Friday, February 26, 2010


I had another ultrasound today and they confirmed that he is still a boy. I am 26 wks 3 days, but I measured to be 28 wks 1 day. My doctor was definitely ok with inducing me a week or so early depending on how big he gets. I'll probably have another ultrasound around week 37 or 38. I would not mind one bit having this baby early.

These two are from my ultrasound in Utah of an arm bent at the elbow above and a leg bent at the knee and his spine below.

This is his face and a profile of his face taken today.

I still really need some more ideas for boy names!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hayden is 2!

I thought it would be fun to look back on the couple years Hayden has been around. He turned 2 on January 24. We sure love this crazy, handsome, and fun little trouble-maker.

Here's Hayden at the hospital as just a brand new little guy.

3 months when we had pictures done.

I wanted to throw one in of Kari. She has really grown up too!

Here he is at 1 year, what a stud!

I just took this picture a couple days ago. We get bored a lot, so I usually make the kids pose for pictures.

Hayden got to have parties in 2 states this year. Out here in Texas we got to have my sister's family (Kristen, Mikey, & Tessa) come up from Marble Falls (near San Antonio), and Buck's brother's family (Stanton, Amy, Elise & Kalei) come from up the street. We are so lucky!

Kristen & Mikey

Hayden opening his presents.

The adults entertaining themselves with a little Mario Kart.

Kari, Kalei, & Elise.

Hayden just loved being with his buddy Mikey.

He also got his party in Utah which was my family and Buck's family all together. Thanks for the support!

Blowing out candles. I think he got some help from his cousins and sister.

Mostly Buck's family, but all that we could fit in a picture. We sure miss hanging out with those we are used to seeing in Utah.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Potty Training

Hayden went pee-pee in the potty for the first time February 2. He is training even before Kari did! Woo hoo!

This was his first time. Doesn't he look proud!

The next night I went out and bought him a potty seat. He decided to experiment with it first on his head where it quickly got stuck.

Daddy helped him lift it off after we took some pictures. He hasn't tried that again since, which is a really good thing since it is no longer new. I'm pretty sure he is undressed because he had just had pudding and was changing into jammies.

He has been doing really well with the whole pee-pee in the potty. We haven't any attempts at #2. He keeps his diaper dry if we are diligent at taking him every couple hours. He does tell us every once in a while when he needs to go. Hopefully he can be trained before the baby comes so I don't have 2 in diapers.

I took this picture this morning. Buck's motorcycle is sitting out in the snow. I can't believe this weather. This is the second time it has snowed since we moved. I didn't sign up for this when I said I would move to Texas!

Picture Day

The other day, we pulled out the camera and decided to take some fun pictures. Please just enjoy!

We let the kids look at books for 1/2 an hour before bed. I went in to tuck them in the other night and they had both fallen asleep on Kari's bed. It was so cute!

Goof balls!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Scared to death!

The scariest thing happened to us the other night. Kari came in our room around 4 am and said she had to go potty. I took her, and put her back to bed. She came back in about 45 minutes later complaining her head hurt so I let her sleep with us. About an hour later I heard this girgling sound from her, so I sat her up. She threw up a bunch of yucky mucus. I asked her if she was ok and she didn't answer. I got Buck and he turned on the light and cleaned up the mess. All the while I would ask Kari, how do you feel? Can you say mommy? Can you say daddy? She would not respond. She was also limp this whole time just leaning on me. Then Buck picked her up and said, who am I? No answer and she wouldn't focus on anything. She didn't even respond when the light was turned on. I could ask her is that daddy? She would nod her head but that was it. We were so scared, she was limp and non-responsive for about 5 minutes. Buck gave her back to me and I let her lay down. She closed her eyes and about a minute later she woke up and threw up again. This time she was responsive and could focus. I was glad but still so scared. Luckily Kristen and Mikey had arrived around 11:30 last night and could help. Buck got Mikey and together they gave her a blessing. I felt much better after that, but I couldn't go back to sleep, I had to keep an eye on her.

Anyway, we assume that she was just still asleep through all of that with her eyes wide open. That was definitely one of my scariest moments as a mom! All is well, and nothing like that has happened since. That was early Saturday morning. We just love our little girl and don't want anything to ever happen to her. We love Hayden too!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Dealey Plaza

We have already gotten to do some traveling. We visited my dad & Mary down by Dallas last weekend. We were lucky enough to get to go to Dealey Plaza/ 6th Floor Museum. For those like me that don't know what that is, it is the site where John F. Kennedy was shot.
This is the bookstore (on the left) where Lee Harvey Oswald was set up for his shot. He was on the 6th floor at the window on the far right.

This is the spot where Kennedy received the kill shot. There are many theories as to who really shot him and what exactly happened. It was really interesting to see the videos and evidence supporting different theories in the museum.

This is part of the Grassy Knoll. Thanks dad for a great day, and thanks to Mary for watching our kiddos.