a long nap before the flight. It always goes like that! I for sure take being early and have to wait over running and stressing and almost missing our flight!

Friday, August 7, 2009

4th of July and fireworks in Portland

The 4th was so fun we went to a park and played volleyball and ate subway all day long. Then we headed down to the waterfront to see the fireworks. We sat and played games while we waited for it to get dark.

I could not believe how many people were there they lined the bridges and all the waterfront.They shoot the fireworks off this huge boat in the river. We had to stand just to be able to see over all the people. Its crazy all the different people who live here. Even though we were away from our family it still turned out to be a pretty good day!

Our Oregon Coast Trip

So we decided to take a trip out to the beach to escape the heat the day before the 4th of July. It was the best day to go but everyone else had the same idea. The drive usually takes about an hour and a half but with everyone trying to get there or go camping it took us about two and a half hours. It was a fun ride with Sam, Blake, and I jam'n out to U2 :) We finally got there and it was beautiful.

This is a a rock pool that everyone can go look in for little creatures that might be swimming around in there. Then the huge rock has been known to have The Puffin bird. I can't remember the technical name for them.

We went on the perfect day, everyone had told us to make sure we brought a jacket and long pants because it is always colder at the coast. We wore our swimsuits and were just fine, no wind and sunlight made it a great day.

Sam and Jeff played baseball while Brenda and I went sightseeing on the beach.

We played a good three or four hours of sand volleyball! It was really fun but we were all feeling it the next day.

Friday, June 26, 2009

So there are 8 of us up here in Portland selling food storage, and we have nights off so what do we do with all that time? We play games!!! This isn't the whole group. We play all different games from "The Great Dalmooty" (I have no idea how to spell that. It is also known as scum) to "Cranium". It is really allot of fun. We always end up staying way to late so we can play just one more round!

This is Jeff and Brenda. They are from LA and Washington. But will be going to BYU next semester. We have quickly become friends. They have the same couch's as we do if you didn't notice and basically everything else. Just allot nicer TV :) They were out one day and drove by a huge garage sell. So they stopped to check it out and hit the jack pot! They got this game of "Life" really cheap, also some movies. The best part is what they got us though.

They got us this wonderful microwave! For only 5 dollars!!!! Thank you so much you guys its so great not to wait for 20 min to warm up leftovers! We only brought up one car so we didn't have much room for big things. We also didn't really even have a microwave we just used the Stokers. Now we have one! YAY!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Portland Japanese Garden

This is the view from up on the hill where the Japanese Garden is located!

The Flat Garden.
We were taking cool pics like this, then we looked up and saw all these people looking at us and decided it probably was not such a good idea. People might have gotten the wrong idea maybe thinking we were making fun of it or something!

Heavenly Falls.
We got some good ideas about what we are going to put in our yard eventually when we get one! its going to be sweet and very calming and tranquil.

We thought this was going to be a way good pic but my eyes are closed:)

Natural Garden.
We started with the tour but that lasted about 3 min due to Sams LARGE attention span.. We then ventured off on our own.