The scariest thing happened to us the other night. Kari came in our room around 4 am and said she had to go potty. I took her, and put her back to bed. She came back in about 45 minutes later complaining her head hurt so I let her sleep with us. About an hour later I heard this girgling sound from her, so I sat her up. She threw up a bunch of yucky mucus. I asked her if she was ok and she didn't answer. I got Buck and he turned on the light and cleaned up the mess. All the while I would ask Kari, how do you feel? Can you say mommy? Can you say daddy? She would not respond. She was also limp this whole time just leaning on me. Then Buck picked her up and said, who am I? No answer and she wouldn't focus on anything. She didn't even respond when the light was turned on. I could ask her is that daddy? She would nod her head but that was it. We were so scared, she was limp and non-responsive for about 5 minutes. Buck gave her back to me and I let her lay down. She closed her eyes and about a minute later she woke up and threw up again. This time she was responsive and could focus. I was glad but still so scared. Luckily Kristen and Mikey had arrived around 11:30 last night and could help. Buck got Mikey and together they gave her a blessing. I felt much better after that, but I couldn't go back to sleep, I had to keep an eye on her.
Anyway, we assume that she was just still asleep through all of that with her eyes wide open. That was definitely one of my scariest moments as a mom! All is well, and nothing like that has happened since. That was early Saturday morning. We just love our little girl and don't want anything to ever happen to her. We love Hayden too!